The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2025)

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The Daily Sentineli

Scottsboro, Alabama

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Sunday March 7 1993 Sports Briefs NO CT10L36 9 fa SoMM botaBy Jff Bum I I AT1CKV101O1 The pie butt studio that neofly Iddi I AU SEASON RADIALS PERORMANCE RADIAL LIGHT TRUCK RADIAL LIMITED TIME OER A GOODYEAR P21575R15 P22575R15 P23575R15S2 P20575R14 P19575R15 P20575R15 2 Gal Plus Gas Can lexible Steel A Broom Rake Rally 5 HP Rear Tine Tiller Regular $69995 58888 NO MONEY DOWN! UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY! OR 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH! WITH APPROVED CREDIT VISIT STORE OR DtTAIll rales and NSTRA judges will be used The trial is open to non members and any bind dog owners wishing to compete Special puppy trials will also be run Spectators are welcome Entry fee is $20 To enter 5 HP Bnoos A Snanon engine Deeper'e rourtmg tmes Peverse dwe irtttwKiih MfMAakJ 7posit4n i depth stake 1 Tine srMHds tex safety GOODYEAR OUTLINE WHITE LETTERS WRANGLERS s88 Bi Rally 20? Cut Rally Push Mower $10g'B 35 HP engineLow in box priceAssembly required ield Day Chris Green (left) age 15 killed his first doe ever at Paint Rock Valley James Green (middle) killed this eight pointer at Skyline Samuel Thompson age 12 killed his first doe of the season at Paint Rock Valley ninth 10 cu ft Dump Cart $1flQ88 duty IUj all steel BRAD RAGAN TIRE AND APPLIANCE 504 Broad St Scottsboro 574 2360 KB4 4Cut Homeowners $nj 88 Wheelbarrow Section Page 2 The Daily Sentinel Bellomy named winner of Bryant Jordan award By DAVID TOMBRELLO Sports Editor Cory Bellomy a senior at Skyline High School has been selected as the 1A Region 8 winner of the Bryant Jordan Achievment Award five Cory had bone cancer and had one kidney his spleen ami part of a lung removed said his basketball coach Harold WesL a good student a good ath lete and overcame a lot of adversity and the basis for this said WesL Bellomy was one of eight finalists in each of the six classifica tions As a regional winner he is the recipient of a $500 scholarship to be presented at a banquet to be held in GOODYEAR RADIAL BLACKWALL METRIC As Low As $4Q88 155R12 BLACKWAIL Birmingham April 12 He is also eligible for a $1000 scholarship io be presented to the Class 1 A winner and a $2000 scho larship for the overall winner is a two year starter on the Vikings basketball team In 1991 92 he averaged 10 points and five rebounds per game He was an excellent defensive first baseman and batted 275 for the varsity base ball team This year Cory is averag ing 12 points and six rebounds for the varsity basketball team said WesL Bellomy has also excelled in the classroom and in helping others said his coach is class salutatorian with a 357 grade point average and a 22 on the college entrance exam Cory works with other people in Ticket deadline for Hall of ame banquet March 10 The deadline to order tickets for the Alabama High School Sports Hall of ame banquet is March 25 our former Scottsboro coaches will be inducted into the HO at the banquet in Montgomery Thursday March 25: QK John Meadows JB McClendon and Morris Higginbotham Ticket price is $25 What order ing please specify which inductee you support so you can be seated in that area To obtain tickets write the Alaba ma High School Athletic Associa tion PO Box 5014 Montgomery AL 36103 5014 Phone: 205 242 5654 Bird Dog Club to host The Scottsboro Bird Dog Club Sen Howell Heflin was notified March 3 that the president will invite the University of Alabama football team to a White House ceremony on Thursday March 25 to congratulate them on their national college championship victory course we are delighted to be making this announcement that our president will be honoring the Crim son Tide at the White Sen will host 3 Shoot To Retrieve Heflin said think everyone would Trial" on Saturday March 13 The agree after watching the team trial will be ran under National Shoot exciting Sugar Bowl victory over To Retrieve Association (NSTRA) Miami that Alabama is deserving of Rally Cut Deluxe Step Thru $qqq88 Lawn Tractor OUO Briggs Stratton synchro balanced engine Electric start with 12 volt alternator 4 speed in line transaxlewith reverse Automotive type steering ender shift Olan Mills Kids We capture the fun of oemg a Kia GOOD YEAR MOST POPULAR RADIAL DECATHLON As Low As P155OR13 WHITEWALL ru It) NT aac cm MIAM CRE On vn tUKMStt Dt tTLRlOl iwBMG LA Call 1 800 551 6814 for an appointment Operators avaiabte Monri MBWpm I Saturday ftODeoOpm Payne Scottsboro 1 TueslThis MonftOOWn I IHXMMOpm WBELUWftOOpm I SaUtiamapn BELLOMY summer camps for cancer patients He has shown leadership and cour age to others with the same disease He leads by example and never asks special favors because of his handi cap" West said MICE $42 65 $4795 $4895 $4995 $5595 $6495 WHITEWALLXUE P16580R13 P18580R13 P18575R14 P19575R14 P20575R15 P23575R15 or for more information contact Rickey Breland (228 6885) Hal Kir by (228 3519) or Byron Woodfin (451 3951) To find the field trial go to Macedonia crossroads and follow the signs White House to honor Crimson Tide football team their football championship status and it is fitting that they will be rec ognized by President Clinton in our capital sports champions in a White House Rose Garden ceremony has become a time honored tradition in this country And to my know ledge the University of Alabama will be the first college team to be honored by President Clinton since he took Sen Heflin said Details of the ceremony will be announced by the White House when they are finalized ONE 8x10 TWO 5x7's and8 WALLETS Mng Ad lor Our A A 1A SpM PorM Porfago Cd JRQKWinMMonoaKlO WU taotaToanl'WwM I fadpomMtor Ort $1496 TN RflHI oBwantdotOtanlMtKdoort Is nrt good any onr I drsrtaod odat Adi and Mm aMxma Um ona (Mdugaparaubiaa ImWnpoMrtyarcMoA wnwiMti MgipMim AH major credit cardx accepted i i fa fS Ar 3 uimt I 'J K3IW IR rfv A 'j fli I 1 I I I I I i yyx 7 Bl Z'" ft I 1 Ella 1 css it aW I I Z9 I I ny Skids i a N' i i ii 9 Il yddjk Hi I mtX I if I Hu I 17 ill I SSBM i U1BB 1993 STATE TOURNAMENT CLASS 2A To Be Held At Auburn University Thursday March 11 Saturday March 13 WINTERBORO Thurs March 11 9:00 am SHIELDS 1 rl March 12 3 1:30 pm RANDOLPH COUNTY Thurs March 11 2 10:30 am HAZLEWOOD Sat March 13 2 3:00 pm NORTH SAND MTN Thurs March 11 3 12:00 noon WARRIOR rl March 12 clayTON 4:30 pm Thurs March 11 4 1:30 pm GEORGIANA 1993 STATE TOURNAMENT CLASS 3A To Be Held At University of Alabama Tuscaloosa Wednesday March 10 Saturday March 13 LITCHIELD Wed March 10 4:00 pm RANCIS MARION 11 ri March 12 10:30 am ALICEVILLE Wed March 10 2 5:30 pm PISGAH Sat March 13 1 11:00 am EAST LIMESTONE Wed March 10 3 7:00 pm MMW 1MM WINIELD ri March 12 HOLTVILLE G2 12:00 noon Wed March 10 4 8:30 pm SOUTHERN CHOCTAW i rsict I 155R13 $3464 I 165R13 $3766 I 17570R13 $4048 I 18570R13 $4208 18570R14 $4328 0 GOOD YEAR RADIAL WHITEWALL EAGLE ST IV As Low As $EQ95 I SIZE P17570RU WHITEWALL RuttU I P18570R13 8355 $62H I P19570R14 (2M $6960 I P20570R14 9760 $7320 I P22570R15 $10700 $1025 P23570R15 $11020 $1265 LIMITED TIME OER goodyeah.

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The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2025)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.