How to Calculate and Interpret Your Astrological Birth Chart (2024)

How to Calculate and Interpret Your Astrological Birth Chart (1)

How to Calculate and Interpret Your Astrological Birth Chart (2)

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By Aliza Kelly, astrologer and Cut contributor. With over ten years of experience working in astrology, she has written four books about astrology and mysticism; her most recent is titled, There Are No Coincidences: A Manifestation Deck & Guidebook. She publishes the weekly Substack, The Practice, and is a recurring guest on The Drew Barrymore Show.

How to Calculate and Interpret Your Astrological Birth Chart (5)

Photo-Illustration: by Preeti Kinha; Photos: Getty Images

When it comes to astrology, horoscopes are only the tip of the iceberg, my friends. Astrology is much more complex — and can be so much more personal. If you’ve been ready for a less generalized approach to the stars and want to go deeper, it’s time to learn about your astrological birth chart. Also referred to as the “natal chart,” this map of the stars uses the exact date, time, and location of your birth to re-create a snapshot of the sky at your precise moment of arrival.

And it’s hyperspecific to you.

Within the folds of this circular map, you’ll find all the planets and celestial objects tracked in astrology, along with the zodiac signs they were occupying — and these locations in the sky at the exact moment of your birth can provide you with personalized insight into your career, love life, friendships, and so much more. Feeling overwhelmed? Fear not! Take my hand; let me walk you through the fundamentals of the birth chart.

First, where do I even find my birth chart?

Back in the day, the only way to calculate a birth chart was by hand, using a protractor and a table known as an ephemeris. Thankfully, we have astrology software now, making it possible to calculate a complete birth chart in less than a second. To that end, TimePassages is my favorite app (available on both iOS and Android) for rendering birth charts, along with the website

To pull up a birth chart, whether it be yours or someone else’s, you’ll need the date, time, and location of birth. But keep in mind that the birth chart is an extremely sensitive diagram that requires accurate and precise data. In fact, the birth chart changes every four minutes (more on that later), which is why it’s critical to have an exact time of birth — approximates or estimates can (and will) skew the results. So when in doubt, it’s best to verify the information with a birth certificate, baby book, or parent before calculating.

Seeing your birth chart for the first time can be intimidating. Because it’s filled with unfamiliar symbols, strange numbers, and a whole complicated assortment of shapes and lines, making sense of a birth chart can feel like deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. And, in a way, it sort of is: Astrology is a complex visual language that’s been around for thousands of years. Accordingly, it requires practice (and patience) to understand this intricate symbolic diagram.

Wait, what if I can’t get my exact birth-time data?

While it may seem like a bit much to reach out to the hospital records department, it’s usually a pretty straightforward process. (That’s what archives are for!) Otherwise, sometimes fabled birth-story details can be helpful in narrowing down a window of birth (for example, if a parent remembers “you were born early in the morning” or “I was hungry for dinner”).

If you simply can’t access your time of arrival, you’re not totally out of luck. You can set your time of birth to sunrise on the day you were born. While you won’t be able to determine your ascendant or any of the houses within your birth chart since that’s structured around your exact moment of birth, you will be able to see what signs the other planets are occupying and how those planets relate to one another through aspects (more on that later).

Keep in mind, however, that if you were born on the day a planet changes zodiac signs (for example, the day the moon transitions from Libra into Scorpio), there will be ambiguity surrounding those celestial bodies. In these cases, you may want to work with a professional astrologer on a chart rectification — a bespoke process in which astrologers reverse engineer your birth chart based on notable life experiences.

Okay, now what are all these symbols on my birth chart, and what do they mean?

Every planet and celestial body measured in astrology has a symbol (also referred to as a “glyph”), along with each of the 12 zodiac signs. Taking that a step further, every planet sits within a zodiac sign, so — in a birth chart — different symbols are often stacked next to each other. Phew.

Don’t worry. Let’s break it down.

The Planets

Every planet and celestial object with astrological relevance has a glyph. In your birth chart, the position of these planets (in other words, which house the planets occupy) reveals how (and where) their energy appears in your life. Think of the planets as character archetypes, each tasked with playing a specific role in our lives. Below are keywords associated with each planet, along with how to identify their symbol.

  • The sun (circle with dot in middle): Identity, purpose, ego
  • The moon (crescent moon): Emotions, innerworld, security
  • Mercury (circle with two “horns” and cross underneath): Communication, expression, the mind
  • Venus (circle with cross underneath): Values, taste, sensuality
  • Mars (circle with arrow pointing diagonally): Motivation, action, sexuality
  • Jupiter (curvy number 4): Expansion, abundance, luck
  • Saturn (curvy lowercase letter h): Responsibilities, lessons, maturity
  • Uranus (curvy uppercase letter H with circle underneath): Innovation, rebellion, eccentricity
  • Neptune (trident): Spirituality, dreams, illusions
  • Pluto (circle framed by two arms and cross underneath): Transformation, metamorphosis, rebirth

The Signs

If the planets are characters, the zodiac signs are personalities. For instance, if Venus (the planet of love, money, and values) is the character that is all about romance, Venus in the airy zodiac sign of Gemini will express itself through curiosity, communication, and play. Alternatively, if Venus is in mysterious Scorpio, it will express its romantic sensibilities in Scorpionic ways — through intensity, power, and depth. Locate keywords for each sign below, along with their symbols.

  • Aries (letter V with curved top): Bravery, passion, spontaneity
  • Taurus (circle with two horns): Loyalty, commitment, practicality
  • Gemini (roman numeral 2): Curiosity, communication, play
  • Cancer (horizontal 69): Sensitivity, protection, creativity
  • Leo (circle with curly tail): Performance, courage, pride
  • Virgo (letter M with curly tail): Organization, structure, pragmatism
  • Libra (half circle with arms and line underneath): Balance, harmony, justice
  • Scorpio (letter M with pointed tail): Intensity, power, depth
  • Sagittarius (arrow pointing diagonally): Adventure, exploration, discovery
  • Capricorn (curvy letter G): Ambition, responsibility, success
  • Aquarius (two zig-zag lines): Innovation, rebellion, activism
  • Pisces (curvy letter H): Imagination, psychic powers, mysticism

Other Points to Know

  • North Node (horseshoe facing up): Destiny, future life, karmic calling
  • South Node (horseshoe facing down): Challenges, past life, karmic lessons
  • Black Moon Lilith (crescent moon with cross underneath): Shadow self, repressed desires, primal energy
  • Chiron (upside-down key): Deepest wounds, core pain, healing potential
  • Pallas (diamond with cross underneath): Wisdom, strategy, creative intelligence
  • Vesta (flame within a V): Sacred duty, spirituality, devotion, inner focus
  • Ceres (sickles with cross underneath): Nurturing, motherhood, health, fertility
  • Juno (asterisk with cross underneath): Marriage, partnerships, commitment
  • Part of Fortune (circle with a cross inside): Abundance, success, joy, well-being

What are the sections of a birth chart?

You may notice that the chart is divided into different sections — 12, to be exact. These pie slices are referred to as “houses.” Avoid the common misstep of conflating houses with zodiac signs (yes, there are 12, but it’s not the same thing). The houses are a visual expression of Earth’s 24-hour rotation around its axis, which means that each house spans approximately two hours of time.

Each astrological house represents a different area of your life. We start counting the houses at the ascendant, which is located at the nine o’clock position in your birth chart. From there, we move counterclockwise around the wheel, and the houses gradually transition from personal and tangible to interpersonal and abstract. Below are a few keywords for each house to help you familiarize yourself with the regions of the birth chart.

  • First House: Self, identity, physical appearance
  • Second House: Material possessions, money, values
  • Third House: Peers, communication, siblings
  • Fourth House: Home, family, origins
  • Fifth House: Creativity, romance, children
  • Sixth House: Health, wellness, routines
  • Seventh House: Partnership, contracts, marriage
  • Eighth House: Inheritances, sex, transformation
  • Ninth House: Philosophy, travel, higher education
  • Tenth House: Career, legacy, reputation
  • Eleventh House: Activism, technology, humanitarianism
  • Twelfth House: Intuition, secrets, spirituality

Note that some houses in your birth chart will have “things” inside of them (in just a moment, we’ll identify those “things” as planets), and other houses will not. If you don’t have a planet in a house, it does not mean that the keywords of that house won’t appear in your life. In fact, every house plays a vital role in our birth chart regardless of whether a planet occupies that domain. So if your fifth house of creativity or seventh house of partnership is “empty,” it doesn’t mean that you’re artistically stifled or destined to be alone forever. Don’t panic!

How do I put it all together?

When reading a birth chart, start at a point known as the ascendant (also known as the rising sign). Quite literally, the ascendant refers to the zodiac sign ascending over the eastern horizon at your exact moment of birth. Although the visual location of the ascendant will vary based on astrology software, it’s usually located on or around the nine o’clock position and may be symbolized by a circle with a horizontal line in the middle.

The ascendant represents your perception of reality, along with the recurring patterns, themes, and cycles you encounter throughout your life. This placement establishes the architecture for your entire birth chart. After you’ve successfully identified your ascendant, you’ll begin to scan the chart counterclockwise, moving down and around the circle.

With a basic understanding of houses, planets, and zodiac signs, you’ll be able to start analyzing the birth chart. Once you get the hang of it, the formula for interpretation is pretty simple:

Planet = character
Sign = personality
House = area of life

Planet + sign + house = interpretation

In other words, what is a planet doing, how is it doing it, and in which area of life is it showing up? For example, Mars in Virgo in the third house will be motivated (Mars) through structure (Virgo) through its interpersonal relationships (third house), while the moon in Sagittarius in the 12th house will process its emotions (the Moon) through discovering (Sagittarius) its psychic abilities (12th house).

From there, you’ll be able to get into more complex topics such as aspects, which explores how the planets relate to each other. Say, for instance, your sun (identity) in Libra (diplomacy) in the fourth house (home and family) is at odds with Saturn (discipline) in Aries (autonomy) in the tenth house (career and legacy) — that would create notable tension within the birth chart. Alternatively, planets can also work together harmoniously: Mercury (communication) in Pisces (intuition) in the ninth house (travel and exploration) would be pleasantly supported by Jupiter (expansion) in Cancer (sensitivities) in the first house of personality identity.

There’s a lot to unpack when it comes to your birth chart. My advice? Take your time! Go slow! Your ability to create strong astrological interpretations will be strengthened the more you practice, so don’t be afraid to experiment with narratives and bold observations! Virtual communities like the Constellation Club, run by yours truly, are great resources as well, since it’s helpful to get feedback on your interpretations (especially when you’re just starting out).

But, perhaps most importantly, remember to go at your own pace. One of the mystical axioms I say often is “You will know what you need to know when you need to know it.” And that, of course, includes all things astrology. You will understand as soon as you are meant to … and not a second too late. Trust the process.

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A Guide to Interpreting Your Astrological Birth Chart

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How to Calculate and Interpret Your Astrological Birth Chart (2024)


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When reading a birth chart, start at a point known as the ascendant (also known as the rising sign). Quite literally, the ascendant refers to the zodiac sign ascending over the eastern horizon at your exact moment of birth.

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All you need to know is the date, exact time, and place of birth. Won points to websites such as that can give you your chart for free when you put in all that info. You can also download apps such as Co-star, Reha, or Sanctuary that will not only give you your birth chart but also explain each component.

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In order to read an astrology chart accurately, you will need to take into consideration where the planets appear. What house do they appear in and under which sign? This will give you insight into your personality and life path. Planets represent what you do, that is, what you enjoy and what drives you.

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Check your birth chart and see which planet is in your 2nd house. If it's Jupiter, you're in luck. Jupiter is known as the planet of expansion and good fortune, and since the 2nd house represents finances and possessions, this placement suggests a natural knack for attracting wealth your way, says Wang.

Can you read your own birth chart? ›

Your birth chart may appear overwhelming at first glance due to the use of symbols to represent planets and signs. However, there is an easy way to understand the meaning of everything. With some practice, even a novice can become an expert by analyzing their birth chart and comprehending the symbols in the diagram.

What can your birth chart tell you? ›

These questions are fundamental to learning the basics of reading your birth chart, which reveals the location of the planets in the sky at the time of your birth. An analysis of this chart, also called a natal chart, can provide deep insight into your personality, motivations, and desires.

How do I read my house in birth chart? ›

When you read your houses, you'll start there and go counterclockwise. Each house is thought to represent certain traits and themes in your life. The first 6 houses are personal traits, while the last 6 deal with how you interact with others.

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Believing in the power and authority of astrology goes directly against biblical wisdom and Scripture clearly states that chasing after false gods is a sin (Matthew 24:24, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Exodus 20:3). There is no biblical evidence that God has given authority to the stars or astrologists.

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Taken all together, your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs are often called your “Big Three.” Each of these signs plays a v. important role in your birth chart, and each describes a different part of your personality and life story.

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Synastry involves comparing two birth charts by laying one chart over the other. Professional astrologers commonly use synastry charts to calculate compatibility between two people.

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Each sign begins at 0 degrees and grows to 29 degrees going counterclockwise. Every time you hit 30, a new sign begins. Signs can also be split into 3 decans, or sections that are 10 degrees wide. 0-9 degrees of a sign is the 1st decan, 10-19 degrees is the 2nd, and 20-29 degrees is the 3rd.

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Lucky Astrology Placements

A well-placed Jupiter and Venus in a birth chart can bring money or wealth to an individual. Jupiter in the second house is often lucky in matters of money, wealth, and personal possessions. Jupiter in the eighth house is likely to inherit money.

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The Grand Cross, or Grand Square, is one of the rarest natal chart aspects in astrology. A Grand Cross happens when there are four personal planets separated by 90 degrees on the birth chart, forming a square shape and cross in the birth chart.

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Hindu astrology considers the 2nd house as the house of accumulated wealth, and the 11th as the house of gains, these lords associated with the lords of the 5th and 9th give rise to formidable Dhana yogas which if unblemished and formed by benefic planets promise much wealth.

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If you look at the birth chart, you will see it takes the form of a wheel. This is a 360-degree circle divided into 12 astrological signs at 30 degrees each. Astrologers will use these degrees to mark exactly where a planet or celestial body sat at the moment of your birth.

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Each house in your birth chart represents something different, and the 5th house is related to having children. If the 5th house is occupied by Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon, it means you're more likely to have kids. If there are planets like Rahu, Ketu, Mars, or the Sun, you may be less likely to have children.

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