King 5502M Remote Thermostat (2024)




Hearth Supporter

Jul 7, 2008
Western NY
  • Oct 11, 2016
  • #1

Im gonna see how this year goes but coming from wood I had hot and cold spots in the house. main source of heat. im thinking I may want to install a thermostat if I can next year or so. USSC said I could add a milivolt type thermostat..

Anyone ever hook up one and can give me a better idea of how to do it and what a millivolt thermostat is now to ensure I get a millolt thermo. I rather know how to do it now vs waiting as I will have the info. I will be watching closely to see how even the heat is.

Thank you all


Minister of Fire

Hearth Supporter

Oct 25, 2010
Titletown U.S.A
  • Oct 11, 2016
  • #2

King 5502M Remote Thermostat (2)

The red arrow is pointing to where there should be a jumper installed on your board, "TSTAT".

In this pic it's the little gray jumper. So you remove that jumper and connect the wireless receiver to the terminals. The receiver is then mounted to the outside of the stove.

Then you can place the thermostat around the room or where ever you feel to get an idea how the heat is moving through the house.

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Hearth Supporter

Jul 7, 2008
Western NY
  • Oct 12, 2016
  • #3

ok so once the jumper is removed and you install terminals for set stove to manual and she should run off the thermostat then???

or dont you even have to change the manual / auto setting?? I did find out from reading the jumper needs removal.

thank you firepot Pete...


Minister of Fire

Hearth Supporter

Oct 25, 2010
Titletown U.S.A
  • Oct 12, 2016
  • #4

tractorboy924 said:

ok so once the jumper is removed and you install terminals for set stove to manual and she should run off the thermostat then???

or dont you even have to change the manual / auto setting?? I did find out from reading the jumper needs removal.

thank you firepot Pete...

One step at a time, just so I'm clearer.

The first and most important issue is to have a ground strap to your body when handling the board or any part of it. You can use any conductive material (old single wire) and wrap it around your wrist and then the other end to a ground. That could be a water pipe or use the ground in a receptacle if you are comfortable using that. You need some how to discharge any static from your body. Also make sure the stove is unplugged.

When attaching the thermostat receiver to the board run the wire through a vent or drill a hole on the side of the stove to route the wires through, leaving the actual receiver on the outside of the stove.

The manual/auto settings on the stove only change the RF (room fan), DF (draft fan) and agitator speeds, not the HR settings. The HR feed rates will remain the same in manual or auto unless you go and change them on the board itself. So the manual/auto setting on the stove is up to you at this point.

What you will have on the thermostat receiver will be either ON/OFF or OFF/Manual/Auto or some controls labeled like that. The one I had (piece of junk in two years) had OFF/Manual/Auto on it. OFF would do just that, the receiver no longer sent out a signal to the transmitter (thermostat where you set the temp) and saved on batteries. Manual would keep the receiver and transmitter in contact but would allow me to manually adjust the stove from the board. Auto would lock out the board and only change the HR from the signal it was receiving.

Once you have everything hooked up you will want to set your stove HR at the lowest setting you are comfortable with, not room temp comfort but how low you are comfortable will allowing the stove to ramp down and still burn good. Also you will need to keep in mind that these stoves do not reheat as quickly as a forced air system. You may find that while your stove is burning OK on HR2 it might take way to long for it to ramp up to a higher HR to warm the house fast enough. If that's the case then you will need to set the stove at a higher HR to maintain a warmer temp in the area.

King 5502M Remote Thermostat (2024)


Why is my remote thermostat not working? ›

If your thermostat is not working, change the batteries, make sure it is turned on, the thermostat is set to the correct mode, check the power supply and airflow.

How do remote thermostats work? ›

Smart thermostats are usually connected through your Wi-Fi allowing you to control your heating anywhere in the world via a phone or computer. Some models even learn what time of days you normally need heat, and can switch on and off to match.

What does HR-1 mean on a King pellet stove? ›

C- 2 - Fuel Lbs Per Hour HR 1 (0-5.0) - This is the fuel rate in pounds per hour for a heat range setting of 1. The default is 1.75lbs. C- 3 - Fuel Lbs Per Hour HR 9 (0-5.0) - This is the fuel rate in pounds per hour for a heat range setting of 5.

How do you reset an unresponsive thermostat? ›

Switch the thermostat to the off position. Locate the breaker that powers your HVAC system and turn it off. Wait 30 seconds and turn the breaker back on. Turn your thermostat back on and confirm it has reset properly.

Where is the reset button on my thermostat? ›

Locating the Reset Button

Remove the thermostat cover by either snapping it off or unscrewing it, depending on the model. Most modern thermostats will have a clearly marked reset button inside the panel. It's usually small and recessed, so you might need a pointed object like a paperclip to press it.

How do I know if my thermostat is working? ›

You'll most likely hear a quiet clicking sound followed by air moving through the ductwork. You can also place your hand on a vent to feel for hot or cold air. If you don't hear or feel anything within a minute or two of making the changes, your thermostat may need to be replaced.

What does a remote sensor do on a thermostat? ›

Because you can't have a thermostat in every room, a remote sensor can monitor temperatures in individual rooms as part of an intelligent HVAC system.

How can I control my home thermostat remotely? ›

Choose a Smart Thermostat:

The first step is to equip your home with a smart thermostat. These devices connect to your home Wi-Fi network, allowing remote access through a smartphone, tablet, or computer.

What setting should I run my pellet stove on? ›

Thinking of Using a Thermostat with Your Pellet Stove? If you are using a wall thermostat, it is best to set your appliance on a medium heat setting.

What should my pellet stove feed rate be? ›

A feed rate of 3 to 4 is good for most pellets. Turning the feed rate down to conserve fuel is not effective. The stove will burn at the maximum feed rate for a longer period of time to satisfy the temperature set on the temp knob.

Should you run a pellet stove at night? ›

While this electricity dependency can be viewed as a potential drawback, the convenience and reliability of pellet stoves make them an excellent choice for those seeking hassle-free and extended overnight warmth.

How do I reset my thermostat controller? ›

Find the breaker to your HVAC system, flipping it 'off'. Make sure the breaker is flipped all the way 'off,' then wait for 30-seconds. Turn the breaker back 'on. ' Return to the thermostat control panel and flip the thermostat back into the 'on' position.

Why is my thermostat not working but the AC is on? ›

Try checking the circuit breaker box or replacing the batteries. Bad wiring: The thermostat may be unresponsive if the wiring has gone bad. Remove the cover and check inside for loose, detached, or corroded wires. If you spot any problems, contact an HVAC technician for assistance.

Why won't my thermostat change temperature? ›

The thermostat needs to be recalibrated.

Sometimes, your furnace or AC system won't hit the thermostat temperature because the thermostat isn't correctly calibrated. This can be a common issue with new thermostats, and also often occurs after a power outage or when the thermostat's batteries are running low.

Why is my thermostat not kicking? ›

Solution: Begin troubleshooting power issues by checking the thermostat's power source. If it's battery-operated, ensure the batteries are functioning and correctly installed. Inspect the circuit breaker for hardwired thermostats to confirm it hasn't tripped. Reset the breaker if necessary.

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