Nakshatra Calculator (2024)

Nakshatras or the birth stars are constellations that play a vital role in the Indian Vedic astrology. There are 28 nakshatras in all, but only 27 of them are considered for calculations.

MomJunction’s nakshatra calculator helps you find your birth star and other relevant astrological information using your date, place (country) and time of birth.

The term Nakshatra is made of two Sanskrit words, naksha and tra. ‘Naksha’ means to approach, and ‘tra’ means to guard.

Therefore, each nakshatra is a home of the God assigned to the duties of guarding and guiding the cosmic and solar evolution. Some also break it up as naks referring to the sky and shetra referring to the area or region, so together it means a specific area of the sky (1).

Based on Vedic concepts, the ecliptic sky contains 27 equal reference points, each one a nakshatra. The moon is believed to travel across one reference point in a single day. So, the moon’s revolution divided by 27 divisions of the nakshatra gives you the arc of each nakshatra, which is measured as 360/27 = 13.33′ (2). An arc is measured in degrees (°) and minutes (′).

Each nakshatra is divided into four padas or charanas, i.e., 13.33′/4=3.33′. Therefore, a pada is 1/4th of the nakshatra (3).

It is believed that every child’s birth is ruled by a particular nakshatra, which also determines the first letter of the baby’s name.

Depending on the nakshatra that the baby is born in, you may be recommended a few lucky syllables that the name can start with.

The nakshatra that the moon is present in at the time of your baby’s birth will present four possible syllables or sounds. You can choose one sound out of the four and select a name starting with it. Once you pick a syllable, you can also use numerology to pick a name that brings luck.

Note: This is not a rule but might suit those who believe in astrology, numerology and such.

Step 1. Enter the details:

Note: Select the daylight savings option if applicable to your country.

Step 2. Click on ‘calculate to know the results’.

Step 3. The horoscope results will appear as follows:

Step 4. For this nakshatra, you can choose names starting with the syllables, Ru, Roo, Re, Ro, Ta and Taa

Renu, Rohit, Rupali, Tanvi, Roopak, Taara are some of the examples.

If you already know your child’s birth star, check the syllable chart next to pick the ideal name.

The below table gives you the syllables to begin your baby’s name with, based on his or her birth star.

Note that these are only the phonetic sounds of the actual syllables and not the exact spellings. So chances are you may get a name with the same phonetic sound but a different spelling.

The birth rashi is the sign in which the moon is located at the time of the individual’s birth. It plays a significant role in determining the characteristics and predicting the everyday life of a person.

In general, it is the representation of your karma, which is otherwise known as horoscope, jathaka or kundali.

Characteristics Of Each Nakshatra

Next is an overview of the characteristics of the individuals born under different nakshatras (5):

1. Ashwini Nakshatra

  • The longitude ranges between 0° and 13° 20′ Aries in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Chu, Che, Cho, La.

Positive traits: They are lovable, charming, intelligent, well-brought-up and wealthy. They love to speak the truth, to remain happy and behave respectfully, and maintain an amicable relationship with family, friends, and others. The child will show aspirations after 20.

Negative traits: They can be impulsive, stubborn, aggressive, over passionate, desire to do things on their own, and get disappointed easily if things do not go as planned.

2. Bharani Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 13° 20′ and 26° 40′ Aries in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Li, Lu, Le, Lo.

Positive traits: They have high ambitions, are dutiful, spontaneous, courageous, loyal to family and friends, talented in career, creative and artistic.

Negative traits: They can be overburdened, restless, fickle minded, stubborn, vulnerable, amoral, impatient, irritable, don’t pace themselves, vane, sexually indulgent, judgmental and moralists.

3. Krittika Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 26° 40′ Aries and 10° Taurus in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Aa, Ee, U, A.

Positive traits: They have a pleasant personality, good looks, many possessions and acquire a strong appetite. They are self-motivated, goal-oriented, dignified, good leaders, courageous, confident and straight-forward.

Negative traits: They possess poor money management skills, and relationships with others seem untrustworthy and unstable. They can be stubborn, impatient, aggressive, and nervous, and may find difficulty with eating. Sometimes, they are childish.

4. Rohini Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 10° and 23° 20′ Taurus in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables O, Va, Vee, Vo.

Positive traits: They are ingenious, intelligent, charismatic, attractive, healthy, comforting, truthful, smooth talkers, gentle-mannered, and dutiful. They do well in finances and love to solve puzzles.

Negative traits: They may be materialistic, indulgent, and deceptive, critical of others, overly sensitive, jealous, indecisive and addictive.

5. Mrigashira Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 23° 20′ Taurus and 6° 40′ Gemini in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Vay, Vo, Kaa, Ke.

Positive traits: They easily win over war-related strategies, are respectful towards others, natural leaders, curious, creative, talented, friendly, sensual, and affluent. They seek knowledge, gain pleasures in life, have a strong individuality, enjoy debates, singing, and writing, and are hard workers.

Negative traits: They may be impulsive, crave sensation, fickle, critical, helpless, unbalanced and sensitive to criticism, and require constant attention.

6. Ardra Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 6° 40′ and 20° Gemini in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Koo, Ghaa, Jna, Cha.

Positive traits: They are intelligent, quick in action, hungry for knowledge, truthful, and compassionate towards others. They love to do physical work, easily get support from authorities or government, will become successful after 25.

Negative traits: They may be ungrateful, arrogant, reckless, anti-social, self-serving, mischievous, stubborn, impolite, bad at financial planning, highly indulgent, violent, and cause pain to others. They lust for materialistic things.

7. Punarvasu Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 20° Gemini and 3° 20′ Cancer in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Kay, Ko, Haa, Hee.

Positive traits: They are gentle-natured, soft-hearted, easily contented, friendly, simplistic, generous, interested in philosophies and spiritual writings. They can be inspiring speakers, best writers, connect with others and gain success after 24.

Negative traits: They may lack intelligence, get ill and bored frequently, lack of foresight that leads to unstable relationships and multiple job changes. They are also fickle-minded.

8. Pushya Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 3° 20′ and 16° 40′ Cancer in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Hoo, Hay, Ho, Daa.

Positive traits: They can control their desires, are broad-minded, helpful in nature, religious, brilliant, well-educated, good public servants and advisers, independent, socially adept, respected, selfless, defensive and passionate. They find success after 35.

Negative traits: They may be arrogant, stubborn, overly sensitive, fundamentalist, doubtful about what others talk of them, and insecure.

9. Aslesha Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 16° 40′ and 30° Cancer in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Dee, Doo, Day, Do.

Positive traits: They are a charm to their family, intelligent, philosophical, independent, learned, entertaining, mystical, and leaders. They are always bringing good luck and gaining benefits from spiritual work. They become successful in life after 33.

Negative traits: They may get attracted to evil things quickly, and have bad relationships with their dear ones and tend to spend time in worthless or wicked endeavors. They are impolite, depressed in nature, reckless, lack appreciation, temperamental, reclusive, disconnected, blunt and ungrateful.

10. Magha Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 0° Leo and 13° 20′ Leo in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Maa, Mee, Moo, May.

Positive traits: They are born intelligent, are wealthy and helpful towards the less fortunate. They live a comfortable life, prosper in business, bond well with the partner and indulge in religious activities. They take great care of the parents, enjoy parties, get praised and are dependable. They find success after 25.

Negative traits: They may be hot-tempered, arrogant, resentful, susceptible to flattery, sensual, hold racial superiority, cruel to those who disrespect them.

11. Purva Phalguni Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 13° 20′ and 26° 40′ Leo in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Mo, Taa, Tee, Too.

Positive traits: They are courageous, broad-minded, soft-spoken, active, intelligent, open-minded, generous, smart enough to win over the enemies, loving, youthful and artistic. They possess leadership qualities and are good spokespersons. They will see success between 33 and 38 years.

Negative traits: They are impulsive, show vanity, narcissistic, spendthrift, reckless, vindictive, lack planning and get depressed if they do not get what they require.

12. Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 26° 40′ Leo and 10° Virgo in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Tay, To, Paa, Pee.

Positive traits: They are mild-mannered, calm, well-behaved and sympathetic, focused, reliable, liberal but with fixed principles, fortunate, happy, compassionate and achieve mental and spiritual advancements. They flourish in life with hard work, gain the love of everyone, and find luck in between 28 and 31 years of age.

Negative traits: They may be restless, promiscuous, inconsiderate of others’ feelings, bossy, obstinate, stubborn, arrogant, lack belief in oneself and resentful.

13. Hastha Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 10° Virgo and 23° 20′ Virgo in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Pu, Shaa, Naa, Thaa.

Positive traits: They are liberal, wise, humorous, pleasant, attractive, generous, cordial, self-motivated, promote own interests, find opportunities in foreign lands, determined and skillful. They gain admiration from everyone, can become successful around 30 to 32 years.

Negative traits: They might be restless, emotionally unsettled, mistrustful, nasty, overly indulge in pleasures, abuse alcohol, drugs, and have health issues.

14. Chitra Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 23° 20′ Virgo and 6° 40′ Libra in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Pay, Po, Raa, Ree.

Positive traits: They are artistic, independent, attractive, highly-spirited, conversant, elegant, wealthy, intelligent, dress and groom well, do well in a foreign land, inclined towards arts of printmaking, sculpture and are skillful designers. They will find success in between 30 and 35 years of age.

Negative traits: They might be self-centered, easily bored, conceited, quarrelsome, corrupt, critical, immoral and have little focus on saving money.

15. Swathi Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 6° 40′ and 20° Libra in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Ru, Ray, Raa, Tha.

Positive traits: They hold good morals, do well in the business of trade and commerce, think before acting, care for others, like to be in the company of well integrated and religious people. They are independent, tender, truthful, meek, accurate, uncorrupted, disciplined, and are travelers. They are successful around 30 and 35.

Negative traits: They have no limitations, which could lead to loss of status, respect, and money. They can be spendthrifts, restless, self-isolated, and secretive. They tend to give no importance to family, hide their passions and be hot-tempered.

16. Visakha Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 20° Libra and 3° 20′ Scorpio in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Thee, Thoo, Thay, Tho.

Positive traits: They are religious, intelligent, self-satisfied, humanitarian, truthful, courageous, and determined. They have a bright appearance, show respect to spiritual and intelligent people, possess leadership qualities, benefit through traveling and marriage, and have talent in mathematics. They powerfully achieve success at around 21, 28 and 34 ages.

Negative traits: They might be harmful, overly talkative, restless, find faults in others, too ambitious, manipulate easily to meet their needs, deceitful, jealous, greedy of others’ success, possessive and indulge in way too many interests.

17. Anuradha Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 3° 20′ Scorpio and 16° 40′ Scorpio in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Naa, Nee, Noo, Nay.

Positive traits: They are well-educated, fun-loving, wise, vigorous, attractive, devoted, spiritual seekers, healthy, enjoy traveling and social life, maintain friendships and cooperate with others. They get success after 39.

Negative traits: They might be deceitful, cannot handle hunger or thirst, rebellious, emotionally needy, jealous, melancholic due to lack of maternal nurturing, and try hard at progressing spiritually.

18. Jyeshta Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 16° 40′ Scorpio and 30° Scorpio in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables No, Yaa, Yee, Yoo.

Positive traits: They behave well with everyone, are soft-hearted, gentle, always in the good books of others, most successful in their family, passionate about love, take control, virtuous, generous, get things done quickly, interested in the occult and talented in music and creative designing.

Negative traits: They might have family issues, hide their feelings, immoral, possessive, gain control over others, change job frequently, tormented, troubled early in life, secretive behavior and hypocritical.

19. Moola Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 0° and 13° 20′ Saggitarius in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Yay, Yo, Baa, Bee.

Positive traits: They are born wealthy, cheerful, good-looking, broad-minded, clever, and skillful in serving others. They enjoy a good fortune, live a comfortable life, are determined, successful, peace-loving, brave, adventurous, and hold a fortune in foreign lands. They will find success in between 27 and 31 years.

Negative traits: They might be insecure, arrogant, headstrong, have affairs, low-tolerance for boredom, indecisive, fickle in holding relationships, selfish, filled with anger and lust.

20. Poorvashada Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 13° 20′ Saggitarius and 26° 40′ Saggitarius in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Bu, Dhaa, Bha, Dha.

Positive traits: They are intelligent, artistic, well-liked, good-looking, faithful, supportive, humble, influential and changeable. They lead a simple life, can be good managers, have a good bonding with their partner, love eating, and can have many children. They are successful at 28.

Negative traits: They might be inflexible, egotistical, angry, obstinate and dictatorial. Others regard them as immature and cruel, and they lack in education and are not open to advise.

21. Uttarashada Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 26° 40′ Saggitarius and 10° Capricorn in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Bay, Bo, Jaa, Jee.

Positive traits: They are sincere, dutiful, friendly, helpful, grateful, devoted to friends and possess ingenious ideas that can help in any given situations. They have rich friends, gain the favor from their bosses, hold good qualities, enjoy reading to gain knowledge, have leadership traits and benefit through traveling. They are also interested in dance and music and notice success after 31.

Negative traits: They might have multiple relationships, are obstinate, self-indulgent, self-centered, overly anxious, apathetic, early adversity in life and fail to complete what they begin.

22. Sravana Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 10° and 23° 20′ Capricorn in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Ju, Jay, Jo, Gha.

Positive traits: They are highly intelligent, well-educated, talented in the areas of music, astrology, and mathematics, powerful, have strong intuition, get a generous partner, help others in transforming their lives, creative, gain fame in the world, kind, quick learners and charitable. They see success at 9 and 24.

Negative traits: They might be overly open-minded, hypersensitive, gossip-mongers and jealous. Their extreme views can create adversaries.

23. Dhanishta Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 23° 20′ Capricorn and 6° 40′ Aquarius in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Gaa, Gee, Goo, Gay.

Positive traits: They are brave, with a generous mind and good wealth. Their love of family and siblings is enormous, they do well in foreign lands, enjoy dance and music, are ambitious and charitable, have good organizational abilities, are skilled at astrology, like old and mystifying things. They will find success at 15, 23 and 29 years.

Negative traits: They might be inconsiderate, worried, ruthless, aggressive, too talkative, argumentative, careless, narcissistic, and envious of others’ success. They lie, make up stories, hurt others, lust for materialistic things, and may have sexual problems.

24. Satabhisha Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 6° 40′ and 20° Aquarius in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Go, Saa, See, Soo.

Positive traits: They tend to help people in their difficult situations, take care about their welfare, gain respect from others, win over enemies, have power and influence, possess good writing skills, strong principles, and of artistic nature. They are intelligent, independent, generous, and wealthy.

Negative traits: They might be melancholic, feel lonely, lack self-confidence and communications skills, and face problems in relationships. They can also be restricted, argumentative, unstable, miserly, secretive, mentally anguished and stubborn.

25. Poorva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 20° Aquarius and 3° 20′ Pisces in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Say, So, Daa, Dee.

Positive traits: They are successful in earning wealth and riches, well-educated, talkative, knowledgeable, passionate, spiritually strong, good speakers, imaginative, good writers and strong. They have universal goals, fight injustice, admire the opposite sex, have a prosperous partner, and kids bring them happiness.

Negative traits:They are cynical, gloomy, worriers, impulsive, angry, dominated by the partner, poor planners, sickly, anxious, wavering mind and over-serious.

26. Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 3° 20′ and 16° 40′ Pisces in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables Du, Tha, Gya, Da.

Positive traits: They are intelligent, generous, good public speakers, good advisers, charitable, merciful, virtuous, happy, service-oriented, and smart. They possess good qualities, win over enemies, live a prosperous life, have a strong personality, enjoy marital happiness, and control anger.

Negative traits: They are unenthusiastic, self-centered, lazy, gossipers, irresponsible and highly emotional, and get into disputes and develop enemies.

27. Revati Nakshatra

  • Longitude ranges between 16° 40′ and 30° Pisces in the zodiac.
  • The birth name should begin with the syllables De, Do, Chaa, Chee.

Positive traits: They are intelligent, wealthy, charming, confident, independent, creative thinkers, supportive, sociable, promoted quickly, gifted with arts, well-groomed, protect pets, selfless, interested in ancient cultures, caring and compassionate.

Negative traits: They might be overindulgent, unfriendly, doubt-ridden, amoral, lack of self-esteem, low fertility, volatile, stubborn, lack self-confidence, feel unloved and insecure. Keep reading for answers to common questions about nakshatras.

Nakshatra Calculator (2024)


How to calculate nakshatra manually? ›

To calculate Nakshatra manually, take only the Sidereal Lunar Longitude in Degrees which in this case is 287.858⁰ and multiply it by 60 and then divide it by 800.

How is nakshatra determined? ›

This 27-day cycle has been taken to mean a particular group of stars. This has to do with the periodicity with which the Moon travels past the specific star fields called nakshatras. Hence, the stars are more like numbers on a clock, through which the hands of time (the moon) pass.

How to predict using nakshatras? ›

There are many layers to use the nakshatra in predictions but for final outcome of a planet in a particular nakshatra, we need to learn planets,signs, karakatatwa and dispositor. Few predictions using nakshatra can only be made if other conditions of that event is fulfilled in birth chart.

How important is nakshatra? ›

Nakshatras, also known as lunar mansions, are a fundamental principle in Vedic astrology. These 27 (or 28) constellations that the Moon passes through in its monthly cycle have a significant impact on our lives. Each nakshatra is linked to distinct characteristics, governing deities, and lessons in karma.

How long does a nakshatra last? ›

The Moon, which is in charge of the nakshatras, transitions between the signs of the zodiac in approximately 28 days. Furthermore, the Moon is roughly 13 degrees and 20 minutes long and spends around a day in each nakshatra.

Which nakshatra is lucky to be born in? ›

"Nakshatras, the 27 lunar mansions, influence various aspects of life. Parents turn to Rohini and Pushya Nakshatra for childbirth. Ashwini Nakshatra represents new beginnings, while Bharani Nakshatra is associated with creativity. Children born under these Nakshatras possess unique qualities.

Which nakshatra has long life? ›

Moreover, death can occur in the antra-dasha or dasha of the lord of the 3rd nakshatra from Janam nakshatra (asterism occupied by the Moon at birth) for a person of Alpayu (short-life), in that of the 5th nakshatra for a person of Madhyayu (Middle-life) and in that of the 7th nakshatra for a person blessed with ...

What is nakshatra lucky number? ›

Nakshatra's Lucky Number

Those whose name is Nakshatra are under the influence of the planet Mars and their lucky number is 9. People with the name Nakshatra are full of passion. Every problem is small for them.

Which nakshatra is more spiritual? ›

Pushya Nakshatra, considered one of the most auspicious, brings a nurturing and protective energy to spiritual practices. Those born under Pushya find great joy in taking care of others and often engage in devotional practices that involve service and charity.

Which nakshatra is lucky in 2024? ›

Ashwini Nakshatra

Its symbol is 'Horse' and the nakshatra lord is Aswini Kumar, the physician of Devtas, and it is ruled by planet Ketu. The Aries natives born under this Ashwini Nakshatra will be able to shine well after May 2024. The transit of benefic Jupiter is going to bless you with money fortunes.

Which nakshatras are for success? ›

Punarvasu Nakshatra: Symbolized by a quiver of arrows, Punarvasu Nakshatra suggests potential success in education, counseling, or leadership roles that involve guiding and supporting others.

Which Nakshatra is godly? ›

Anuradha: Godly Nakshatra in Scorpio, ruled by Saturn, represented by a lotus flower.

Which Nakshatra is wealth? ›

Pushya Nakshatra is the most important one when it comes to matters related to money. The natives are smart, generous and resourceful. They are adept at creating a comfortable and supportive environment for themselves and the people around them, which creates abundance.

Which Nakshatra is beautiful? ›

26. Uttara Bhadrapad Nakshatra. Natives that are born under this Nakshatra is generally beautiful, courageous, intelligent, fair in color, and speechlessly charming. Also, their soul is rich.

How are star signs calculated? ›

The star sign is determined by the position of the Sun 'in' a particular constellation at the time of birth. Put another way, as the Earth moves around the Sun in its orbit, each of the Zodiacal constellations will be hidden 'behind' the Sun at some point during the year.

How to find nakshatra without name? ›

To use a Nakshatra calculator, you typically need to enter your birth date, time, and location details. Once you have entered this information, the calculator will calculate the position of the moon at the time of your birth and determine your Nakshatra based on the position of the moon in the sky.

What is the formula for calculating tithi? ›

Thus, Number of tithis completed = (celestial longitude of moon - celestial longitude of sun)/12 (with 360° added to celestial longitude of the moon to make it greater than that of the sun). The current tithi is this quantity plus one.

How do you calculate Dasha manually? ›

Let's take Sun-Sun-Sun as an example, as per the table the duration of Sun's time period is 6 years, and as per vimshottari dasha system the life of a person is 120 years, for the purpose of calculations. So, the duration of Sun-Sun will be = 6 x 6/120 = 109 days, and Sun-Sun-Sun = 109* 6/120 = 5 days.

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