Shadee Elmasry - NBF 197 Reading from Ghazalis Tafsir (2024)

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salatu salam ala Rasulillah earlyhe was happy when Manuela welcome

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everybody to the SOFIA societynothing but facts live stream as

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we enter in on day what six ofRamadan so of acid Thursday,

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Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday,day five month of Ramadan which

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means tonight is night number six.And today I figured that month of

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Ramadan should be different. Andwhat we should do is we should we

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should read from somethingdifferent and that is the

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thoughtful Tafseer of Satan atImam Al Ghazali. And it begins

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with something

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the definition of Allah's love ofaloneness and worship of Allah

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subhanaw taala is the completenessof one's love,

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desire and fear, commanded hope.And this is not just from Rosati.

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This is a read from many differentones and they discussed this

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commander hope will commando Rajawill come out of both

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completeness of the love of Allah.And also the

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desire for Allah and fear of Allahand it drives us from pseudotyped

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Fattah is when it says athamdulillah al Amin, when you have

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the concept, the sense in yourmind that your Creator created you

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is also the creator of every otherthing. You feel it all of a sudden

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brings you such a harmony withinyourself. And a connection between

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everything and that connection iswhat

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the whole civilization is basedupon is that civilization is going

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to be based upon mercy. How canyou have mercy when you have no

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connection? And connection

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is the root of mercy. So if youlook at the rahem, the Rama mercy,

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it derives from this letters asit's famously said, and hat and me

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which also indicates the womb. Sothe most connection you'll ever

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have is to your mother, but andthat's where there were there's a

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most mercy That's why if peopledon't have mercy from their mom,

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they become extremely cold theyhave issues

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got boys who grew up without amom, for example. They really

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almost like it's too cold theylack softness of mercy. Okay.

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Likewise, people who grow upwithout a father they lack

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structure in general not in ofcourse there's going to be

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exceptions. But the connection tosomething is what builds mercy

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okay, it that's where we're andmercy is what you need for society

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more so you need justice ofcourse, but mercy is so important

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for society. So this Rama and thatAllah Tada is your Creator and

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everything else is created. Itputs a love in a person's heart

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for Allah subhanaw taala. Andthat's why all the creation loves

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their Creator. Every single imageshaitan Illa user behind will like

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let's have Coronavirus we haveAllah says there is not a single

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thing, except it is constantly inthe praise of Allah because it

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loves its creator. That's thenature of everything you love your

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creator, you love your mother,right? Your you love your father,

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you have to have that becausethat's your origin. And it's not

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something that you have to betaught. Every baby loves this bit

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mum and loves it's done. And thenwill love it siblings. Why?

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Because there's that's the nextlevel of connection. So the

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greater the connection. And themore that connection, the more the

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mercy and the concept of having acreator is that above all these

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intermediary causes such asparents, which would make let's

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say me and someone like Oh, myBessie, very distant, like, where

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do you think our grandparents meetback? Like way back centuries? You

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take any person, any two people onthe earth? Eventually their

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grandparents will meet backsomewhere. Okay? They have to meet

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spec somewhere, but it's going tobe so far off. It's as if it's

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nothing right? But what Allahdoesn't suit us. In fact, yeah, it

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says, For cancel all of that,because you have a direct creator.

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Right, you're created directly.

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And that's what brings youtogether. So that concept of Rama

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and that concept of togethernessis what drives love for the

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creator and love for everyoneelse. So that's the hub

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of Rahman Al Rahim makes youhopeful.

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So that's that a jet that he'smerciful, with His merciful, then

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he will let me be asking foreverfor something that I want for

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myself. And every single creation,Allah has created it just as he's

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created it to love its creator.He's also created it to desire

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other things of the creation.

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Right fit throat Hola Hola, Tiff,ultra Nasaan it's the fitrah of

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Allah. Don't try to change it.Don't try to negate it. It's the

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of Allah that on which he createdpeople. So a deer is born

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immediately wants grass, it wantswater, it loves water, it loves

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grass and that is the medium bywhich Allah to Allah shows his

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generosity to that creature showshis is is giving in his mercy to

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that creature that he has made itdesire water, and it will search

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and search and search to findwater. And once it finds water,

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okay, it becomes happy. Likewiseplants they have to have the sun

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they have to find the sun somehow.Likewise, there's the opposite

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now. There's fear every creationthat's come that comes out that is

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created there is something that itfears a rock would fear a hammer,

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right? would fear something todestroy it? A plant would fear a

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herbivore a herbivore would fearcarnivore. Get

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a carnivore would fear a humanbecause we're we've dominated over

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carnivores for a long time therewas back and forth. But ultimately

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humans have dominated carnivores.So everything fears something of

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the creation and wants somethingof the creation. Through these

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mediums, Allah Tala shows hisgenerosity and shows his strength.

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And Malik yo Medina.

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Dean, and a Dane was just thatwoman gentleman, the debt and your

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reward is in accordance with yourdeeds. So if you have bad deeds,

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that this say this, I should putsome fear in you. So that is both.

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So you have muhabba and Raja andHOath muhabba. Love Raja desire

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and hope is fear. So when you wantto appeal to somebody, you go in

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that order. But when you want toactually practically build

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something, you go in the reverseorder. When you want to build up

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some, you want to build up yourimage and you want to build up

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your, your action. Good. Nothingis a faster catalyst than fear.

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All right, you got two people, oneguy, you have $500,000 in a pot in

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a back.

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First one who gets there gets it.Another guy, he's got a lion

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behind him chasing him. Who do youthink's gonna run faster? The one

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who's running to $500,000, or theone who's running from a lion.

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Because running from a lion, it'snot the line, it's your life. And

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it's the sensitivity of pain.Those are far more powerful than

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anything that you can desirelogically, to enjoy $500,000 You

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need to be alive, right? You Whatis the point of having $500,000

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and getting eaten by a lion orgetting chewed up by line? What

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does that i How can I enjoy mymoney. So you can't even enjoy

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good things, if you fear for yourlife. So fear is the fastest

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catalyst to movement. Fear willcause everyone to pay attention,

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it will cause everyone to changeeverything that you can do, you

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can at this moment.

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So fear, although it's the leastin persuasive persuasion, it's a

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fastest and change is you don'twant to entice you can't it's hard

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to entice somebody and keep themlong, a long time on fear because

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fear is something that we hate inour body. So we act to get rid of

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the feeling of fear, and all thehormones that are popping out,

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okay? That are that are that areshooting out of us in our bodies,

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we all of a sudden we have toremove that. So we got to remove

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the cause that triggered all thosehormones from coming up. And all

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that feeling of fear from comingout. And once you do that, you do

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that quickly. So So So fear is agreat impetus for change, but it

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can't last. You can't be afraidfor so long. Your body will

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physically have a nervousbreakdown and will shut down. Like

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fear the emotion can not last fora long time. And that's why people

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will will succumb to anything. Andthe oldest thing in the world is

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that a government will come increate a boogeyman

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and then make you give up yourrights just to be at ease from

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this Boogeyman. So we create aboogeyman great some fear, and a

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government misuses this fearbecause he knows you can't

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tolerate this fear. Right? Can'tbe afraid so long. Okay, what is

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it? What do you need? Okay, signthis bill. This bill means that we

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can spy on everybody in thecountry, so we'll make sure that

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the boogey man doesn't attack us.Okay, fine spy on us, as long as

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you take care of it. So fear issomething that we have to get rid

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of. And that's where there is nofleeing from Allah except back to

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him. You can't get rid of thisfear except by going back to Allah

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to Allah and nothing else can saveyou from it. So fear is something

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is extremely powerful, but it'sits life, its shelf life and its

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potency. It has a time limit.

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And that's why we have to get ridof it quick. And that's why you

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can't rely on fear for long termchange only a short term, right?

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Only short term. Now what? What isit that you can go for a long

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time, but also has to have an end.And that is desire, right, the

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next level is

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a jet being desire. Desire issomething you can carry it for a

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long time. But it's all useless ifit doesn't have an end in sight.

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And that's the key. Like you can'tdesire something, you can desire

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something and work on it for yearsand years and years and years.

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But it must have an end. That'sthe nature of it. Get it if you

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tell me at the end of this month,there's going to be a great word

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or at the end of this year, or atthe end of two years, there's

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going to be a great reward. Butthere has to be an end in sight. I

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can wait to Raja is hope, but isdesire I can desire I can hope for

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a long time. But eventually, if Idon't get it, I'm gonna lose faith

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in the person who made me thepromise so, so that's the thing

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with hope you can hold it for along time because it's sweet. It's

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beautiful. Right? It makes youmotivated. It's almost the polar

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opposite of fear.

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You love hope you want and so youneed constant promises. Okay,

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don't worry, keep going. You'regonna get it and you're gonna get

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it. You need constant promises,constant reminders.

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But the nature of it, it must havean end.

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Now the point is, if fear got youto move, hope got you to cruise

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for for a period of time.

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Those two things should producefor a person should produce a lot

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of love for a person. That's whatthey should produce.

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They should produce a hubbub

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okay. And that love has no ends,no limits. And no ending. Like

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fear has a limit, right? Like youcan't be so scared you have to

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have a limit. Hope also has alimit and it has an end. Okay, but

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love has no limit and no end. Onlywhen a person has been through

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these three phases in their Dakhlaand in their deen and their mom

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and it with Allah subhanaw taalahave they truly understood

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properly? Because there's

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the voting in the Quran does notonly mean oppression, it means

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Look, son.

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There there's a voted minimumvolume only NFC woman who worked

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at minimum seven computer Clara,Allah talks about three types of

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people. One is Lolly Molina FC,

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and the other is maakt acid andthe other seven Bumble Hyatts.

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Allah describes three types ofpeople. These three types of

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people is one, he's a believer,but he shortchanged himself voted

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in this verse means heshortchanged himself. So if you

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have only have fear of Allahsubhanaw taala, then you only have

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1/3 of the matter. Okay. Women whom*ocked acid, the mocked acid is

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someone he did his job. He didn'tdo any more. He didn't do any

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extra. He just did his idea ofwhat is prohibitionist?

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It's called mock test. This personis Roger Seiler. He's a righteous

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person. But he didn't do anythingmore than theirs. So that is

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someone like he has fear. He hasenough fear, he has hope. But he

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didn't do anything more. So he'stwo thirds of the way there. But

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then Allah says woman who servedat Gunbroker arroz than another

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one, he surpassed everyone withhis good deeds.

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That's the one who completedeverything. So if you ever if you

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truly experienced a fear thatmakes you move, then you fear,

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experience hope, and then youreceive your reward in this life

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first, then you will, by nature,two, two plus three must equal

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four, five, okay, two plus oneplus two must equal three, two

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plus three months equal five, hasto equal five.

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You must then grow in your heart,Allah for Allah subhanaw taala.

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And then that is even superior toJack because it has no ending. No

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one could take it away from youand you're not waiting for anyone

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to complete it. Okay, that's adifference between fear and hope

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and love. And all three of them.They actually come in this order

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for most people, some people ifyou're born in the lap of Dean and

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Okay. It may be that you take someof that love right away, and that

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hope right away. But for mostpeople, you start off with some

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with with fear than hope and love.All right. So this is what is

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What is it fair to have begins andthen you get the verse? That is an

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oath between Allah to Allah andHis worshiper. Yeah Can I will do

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it yeah can stain.

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The worshiper he says, Unto You, Iworship

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Unto You, I seek help. And then aSiddhartha was stuffy got to say

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the right pets that Allah subhanawtaala says, My servant, praise me.

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He's thanked, he's thanked me,he's praised me, he's glorified

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me. And now he receives whateverhe asked for. That means if you

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fulfilled all three of theconditions of the states, then

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your door will be answered. Theseare all just opening comments on

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the nature of suitors and fats,and how it links with love.

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Raja desire, hope and fear if aperson is finding weakness in

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their Amen, they need to just lookat one of these three things. Some

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people, they grew up so strict,they have a weakness in the remed

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because they don't realize howAllah generous, how generous

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unless they don't realize it. Theymay have not been taught that if

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you grew up with someone stingy.For example, if you grew up with

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somebody who everyone who hassomething that they must find a

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they must blame them, they mustfind fault in them. Right? They

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must say, oh, yeah, they have alot of money, but their kid is a

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mess. Right? Oh, yeah, they have.They're very handsome. But he's

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the dumbest guy in ever met. Oh,she's very beautiful. But her life

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is a disaster. Right? So you meetsome people like this. They cannot

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see anyone with any fire in theirlife, any goodness in their life,

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except they must shoot it down.Now, if a kid grows up like that,

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what is he going to think aboutgenerosity is they think that now

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you can have good things in thislife. Okay? Can't be any

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generosity in this life. There. Ifyou get something you got to lose

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a ton of things. Or the the case where

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when it comes to do the samething, but the corollary to that

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when it comes to Deen, oh, look atthese people. No, they were never

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jailed for the sake of Allah. Whatkind of religion is are they on?

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They're all comfortable and happyand everyone loves it. They were

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never jailed for the sake of Allahthat if you weren't tortured, if

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you weren't

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if they weren't

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punished if they weren'tmistreated, oppressed, then

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they're not righteous. Only therighteous people, those who get

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killed, those who get jailed. Sothat's righteousness. Oh, look at

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these people laughing and smiling.wearing nice clothes. That's not

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the right way. The right way isthese people with rough hands from

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so much to do. forehead ismiserable from so much sujood.

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Right? rough clothes. Everythingis sloppy poor. That's the

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righteous person. So be careful,those little comments that people

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make, and parents, they reallydon't realize it. Sometimes they

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make little comments here andthere. Right? They make comments

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here and there, not just parents,anybody that is influential,

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right? make little comments hereand there. All of a sudden, a

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person doesn't believe that. Allahsubhanaw taala is generous. Now

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believe that, oh, there's got tobe some misery involved. All

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right. So

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the man is incomplete. Becausethey don't believe Allah's

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They may end up miserable, andmaking other people miserable,

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too. That's the thing. When theybecome leaders, what did they do?

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Gotta be miserable. If you're notmiserable, you're not on the right

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track. If you're not so strict,that your life is just unbearable,

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you're not on the right religion.

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So that's one side. Now you canlook at, if you remove this

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ingredient list. It's like havinga meal. If you remove the burger

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from a hamburger, the patty

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you know, what do you have? Right?If you remove the bread, yeah, you

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got a meal, you'll be nourished,but you won't enjoy it. You need

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the bread, right? So if youremoved the generosity, you get

00:19:12 --> 00:19:16

this mean religion. But you'regonna burn out of it. It's not

00:19:16 --> 00:19:17


00:19:18 --> 00:19:21

It's not it's untouched art. Nowyou can do the opposite, though.

00:19:21 --> 00:19:23

You're gonna have the opposite.You can have a concept where

00:19:23 --> 00:19:29

constant non stop is just alwaysgenerosity. But that's very bad,

00:19:29 --> 00:19:32

too. Because that leads tosomebody with no structure.

00:19:33 --> 00:19:38

So and this is in Tobia, of themother and the father. They are a

00:19:38 --> 00:19:42

reflection of the divineattributes. Okay. Which is that?

00:19:43 --> 00:19:47

The father, he has got to putlimits, these limits are for your

00:19:47 --> 00:19:51

benefit. They're not a that's notagainst you. When a dad says no,

00:19:51 --> 00:19:55

there's limits here. You're notgoing on this trip. Right? There's

00:19:55 --> 00:19:58

limits here. There's worksometimes there's study sometimes

00:19:58 --> 00:19:59

there's there's limits you

00:20:00 --> 00:20:04

Are these limits are guardrailsthere for your benefit? You're

00:20:04 --> 00:20:07

driving down a mountain or up amountain. And

00:20:08 --> 00:20:11

if you do that in the third worldcountry, there's there's no

00:20:11 --> 00:20:14

there's no one, no government cameand put barriers there. Right? You

00:20:14 --> 00:20:17

do that in California, they gotbarriers, right? I don't think

00:20:17 --> 00:20:22

there's a windy road up a mountainin America anymore. That doesn't

00:20:22 --> 00:20:26

have big metal barriers, at least,that if you were to accidentally

00:20:26 --> 00:20:29

swerve, you just hit the barrierrather than fall off the cliff.

00:20:30 --> 00:20:31

That's what limits are for.

00:20:33 --> 00:20:37

And when you got youth, forexample, raised on mercy, mercy,

00:20:37 --> 00:20:40

mercy, mercy, mercy, mercy, thatkid does not know how to control

00:20:40 --> 00:20:43

his emotions, you will neverfulfill a duty in his life.

00:20:44 --> 00:20:50

Okay, the moment his emotion goesone way, it's extended. There's no

00:20:50 --> 00:20:52

one stopping it. And you'll neverachieve anything in life. If

00:20:52 --> 00:20:57

you're, if you don't have a senseof duty. Sense of like, I don't

00:20:57 --> 00:21:00

want to do this, but I have to doit. But then again, when I kept

00:21:00 --> 00:21:04

doing stuff that I have to do, Ilook back and I find an orderly

00:21:04 --> 00:21:09

life. And I enjoy that orderlylife now I can build upon that

00:21:09 --> 00:21:13

orderly life. Okay. And that's allby the concept of responsibilities

00:21:13 --> 00:21:17

and duties. Anybody who is alwaysallowed to do whatever they want,

00:21:18 --> 00:21:21

and that's just Rama, Rama, Rama,Rama, generosity, mercy,

00:21:21 --> 00:21:26

compassion, no sense ofobligation. That's the opposite of

00:21:26 --> 00:21:30

the one who was raised upon thestingy god. Okay. That's the

00:21:30 --> 00:21:32

opposite. Alright, so

00:21:33 --> 00:21:36

you see people there's a shock oftheir life when they're told

00:21:36 --> 00:21:37

something's hot. I'm,

00:21:38 --> 00:21:42

like, shocked. I can tell rightaway how you were raised. Right

00:21:42 --> 00:21:46

away. I could tell how you wereraised. You were raised more

00:21:46 --> 00:21:51

dominant female attributes by yourmom, mercy from your mom then

00:21:51 --> 00:21:54

rules by your debt. I know exactlyhow you were raised. And also I

00:21:54 --> 00:21:56

see some people they're like

00:21:57 --> 00:22:01

the opposite side. More on thefear side. Hey, us Why are you

00:22:01 --> 00:22:02

bringing luggage?

00:22:04 --> 00:22:09

Oh the goods Masha Allah, Masha,Allah good. I thought you're

00:22:09 --> 00:22:13

traveling or something. All right,I was here today. So likewise, I

00:22:13 --> 00:22:18

could tell somebody who sees likerich people or happy people and

00:22:18 --> 00:22:21

immediately has a negative view ofthem

00:22:22 --> 00:22:26

to send you this raised uponstinginess, so you got to have

00:22:26 --> 00:22:27

these two balances

00:22:28 --> 00:22:33

of the attributes. And because ashe calls it, fat you had to Jana.

00:22:33 --> 00:22:36

This is miffed our agenda, thatfirst you have and we've dealt

00:22:36 --> 00:22:37

with Jana.

00:22:38 --> 00:22:43

Okay. It is a Fatiha What is itopening up fat? Yeah, fatty acid

00:22:43 --> 00:22:46

kitab. Obviously, it's opening thebook is also opening Jana. Good.

00:22:46 --> 00:22:49

It's also opening paradise for it.Okay.

00:22:51 --> 00:22:56

Well, Jana sem*nya were my annualfatty acid ammonia was it says the

00:22:56 --> 00:23:01

meanings of the doors of paradiseare eight, the meanings of Fatiha

00:23:02 --> 00:23:06

he's going to count them for us.Right? They're also eight. Okay.

00:23:08 --> 00:23:12

They are eight. The meanings ofFacha are eight. All right, let's

00:23:12 --> 00:23:16

see what he wears. Where does hesay them or does he summarize

00:23:16 --> 00:23:16


00:23:18 --> 00:23:20

Well, mine in fact, yeah, tellJohn 11 ilithyia Manaea fadem

00:23:20 --> 00:23:23

cotton and Nicola Kurzman minhaNIFT.

00:23:24 --> 00:23:29

Wearable Jana, every one of thesemeetings will open one of the

00:23:29 --> 00:23:32

doors of Paradise. That means ifyou put that in your heart, and

00:23:32 --> 00:23:37

you act upon that meaning you willearn in the sight of Allah to be

00:23:37 --> 00:23:40

able to enter Paradise from one ofthese of course, Paradise is only

00:23:40 --> 00:23:45

earned is only gained by the mercyof Allah subhanaw taala the levels

00:23:45 --> 00:23:49

within paradise though are earnedby your deeds.

00:23:50 --> 00:23:55

Then Quintella to Sarge a feecalled beacon Amen. What does deep

00:23:55 --> 00:24:01

water love it's a fee and Manasafidanque For him to whom and Jana

00:24:01 --> 00:24:08

Fela Lake and Nicola ChrismanYifter hubbub was if the whole Bob

00:24:08 --> 00:24:14

was standing in Bessette Dean ismad if so each one of these doors

00:24:14 --> 00:24:18

these meanings opens a door foryou to understand Allah in a

00:24:19 --> 00:24:24

different way. In a better way.This is my differ is to recognize

00:24:24 --> 00:24:27

who Allah is. Right? So you wantto complete your recognition. So

00:24:27 --> 00:24:33

for example, I you can know whosomebody is as a colleague, but do

00:24:33 --> 00:24:36

you know them as a neighbor? No.Do you know them as a wife? No. Do

00:24:36 --> 00:24:38

you know them as a husband? No. Doyou know how the mother as a

00:24:38 --> 00:24:41

mother know as a son as adaughter? No. You only know them

00:24:41 --> 00:24:47

from one angle. Okay, so you'remad if it is? It's there? Yes, but

00:24:47 --> 00:24:50

it's not complete. Okay, we'relearning method.

00:24:52 --> 00:24:56

Gamma Oshana LM and updatedarmadillo. Our job is on it.

00:25:01 --> 00:25:05

siru fear that success and NL Jamahave been a phenomenal funnily one

00:25:05 --> 00:25:07

wire theory, some of other

00:25:12 --> 00:25:15

we're reading here from Azadi

00:25:16 --> 00:25:18

is comments on Susan Facha.

00:25:19 --> 00:25:19


00:25:21 --> 00:25:26

Roselli begins with the bestMullah saying that this is what I

00:25:26 --> 00:25:28

love about him is that he doesn'ttell you what's already known and

00:25:28 --> 00:25:31

other tufts here's that's thethat's what's nice about this.

00:25:33 --> 00:25:37

Well here I mean Colaturaaccording to the show Effa

00:25:37 --> 00:25:42

Bismillah R Rahman Rahim is averse of every Surah Imam Al Al

00:25:42 --> 00:25:43

Gula almost a killer.

00:25:45 --> 00:25:49

Either it's treated with the firstidea or it's by its standalone by

00:25:49 --> 00:25:50


00:25:52 --> 00:25:58

Could you feel like in a mem EMRWillie Sora your co learning with

00:25:58 --> 00:26:02

Docker see the learning and COlane with ACARA Cyberlearning you

00:26:02 --> 00:26:08

are co Laney vn Hulhumale Quraniwe already saw to the future

00:26:09 --> 00:26:12

and we should hold our that infact Yeah, it's an AI by itself

00:26:12 --> 00:26:17

and in every other Surah it ispart of the first day of were May

00:26:17 --> 00:26:22

Allah Shafi Illa N am and CooleySurah

00:26:26 --> 00:26:30

Lakin V O equally surah is an IRBRasiah. All right.

00:26:33 --> 00:26:36

As Al Quran, Omar Jesus andRasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa

00:26:36 --> 00:26:39

sallam were Amara Amara Rasulullahsallallahu alayhi wa sallam BF

00:26:39 --> 00:26:46

Hardy he Mark Goleman Docomo Hojato be co Lim WOMAD with Toto

00:26:46 --> 00:26:51

fillet of unknown behemoth totallyadorable color fit while I'm gonna

00:26:51 --> 00:26:56

judge her DB he had led to hadthat humble inquiry for can you

00:26:56 --> 00:26:59

bury a wound if you have the Quranyou had to cancel you will die

00:26:59 --> 00:27:03

Hakuna filho rule view I am notonly I mean catch be

00:27:07 --> 00:27:12

edge one yeah contradict the otherKhurana cutter one head and mana

00:27:12 --> 00:27:14

cutter kadhi Rahim Allah Look athim.

00:27:15 --> 00:27:17

Quote and Claudia yawns

00:27:19 --> 00:27:21

No, yes.

00:27:23 --> 00:27:24

No, no, it's spoken then.

00:27:25 --> 00:27:26

Clear the outcome after right.

00:27:27 --> 00:27:30

Because I'm always thinking of ano reciting of clutter. Yeah, it's

00:27:30 --> 00:27:34

always so when it because it saysI've called the humans back

00:27:34 --> 00:27:34


00:27:39 --> 00:27:42

and the only sort of in whichthere is no Bessemer is wood. It's

00:27:42 --> 00:27:48

a natural. It's in the middle ofthe surah. So that's a number.

00:27:50 --> 00:27:56

And a bad as we said it's thetactic of the bad is with the

00:27:58 --> 00:28:01

fear and hope and love.

00:28:03 --> 00:28:05

And they're always complete butthere's always something that's

00:28:05 --> 00:28:07

hovering more than something else.

00:28:17 --> 00:28:18

As What do you have?

00:28:23 --> 00:28:29

Colu Bismillah R Rahman r Rahimneighbor and is that never Oh 930

00:28:29 --> 00:28:33

We're kolu Rahman Al Rahim. SoAllah subhanaw taala is what is

00:28:33 --> 00:28:37

the we say that it is the alumAllah that Allah Allah. This is

00:28:37 --> 00:28:41

something you should write down onthe UN. If you have any piece of

00:28:41 --> 00:28:44

paper or your phone, the what dothey call?

00:28:46 --> 00:28:49

How do they describe the nameAllah? Say it is Allah mon Allah

00:28:49 --> 00:28:55

that Allah Allah or Holloman Allahlegible will Jude it is the item

00:28:55 --> 00:29:00

the item is the proper name. Andit is not a compound word such as

00:29:00 --> 00:29:01

El isla.

00:29:02 --> 00:29:07

Allah's name is not a compoundword of Allah. As many people say,

00:29:07 --> 00:29:12

it means it is merely it is aname. That's it. Okay, and the

00:29:12 --> 00:29:13


00:29:14 --> 00:29:18

Not every word in Arabic languageis most stuck. was stuck means

00:29:18 --> 00:29:22

it's a derivative. So it's notalways a derivative of a root

00:29:22 --> 00:29:23

let's say the word shut out up.

00:29:25 --> 00:29:27

Sheen Jeem Rob,

00:29:28 --> 00:29:32

this three letters gives you havedifferent meanings. The meaning of

00:29:32 --> 00:29:33

branching off

00:29:34 --> 00:29:38

the meaning of tree, the meaningof argument. All the meanings

00:29:38 --> 00:29:43

refer to something that started asone and became many. A shujaa is

00:29:43 --> 00:29:46

we started as one group we arguedto become different groups.

00:29:47 --> 00:29:52

A Shudra. It's a plant that startswith one. It starts with one

00:29:53 --> 00:29:57

trunk, then it branches out inmany. Okay? So that's what we call

00:29:57 --> 00:29:59

like a word that is much stuck.

00:30:00 --> 00:30:04

But this is right in which thename Allah subhanaw taala is right

00:30:04 --> 00:30:09

and we're stuck, it is not mushedup. It is as it is. It is an item.

00:30:09 --> 00:30:15

It is just an indicator and a signand the proper name of the one who

00:30:15 --> 00:30:19

is the highest essence, a vettedally, or you could say it is the

00:30:19 --> 00:30:23

proper name as some of them wouldwhat's the ketamine have said upon

00:30:23 --> 00:30:24

the one who exists by necessity?

00:30:26 --> 00:30:31

I don't we're not a vetted, Alejo,Allah, Allah, where jib and would

00:30:31 --> 00:30:33

shoot then

00:30:34 --> 00:30:38

the Allah has described himself inmany other names, but the name

00:30:38 --> 00:30:43

Allah subhanaw taala isencompasses all of His Names. So

00:30:43 --> 00:30:44

you don't say

00:30:45 --> 00:30:50

you said that Allah is a RahmaniRaheem. Okay, but you don't

00:30:50 --> 00:30:55

describe a Rahman Rahim as beingAllah. Right? I don't know mana

00:30:55 --> 00:30:59

Rahim is the description of Allahbut not vice versa. Okay, so Allah

00:30:59 --> 00:31:04

is the name. And Ramana Rahim arenames which are attributes and we

00:31:04 --> 00:31:08

could go to the meaning of Rama,you can go to the meaning of

00:31:08 --> 00:31:11

Kadeem with Jeep, all of thosethings, you can go to those

00:31:11 --> 00:31:15

meanings, they have meanings,whereas Allah himself than the

00:31:15 --> 00:31:18

name itself is a proper name. Andthat's it.

00:31:19 --> 00:31:24

Right? And that's the differencebetween the lawful jalala The net

00:31:24 --> 00:31:27

proper name of Allah subhanaw,taala, and all of the other

00:31:27 --> 00:31:27


00:31:29 --> 00:31:35

Okay, and these are Rahmanir Rahimare the two greatest and the two

00:31:36 --> 00:31:39

most beloved Names of Allahsubhanaw taala. And hence the

00:31:39 --> 00:31:46

prophets I said them said, thebest of names are those that refer

00:31:46 --> 00:31:54

to hand N and in a bed, which arethe Hamed being like Ahmed Mohamed

00:31:54 --> 00:31:59

Mahmoud Hamad names regarding thepraise of Allah subhanaw taala.

00:32:00 --> 00:32:06

And then the other collateral EsmaMr. Homido. an arbiter is that you

00:32:06 --> 00:32:11

refer to yourself as Abd Allah,Rahman Abdur Rahim Abdul Malik,

00:32:11 --> 00:32:18

Abdul Quddus Abdus Salam, AbdulMajeed, Abdul Majeed, all these

00:32:18 --> 00:32:21

different you know, why is it thatHemd is greater than why did the

00:32:21 --> 00:32:26

province say that haven't is agreater name than the opposite

00:32:26 --> 00:32:30

names? Reason is that Hemd itlasts forever.

00:32:31 --> 00:32:34

Hand is the vicar that continuesin Jannah.

00:32:35 --> 00:32:38

Whereas La Banda does not continuein June. Of course, we're a bad

00:32:38 --> 00:32:42

Allah, but we don't have to do abad engine. So while the province

00:32:42 --> 00:32:44

has sent us my Muhammad robot,

00:32:45 --> 00:32:46

and if you notice,

00:32:48 --> 00:32:52

very few, do we have any prophets?Well, we don't know all the names

00:32:52 --> 00:32:57

of the prophets. But prophets tendnot to be named

00:32:59 --> 00:33:04

something their attribute is thatof course, but their name is

00:33:04 --> 00:33:08

always something else. Why it'ssomething that will last forever

00:33:08 --> 00:33:14

to us doing servitude to Allahsubhanaw taala as fasting

00:33:15 --> 00:33:20

observing Halal and Haram has anend to it. Whereas praise has no

00:33:20 --> 00:33:23

end to it, you will praise Allahwill ask you to Dawa home and

00:33:23 --> 00:33:27

hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen. Theend the final sate statement of

00:33:27 --> 00:33:31

the final call of people inParadise is said hamdu Lillahi

00:33:31 --> 00:33:37

Rabbil Alameen. So as a result ofthat Hemd is greater than anything

00:33:37 --> 00:33:42

else hand is praise, mixed withgratitude. That's what Hamed is

00:33:42 --> 00:33:46

I'm praising you out for the withthe intent of gratitude. Okay

00:33:51 --> 00:33:54

well not to send ASA it'llsieverts

00:33:56 --> 00:34:01

minute enemy, we'll put it ourIdema now here's a name about

00:34:01 --> 00:34:02

here's the thing about Merci,

00:34:03 --> 00:34:04


00:34:05 --> 00:34:12

It actually, to study or itencompasses, it implies many, many

00:34:12 --> 00:34:17

other attributes. Think aboutthis. Mercy implies.

00:34:18 --> 00:34:22

Mercy implies power over you. Soif I think I'm having mercy over

00:34:22 --> 00:34:27

you, that by necessity, I havepower over you. I could hurt you.

00:34:27 --> 00:34:33

I could harm you. By necessity AmI have what you don't have which

00:34:33 --> 00:34:37

is power. By necessity. I'm beinggenerous to you.

00:34:38 --> 00:34:41

Now you can't have power oversomebody without having a will

00:34:41 --> 00:34:43

without having knowledge withouthaving

00:34:45 --> 00:34:50

existence. So a Rama a member ofAzad he goes so far as to say to

00:34:50 --> 00:34:54

send a sir a sci fi thriller okay.

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

He remembered it was early even goso far as to say that

00:35:00 --> 00:35:06

Mercy. The implication of mercy isthat it implies all the other

00:35:06 --> 00:35:09

attributes of Allah sama andthat's why he put it first. Okay?

00:35:09 --> 00:35:13

And that's why he says My Mercyencompasses my wrath.

00:35:14 --> 00:35:15

And Hadith could see.

00:35:17 --> 00:35:24

And he says that a rahmatu to showWICO home, ie, it makes you love

00:35:24 --> 00:35:29

your creative when you know he'smerciful. Well, mercy isn't mercy

00:35:29 --> 00:35:34

only when I'm in pain. And whenI'm in hardship, then I get mercy.

00:35:34 --> 00:35:37

No, not at all. Not only that,Mercy

00:35:38 --> 00:35:44

also implies generosity. Becauseasking for something is painful.

00:35:44 --> 00:35:48

having hope. Hope is a type ofpain if you think about it. It's

00:35:48 --> 00:35:51

almost a type of pain that we putourselves through willingly

00:35:51 --> 00:35:52

thinking about hope.

00:35:54 --> 00:35:56

When I want something, wantingsomething, you know, some people

00:35:56 --> 00:36:01

who have who've been disappointedearly in life, they never want to

00:36:01 --> 00:36:07

have hope. Right? They know thepain of an unfulfilled hope. So

00:36:07 --> 00:36:11

hope has a type of pain to it.Desire has a type of pain to it.

00:36:12 --> 00:36:17

Desire is extremely painful. Untilyou're reminded, don't worry, it's

00:36:17 --> 00:36:21

coming. It's coming. Then whathappens to your pain? It goes

00:36:21 --> 00:36:25

down. Alright, so you have hopefor something. Someone comes to

00:36:25 --> 00:36:27

you says don't worry about it'scome it's on the way. It's on the

00:36:27 --> 00:36:30

way. All right, like I'm gonna getpaid, what am I gonna get paid,

00:36:30 --> 00:36:33

then the boss's daughter aboutit's coming, it's coming, the pain

00:36:33 --> 00:36:37

goes down. So hope is a wonderfulthing, but it is also a painful

00:36:37 --> 00:36:37


00:36:39 --> 00:36:42

So if Allah is merciful Rama andhe's also generous because your

00:36:42 --> 00:36:46

hope for something will eventuallymust be answered. Otherwise you're

00:36:46 --> 00:36:50

extending someone in pain. And ifyou never answer them at all,

00:36:50 --> 00:36:53

forget extending them if you neveranswered them at all, you break

00:36:53 --> 00:36:53

them completely.

00:36:55 --> 00:36:56

You break them completely.

00:36:58 --> 00:37:04

And so hence he says this mercy isfilled with Raka and it won't

00:37:04 --> 00:37:07

move. It's what moves the personto the thaw of Allah subhanaw

00:37:07 --> 00:37:12

taala and that's as we saidearlier, fear is a faster and

00:37:12 --> 00:37:16

stronger impetus but it has ashorter shelf life. Because it's

00:37:16 --> 00:37:19

pain is greater the pain of fear,the nerves that are going in the

00:37:19 --> 00:37:22

hormones, you're going to beshocked. You can't have it too

00:37:22 --> 00:37:27

much. Okay. Can not have it toomuch hope though. You can have it

00:37:27 --> 00:37:30

for extended period of time andjust a reminder every once in a

00:37:30 --> 00:37:31

while it's coming.

00:37:32 --> 00:37:36

And you we would love to have itbut it must have an end to and

00:37:36 --> 00:37:39

that's why love is even greaterthan that because love doesn't

00:37:39 --> 00:37:40

have an antelope must have an IT.

00:37:42 --> 00:37:42


00:37:43 --> 00:37:48

it luck was Phil other bill lowthe carova Dylan and Rama in the

00:37:48 --> 00:37:53

Delica yo he's in Morocco withwelcome yoke Bill Kalba Wilaya

00:37:53 --> 00:37:57

Shah, who, and he says notice thatthere is no mention of divine

00:37:57 --> 00:38:04

wrath and suited Fatiha. Becausethat would have in it got it is

00:38:04 --> 00:38:09

hated by people. It is somethingthat will sat in them, scare them

00:38:09 --> 00:38:15

and constrict them. So there's nomention of divine wrath. There is

00:38:15 --> 00:38:19

merely an ishara to the Day ofJudgment, just to mention of the

00:38:19 --> 00:38:20

Day of Judgment.

00:38:22 --> 00:38:24

That He is the Owner of the Day ofJudgment, he did not say you will

00:38:24 --> 00:38:29

be judged. He would not say seekmy forgiveness. So it's important

00:38:29 --> 00:38:33

to notice that these are importantthemes, but they're not mentioned

00:38:33 --> 00:38:40

Fetta is fatty is a myth, Danny,it's something to be recited all

00:38:40 --> 00:38:44

the time. Metheny, it has ameaning of two but also has the

00:38:44 --> 00:38:50

meaning of again repeated seven.So a sub l Metheny, well, Quran

00:38:50 --> 00:38:54

and all the the seven oft repeatednow if you notice, Every book has

00:38:54 --> 00:38:55

an oft repeated surah

00:38:57 --> 00:38:58

the Christians have one right.

00:39:00 --> 00:39:04

The Lord's Prayer, if I'm notmistaken, the Lord's Prayer is

00:39:04 --> 00:39:08

their version that they repeatthat all the time and facts and

00:39:08 --> 00:39:11

for us is repeated all the time,the core and essence of all of

00:39:11 --> 00:39:15

what will earn a person mad ifit's Allah and Jana, and this

00:39:16 --> 00:39:20

summary of the Akita is in thissutra, and not only summary of

00:39:20 --> 00:39:21

okay, the summary of our purposeof life,

00:39:23 --> 00:39:27

you cannot lose your purpose oflife. If you're hearing ie

00:39:27 --> 00:39:29

economic Dewey, I can Steindentists often stuffy.

00:39:31 --> 00:39:34

Good, that there is a path ofworship, there's a right path,

00:39:34 --> 00:39:38

there's a wrong path. We want tostay away from the people on the

00:39:38 --> 00:39:41

wrong path and be with the peopleon the right path, like we have

00:39:41 --> 00:39:46

struck gives you a very broadstructure, the SUTA in life,

00:39:46 --> 00:39:50

purpose and structure. So there isno mention he meant he notices

00:39:50 --> 00:39:55

here of punishment of seekingforgiveness of anything, because

00:39:55 --> 00:39:59

it's so oft repeated, that itsthemes are all inspiring.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:06

except one mention of the day ofDay of Judgment now, do you think

00:40:06 --> 00:40:07

what you want to know?

00:40:10 --> 00:40:15

Now unhemmed and the chakra Lillaeither if a near Aminullah all

00:40:15 --> 00:40:19

blessings are from Allah subhanhowa Taala and all praiseworthy

00:40:19 --> 00:40:24

qualities are possessed by Allah.So that's where Hamed has two

00:40:24 --> 00:40:28

meanings chakra has one meaning,Hamed has one, two meanings, which

00:40:28 --> 00:40:32

is that all praiseworthy qualitiesbelong to Allah. And that's why

00:40:32 --> 00:40:36

whenever somebody says, can ahuman have something that Allah

00:40:36 --> 00:40:39

can't we say yes, and praiseworthyqualities?

00:40:41 --> 00:40:46

That doesn't. Is there somethingthat you did that? Michael Jordan

00:40:46 --> 00:40:52

didn't do? Yes. Not make it to theNBA. Right? So you don't say that

00:40:52 --> 00:40:55

that's a decrease in hisqualities. You don't say that you

00:40:55 --> 00:41:01

have something that he doesn'thave. Okay. So that's where many

00:41:01 --> 00:41:04

people make this mistake. Uh, wecan't have something we can't be

00:41:04 --> 00:41:08

able to do something that thedivine can't do. Yes, we can do

00:41:08 --> 00:41:12

everything on praiseworthy. That'swhat we may possess, and the

00:41:12 --> 00:41:17

creator only possesses that whichis praiseworthy. Hence, we can

00:41:17 --> 00:41:20

What does Allah say to separatebetween Jesus being a god and a

00:41:20 --> 00:41:24

human? He says Jesus and Mary,what did they used to do can yet

00:41:24 --> 00:41:25

cool and

00:41:26 --> 00:41:30

they used to walk in marketplacesand eat food. Why would you walk

00:41:30 --> 00:41:36

into a marketplace because I havea need? Does God have needs no. So

00:41:36 --> 00:41:39

human could have something thatGod doesn't have and that is a an

00:41:39 --> 00:41:42

praiseworthy quality, a weakness.

00:41:43 --> 00:41:46

That's the meaning of HEMT allpraiseworthy quality Well, what is

00:41:46 --> 00:41:49

the meaning of tests via a Subhan

00:41:50 --> 00:41:54

Annie, meaning of tests vsSubhanallah bit out of spawn that

00:41:54 --> 00:41:58

a bit all them spawn a lovely MD,that TSP has the opposite. In our

00:41:58 --> 00:42:03

motto, aka dinar belief that we'reremoving any on praiseworthy

00:42:03 --> 00:42:07

quality from his description, frommy belief system, from my belief

00:42:07 --> 00:42:11

about Allah subhana, which I amremoving any unpaid worthy

00:42:11 --> 00:42:15

quality, any quality that does notbelong to the Creator, and is not

00:42:15 --> 00:42:20

appropriate for the Creator, to bedescribed with. I'm removing that

00:42:20 --> 00:42:21

and that's the meaning of tospeak.

00:42:23 --> 00:42:28

So at to severe Wilhemina they gohand in hand. And that's why you

00:42:28 --> 00:42:32

want to combine them Subhan Allahwill be handy. You combined it.

00:42:32 --> 00:42:35

You did 10 Z of all attributesthat don't belong to Allah to

00:42:35 --> 00:42:39

Allah, or on praiseworthy things.I don't believe them about Allah

00:42:40 --> 00:42:43

and all praiseworthy things I dobelieve them about Allah Subhan

00:42:43 --> 00:42:44

Allah he will be empty.

00:42:47 --> 00:42:50

So, that is the meaning of testsvia So, Hamed is that Allah has

00:42:50 --> 00:42:56

all qualities within him allpraiseworthy qualities, but also

00:42:56 --> 00:43:01

he is the source of all blessings.Okay, he is the source of it all.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:06

Hence you say Alhamdulillah youdon't say Alhamdulillah Poulin so

00:43:06 --> 00:43:09

and so you don't say Hamza to sayto another person because no other

00:43:09 --> 00:43:13

person is the source. Anotherperson may be the means so you can

00:43:13 --> 00:43:17

give sugar. Now remember ineverything that we have, there is

00:43:17 --> 00:43:22

a source and a means Allah is thesource, we are the means okay?

00:43:23 --> 00:43:27

We are the Allah is the source andthe people who give you things are

00:43:27 --> 00:43:34

the means. So, the means to thisto Shiva to a cure is this

00:43:34 --> 00:43:38

Blackseed oil, but the source isAllah subhanaw taala now shook her

00:43:38 --> 00:43:42

in certain ways you are allowed tospeak about the source and the

00:43:42 --> 00:43:44

means in the same way.

00:43:46 --> 00:43:50

Peaceful Rekluse wants me toaddress if I didn't malubay him,

00:43:50 --> 00:43:55

Yes, we're going to address it.But notice that it's it's in a

00:43:55 --> 00:43:58

passive voice and malubay Allahhim is those upon whom is Allah's

00:43:58 --> 00:44:01

wrath, it's in a passive voice.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:05

And it's almost like they earnedit, they went and they earned that

00:44:05 --> 00:44:09

so we will, we'll touch upon that.But first this hunt and the

00:44:09 --> 00:44:11

concept here is that

00:44:12 --> 00:44:19

you may say thank people withsugar, this you say sugar Allah

00:44:19 --> 00:44:24

and you can say sugar is to aperson, you may also attribute

00:44:24 --> 00:44:29

action, okay, to a to you mayattribute action to a means and

00:44:29 --> 00:44:33

the source. Allah subhanaw taalasays yet to affect Allah takes

00:44:33 --> 00:44:37

your souls. Allah also says, Whatdo you have to affect the medical

00:44:37 --> 00:44:43

mode, the angel of death takesyour souls. Therefore, there is I

00:44:43 --> 00:44:46

can attribute an action to themeans and the source at the same

00:44:46 --> 00:44:52

time, I can attribute it to themeans the cause with a different

00:44:52 --> 00:44:56

belief about the cause, then whenI attribute to the source, so if I

00:44:56 --> 00:44:59

say the angel of death is comingto take your salt

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

We all understand it's by Allah'spermission. By Allah's Leave, by

00:45:05 --> 00:45:06

Allah's command.

00:45:07 --> 00:45:11

Nobody imagines that the angelsthat's gonna take your soul angels

00:45:11 --> 00:45:15

that's the some autonomouscreature that is outside of

00:45:15 --> 00:45:18

Allah's control. So we say thesame words but we believe

00:45:18 --> 00:45:22

different things about it. That'sa very important concept. When you

00:45:22 --> 00:45:26

ask ALLAH SubhanA which Allah whenyou make dua for Allah and you ask

00:45:26 --> 00:45:29

a human being for help todifferent things, so if I say,

00:45:30 --> 00:45:33

hey, I need your help today.Nobody should said no, you only

00:45:33 --> 00:45:38

need Allah's help. No, because I'msaying I need your help today with

00:45:38 --> 00:45:41

the belief that you can only helpme by the sake of Allah but I

00:45:41 --> 00:45:45

really need to express that everysingle time Okay, so that's why I

00:45:45 --> 00:45:45


00:45:46 --> 00:45:49

is only for Allah subhanaw taalabut sugar

00:45:50 --> 00:45:54

sugar can be for people too. Okay

00:45:57 --> 00:46:00

woman is why he says your womanyet I'm gonna buy it Allah He now

00:46:00 --> 00:46:04

I'm at an O Yuxin right Allahsubhanho wa Taala will be sugar

00:46:04 --> 00:46:08

lemon high through a normalsacrament Allah for fetus Mia tea

00:46:08 --> 00:46:10

with me the knocks on the

00:46:11 --> 00:46:15

LT fatty elaborated Allah. Okay,if you believe that somebody is

00:46:15 --> 00:46:19

helping you independently fromALLAH SubhanA wa Tada, that'd be

00:46:20 --> 00:46:26

right. But when we thank people,we thank them knowing that or

00:46:26 --> 00:46:30

believing that they are the causewhom ALLAH chose for us. Allah

00:46:30 --> 00:46:35

chose for you to do this for me.And because of that, by itself,

00:46:35 --> 00:46:36

you deserve sugar.

00:46:39 --> 00:46:43

Well, here must Jameela Allah ifBertie doru will come early that

00:46:43 --> 00:46:49

he will see fatty for Mecanim andEsma immortal Domine. And if

00:46:49 --> 00:46:54

that's Kaleem will Kadir was Semiawill will see foam and that is

00:46:54 --> 00:46:55


00:46:56 --> 00:47:01

How can Allah have mercy upon you?When you're when if he doesn't

00:47:01 --> 00:47:02

know everything about you?

00:47:04 --> 00:47:07

That's what mercy is incomplete.And that's why our mercy is

00:47:07 --> 00:47:12

incomplete. Sometimes we make thisvery important. We make

00:47:12 --> 00:47:16

conclusions of mercy that areessentially invalid and baseless.

00:47:16 --> 00:47:21

Why your conclusion is based upona lack of knowledge. It's

00:47:21 --> 00:47:23

incomplete knowledge. Oh my gosh,she's such a nice guy.

00:47:24 --> 00:47:28

believe he's gonna go to *.He's such a nice guy. He she was

00:47:28 --> 00:47:33

so nice. Okay, that's how do youknow who she is? From what? From

00:47:33 --> 00:47:37

what a few interactions that youhad? Oh, she's my friend. Okay.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:38

But you don't know what happenedin her private life, how she

00:47:38 --> 00:47:42

teaches her husband, how he shetreats her kid, what happens in

00:47:42 --> 00:47:45

her heart. Okay, when bad thingshappen.

00:47:47 --> 00:47:50

Alright, so you our mercy

00:47:51 --> 00:47:56

is not actually sounds, believe itor not. It's based upon an

00:47:56 --> 00:48:02

estimation. It's based upon partknowledge and part ignorance. So

00:48:02 --> 00:48:05

that's why our mercy doesn't meannothing. Oh, I don't think it's

00:48:05 --> 00:48:10

kind this that this, this ruleshere? Oh, I don't I don't want

00:48:10 --> 00:48:14

them to be punished for that. Waita second. You're making a

00:48:14 --> 00:48:18

judgment? on very littleknowledge. Allah has all the

00:48:18 --> 00:48:21

knowledge. So who's going to havea better judgment at the end of

00:48:21 --> 00:48:25

the day? This is why nobody shouldworry about other people. Yeah,

00:48:25 --> 00:48:29

you should worry about them if youcan talk to them and convince them

00:48:29 --> 00:48:33

but tell us if you can't. Were youworried about them for Allah six

00:48:33 --> 00:48:36

careful, he knows their state. Andhe's more merciful than you. So I

00:48:36 --> 00:48:41

don't understand why anyone wouldworry. Right? You the punishment

00:48:41 --> 00:48:46

can be far worse. Yeah. The strikethese if you disbelieve, this is

00:48:46 --> 00:48:49

your punishment should be worse.Yeah. I don't know if anyone heard

00:48:49 --> 00:48:50


00:48:51 --> 00:48:54

Maybe things could be worse thingscould be

00:48:56 --> 00:48:59

thinks could be worse. If you knewthe realities of people. Right?

00:48:59 --> 00:49:03

You may have had less mercy thanwhat Allah is already showing

00:49:03 --> 00:49:07

them. This is why a concept ofever imagining that you have more

00:49:07 --> 00:49:11

mercy than the Creator. First ofall, you can't because you don't

00:49:11 --> 00:49:15

have knowledge. Right? You do nothave knowledge of the person

00:49:20 --> 00:49:25

cannot call a Sayville Jaleel willenamel Hatfield, olive Nebuta. Low

00:49:25 --> 00:49:26

shipped and

00:49:27 --> 00:49:31

Walker of the era MelkonianHamdulillah. He left alto, I could

00:49:31 --> 00:49:34

break the back of a camel. He said

00:49:36 --> 00:49:38

just by writing a tough CF andHamdulillah.

00:49:40 --> 00:49:43

The amount of scrolls would breakthe back of a camel.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:49

Say naughty he said that. If I hadif I was to give it a seat, right?

00:49:49 --> 00:49:52

It's a theater of suits. In fact,it would take 70 camels to carry

00:49:52 --> 00:49:53


00:49:54 --> 00:49:59

Alhamdulillah thinner is to praisesomebody was shook Athena is to

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59

praise somebody

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

And sugar

00:50:02 --> 00:50:04

is to thank them for the blessing.

00:50:06 --> 00:50:09

So we're doing complete Allahsubhanaw taala and then

00:50:11 --> 00:50:15

we're giving him gratitude sugarfor what He's given us and that's

00:50:15 --> 00:50:17

why it's so important to havenamah

00:50:18 --> 00:50:23

to have blessings and Nam isextremely important to pull the

00:50:23 --> 00:50:27

thing out of you. So say not evenbe taught it was famously one time

00:50:27 --> 00:50:32

seen by his son drinking a coldfruit juice one time and that was

00:50:32 --> 00:50:34

something that the ascetics neverused to do.

00:50:35 --> 00:50:40

So they he said, Father, you drinkthis he said, I want to spring the

00:50:40 --> 00:50:45

things out of my heart. How NEMAgot anyone who's a bit down and

00:50:45 --> 00:50:48

depressed Alright, why don't youtake some blessings from Allah

00:50:48 --> 00:50:51

it'll move you ask for someblessings

00:50:53 --> 00:50:57

acts for it have some have a goalhave a mission have an adventure

00:50:57 --> 00:51:00

something to I'm going to do thisalmost gonna give me this they

00:51:00 --> 00:51:01

don't move you

00:51:03 --> 00:51:06

he says it's why I said handleterrorism but it's better to

00:51:06 --> 00:51:11

follow Bill Carmel was followed.Welcome, min Allah Marathi and

00:51:11 --> 00:51:16

welcome at the highest way topraise someone is to say that

00:51:16 --> 00:51:17

they're complete.

00:51:20 --> 00:51:23

So the most generous, okay, butthe most generous guy amongst us,

00:51:23 --> 00:51:29

but he also must, might be theweakest. Right? He's so generous.

00:51:29 --> 00:51:31

Yeah, he's such a nice guy. Buthe's also weak.

00:51:32 --> 00:51:34

All right, how about thestrongest, but he's not nice.

00:51:36 --> 00:51:39

The strongest if I tell you, thestrongest man is about to enter

00:51:39 --> 00:51:43

the room? Do you have hope ofgenerosity from him? Not

00:51:43 --> 00:51:47

necessarily. You have hope ofprotection. If I'm telling you the

00:51:47 --> 00:51:51

most generous man is going to walkin this room, chances are, he's

00:51:51 --> 00:51:55

not going to be the guy that wecall on to protect us, right?

00:51:56 --> 00:51:59

attributes in humans areimbalanced. So the greatest

00:51:59 --> 00:52:05

quality is to say, the best men iswe're going to walk in this room

00:52:05 --> 00:52:08

when he said the best okay, thatmeans everything, he's going to be

00:52:08 --> 00:52:11

the best to protect us the bestto, to be generous to us the best

00:52:11 --> 00:52:15

person to sit and hang out withand and be intimate with. Right so

00:52:15 --> 00:52:17

that's why as it says here

00:52:18 --> 00:52:25

and hand it's it indicates commandcompleteness. Right have all

00:52:25 --> 00:52:30

attributes that are good, andthat's the greatest way to to that

00:52:30 --> 00:52:31

is the greatest way

00:52:32 --> 00:52:35

to praise Allah subhanaw taala isby his commit

00:52:45 --> 00:52:47

was Surat Al Mustafa cream

00:52:51 --> 00:52:53

is as we're gonna see.

00:52:54 --> 00:52:58

It is the most important thing tobe grateful for hamdulillahi

00:52:58 --> 00:53:02

rabbil Alameen Ramallah RahimiMalik Yeoman Dean as he's going to

00:53:02 --> 00:53:07

say, He's saying what is the mostimportant thing to be thankful

00:53:07 --> 00:53:11

for? It says it is a so often wasstudy, but he's gonna get to that

00:53:11 --> 00:53:12


00:53:15 --> 00:53:19

What is greater sugar or Sabra? Nosugar

00:53:20 --> 00:53:24

just as a Rama is stronger than acondom.

00:53:26 --> 00:53:32

As we said, it's hope is a higherlevel than fear. Fear is a faster

00:53:32 --> 00:53:38

and it's a cure for everything.Okay. But hope is greater hope is

00:53:38 --> 00:53:43

far greater. Right? Why it couldlast long but like so likewise as

00:53:43 --> 00:53:46

a result of that sugar is greaterthan suburb.

00:53:47 --> 00:53:50

Because when you have suburb youhave suffered for the sake of

00:53:50 --> 00:53:54

Allah but you hate what you whatyou're being patient on. Right?

00:53:54 --> 00:53:54

You hate it.

00:53:56 --> 00:54:00

You have poverty, you havewhatever. You hate it, just

00:54:00 --> 00:54:01

dealing with it.

00:54:02 --> 00:54:06

For the sake because it's the willof Allah. But sugar is something

00:54:06 --> 00:54:09

you love. You want it to stay youwant to last. If you're in the

00:54:09 --> 00:54:11

state of somebody, you never wantto stay in the state of sub.

00:54:12 --> 00:54:14

Right? If I told one of you,you're going to be in the state of

00:54:14 --> 00:54:19

suburbs. You're going to be in astate for six years. suburbs are

00:54:19 --> 00:54:25

sugar of course sugar. Sugar isit's it's a worship of Allah with

00:54:25 --> 00:54:27

your heart. That is sweet.

00:54:28 --> 00:54:33

Saba is a worship of Allah in yourheart that's better. So clearly

00:54:33 --> 00:54:35

sugar is greater than subgratitude is greater than

00:54:35 --> 00:54:39

patients. suka is gratitude andsomebody's patients

00:54:43 --> 00:54:45

because sugar yes sir Anil Aritzia

00:54:46 --> 00:54:48

was show when

00:54:49 --> 00:54:54

she sugarcoat it derives out of itderives out of

00:54:55 --> 00:54:57

comfort, relaxation.

00:54:59 --> 00:55:00


00:55:00 --> 00:55:07

Last summer it comes out of thewill of Allah fear good dislike

00:55:08 --> 00:55:13

All right hardship so people donot like somebody and they like

00:55:13 --> 00:55:18

sugar and sugar is a greaterworship than sub although southern

00:55:18 --> 00:55:20

often patience

00:55:21 --> 00:55:22

is actually

00:55:23 --> 00:55:26

a prerequisite to sugar

00:55:27 --> 00:55:30

you can't be grateful unless youknow your first know how to be

00:55:30 --> 00:55:33

patient because sugar does requiresome patience

00:55:36 --> 00:55:42

and I mean is divided either somesay that an island mean is only

00:55:42 --> 00:55:47

the living things and other saidit is all things

00:55:48 --> 00:55:49

and chances are

00:55:53 --> 00:55:59

it is the most likely it is allthings not just the living things

00:56:00 --> 00:56:00


00:56:02 --> 00:56:08

all right let's stop here and goto our q&a session for today

00:56:16 --> 00:56:20

should we not pray for separateourselves then? No, you should

00:56:20 --> 00:56:23

pray for ease you should pray forease

00:56:25 --> 00:56:27

okay pray for ease more than some

00:56:30 --> 00:56:32

pray for a lot to make things easyfor you

00:56:38 --> 00:56:38


00:56:40 --> 00:56:41

look at when I was teaching

00:56:43 --> 00:56:48

video or video teaching I thinkit's oh it's a video Yeah. that

00:56:48 --> 00:56:52

moving is that moving? Or is it awatch again

00:56:56 --> 00:57:01

that's that's a great Morava tellhedge who I never got to meet but

00:57:01 --> 00:57:05

our Senate goes back to himthrough first check comes use if

00:57:05 --> 00:57:11

then check Sadek then check Ramithen Chicago man before that. Son

00:57:11 --> 00:57:14

of whatever tell hedge never metmotivated hedge.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:19

But everyone here owes a debt tohim. Everyone here owes a debt.

00:57:19 --> 00:57:24

When you know that when wefinished in 2015 I think when we

00:57:24 --> 00:57:26

finished the reseller, we talkedthe whole reseller I took that

00:57:26 --> 00:57:30

from ship Sadek. We took it fromwhatever judge got the whole

00:57:30 --> 00:57:35

reseller and mbsc the day theSunday before the class Emma. I

00:57:35 --> 00:57:38

had a dream and when I was intouch smiling and he was happy he

00:57:38 --> 00:57:39

said you did well

00:57:40 --> 00:57:45

I was so happy Subhanallah he washappy with the that we finished

00:57:45 --> 00:57:48

reseller so that's when you havethat you never met the chef but at

00:57:48 --> 00:57:50

least he's having a dream likethat it's

00:57:51 --> 00:57:52

it's really nice

00:57:58 --> 00:58:02

look at this concert. Interestingfor a lot of people here

00:58:04 --> 00:58:08

Syria or turkey? Something a lotof people

00:58:12 --> 00:58:13

Wow, these are they're good.

00:58:15 --> 00:58:18

Oh, there they go everywhere. Andthey do this. They just stand in a

00:58:18 --> 00:58:19

row. Yeah.

00:58:21 --> 00:58:22

Like 50 Guys

00:58:27 --> 00:58:29

Wow, that's beautiful. That'sbeautiful.

00:58:31 --> 00:58:34

Add real to your story. Just asegment is going through

00:58:34 --> 00:58:35


00:58:37 --> 00:58:37


00:58:43 --> 00:58:46

here's how the bomber So how haveyou been going to make so do

00:58:49 --> 00:58:52

to see how a bomber makes her doproperly.

00:58:54 --> 00:58:56

There's a lot of benefit fromInstagram to be honest with you.

00:58:58 --> 00:59:03

The one thing you just have to youjust have to you just have to not

00:59:03 --> 00:59:08

be shared in any other. You can'tsubscribe to anything else. Yeah,

00:59:08 --> 00:59:12

like if you i subscribe once toSteph Curry shots. Yeah, I got all

00:59:12 --> 00:59:18

the junk. That's sports guys watchtoo. Yeah. Right. Always sports

00:59:18 --> 00:59:21

guys. If people watch sports, theytend to watch other things too.

00:59:21 --> 00:59:25

Right? So I got those suggestions.Only when I canceled everything.

00:59:27 --> 00:59:31

Everything else and like randomstuff all the time. Yeah. No, the

00:59:31 --> 00:59:31

algorithm is

00:59:33 --> 00:59:39

it's just what it thinks you watchbecause of other people last eat

00:59:39 --> 00:59:40

last night they

00:59:41 --> 00:59:45

they did the title we in TimesSquare which is always I think a

00:59:45 --> 00:59:48

controversial issue. It'scontroversial but hey, it's a

00:59:48 --> 00:59:50

thing now look.

00:59:53 --> 00:59:54

Props to the Cape.

00:59:57 --> 00:59:58

So they did it.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:00


01:00:04 --> 01:00:06

right. So,

01:00:07 --> 01:00:14

I mean, now that they're doing it,right. Hello Is Dr. Fudge Hasson

01:00:14 --> 01:00:16

is the one who led the salon.

01:00:18 --> 01:00:20

Now that they're doing it, wesupport it. Why not?

01:00:21 --> 01:00:24

You? They say, oh, there's a lotof fiscal there. Okay. People know

01:00:24 --> 01:00:28

about it across the world, though.Yeah. And people in Egypt asking

01:00:28 --> 01:00:30

me, yeah, probably done with it.

01:00:31 --> 01:00:31

I'm done with it.

01:00:34 --> 01:00:36

It's terrible. So not Yes, it is,of course.

01:00:39 --> 01:00:42

And the number of records, but themassage it is sooner for the

01:00:42 --> 01:00:45

massage to establish 20 for thatwith this I've established but if

01:00:45 --> 01:00:47

they establish more or less, itdoesn't matter.

01:00:48 --> 01:00:52

Can you finish what's on our plateduring the event of Soho? No,

01:00:52 --> 01:00:57

nothing, not even what's in yourmouth. If the event of soda goes

01:00:57 --> 01:00:58

at than a fetch,

01:01:00 --> 01:01:03

and you're have food in yourmouth, you can swallow this whole

01:01:03 --> 01:01:06

thing of finished what's in yourhand finish? What's on your plate?

01:01:06 --> 01:01:10

No way. People have these likemisplaced priorities where they're

01:01:10 --> 01:01:14

like, oh, no, but we can't wastethe food. Yeah, well, you know,

01:01:14 --> 01:01:16

what do you want to waste youwanna waste your faster you want

01:01:16 --> 01:01:18

to waste your food. And you shouldhave thought about that before you

01:01:18 --> 01:01:21

took out such a big plate orbefore you're eating. This is why

01:01:21 --> 01:01:25

we do em sack to begin with, youshould have observed him sec. M

01:01:25 --> 01:01:29

SEC has to stop eating. Back inthe old days of ancient times in

01:01:29 --> 01:01:32

the 80s, there used to be acalendar. And that had two

01:01:32 --> 01:01:38

columns. Before the column thatsays fed, there was a column that

01:01:38 --> 01:01:39

said stop eat.

01:01:41 --> 01:01:43

That's what the that's what thecolumn was stopping the press

01:01:43 --> 01:01:48

didn't even know speak English.Right? Yeah, stop, eat. Okay. And

01:01:48 --> 01:01:51

that's called him second as about15 minutes before fetch.

01:01:54 --> 01:01:57

I couldn't concentrate entirely atall last night, because two people

01:01:57 --> 01:02:00

next to me and many others wereuncontrollably coughing and

01:02:00 --> 01:02:04

sneezing. Should sick peoplediscouraged from nothing, they

01:02:04 --> 01:02:09

should sick the sick, who can makenoise or making noise or coughing

01:02:09 --> 01:02:12

or getting other people sick?should stay home?

01:02:17 --> 01:02:18

What did they say on Instagram?

01:02:21 --> 01:02:23

What do you mean by there as we

01:02:24 --> 01:02:26

hope must have an end.

01:02:27 --> 01:02:30

When you hope for something youare hoping to attain something to

01:02:30 --> 01:02:34

see something to look at somethingto to have something. So don't you

01:02:34 --> 01:02:36

need it to end? It has to have anend. And that's the difference

01:02:36 --> 01:02:40

between hope and love. And that'swhy the superiority of Hope

01:02:40 --> 01:02:44

overlap of love over hope is opento love. No president, you love

01:02:44 --> 01:02:48

something forever. But hope has tohave an end. Right?

01:02:49 --> 01:02:52

When you're hoping for something Ineed to get it.

01:02:53 --> 01:02:54


01:02:55 --> 01:02:57

One day I have to achieve I haveto have it.

01:02:59 --> 01:03:00

Does that make sense?

01:03:02 --> 01:03:04

All right, read this that longquestion there.

01:03:05 --> 01:03:08

He's saying I have a Jewishcoworker who is one of the loss of

01:03:08 --> 01:03:11

handles added changes laws, hetold to stick to the commands

01:03:11 --> 01:03:13

you're given Why would He changethem? Why do we have different

01:03:13 --> 01:03:19

differential because the life ischanging? Okay. 1281 012 that is?

01:03:21 --> 01:03:26

Life is changing. That's whyright? Life changes. And people

01:03:26 --> 01:03:31

change. So Subhanallah we have onewhen we have one law, what do they

01:03:31 --> 01:03:33

say? They say, Oh, but timeschanged. We're going to follow a

01:03:33 --> 01:03:37

law from the ancient times, right?And then when the laws do change,

01:03:37 --> 01:03:40

they say, Oh, well, why change?Why not just have one law because

01:03:40 --> 01:03:43

the nature of human beingschanged. So think about this.

01:03:45 --> 01:03:50

For the long time in humanhistory, in the beginning, namely,

01:03:51 --> 01:03:56

up to what maybe one or twogenerations insists the

01:03:56 --> 01:04:00

prohibition was to marry yourtwin, but you can marry your

01:04:00 --> 01:04:05

sister. Right? Allah created thehuman being to have a desire for

01:04:05 --> 01:04:10

his sister, but not his twin.That's what was forbidden. So

01:04:10 --> 01:04:12

Adam, and however they producedtwins.

01:04:14 --> 01:04:14


01:04:16 --> 01:04:21

20 pregnancies, okay, all withtwins. And then the final

01:04:21 --> 01:04:25

pregnancy was one child, which iswho scheef Why?

01:04:26 --> 01:04:31

Because Abel kills Cain, Cainkilled Abel. Right. So that

01:04:31 --> 01:04:34

decrease the human populationdown. And that was a time when the

01:04:34 --> 01:04:39

human population needed to beeven. So she was, was born by

01:04:39 --> 01:04:44

himself. And he the prophethoodcame to him. So

01:04:45 --> 01:04:49

every set of births for her whatwas a boy and a girl, the

01:04:49 --> 01:04:51

prohibition was to marry yourtwin.

01:04:53 --> 01:04:59

Later on, it became so that sistermen could marry two sisters like

01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

who say

01:05:00 --> 01:05:07

Now I could for example, say nowwho he had fled from his brother.

01:05:07 --> 01:05:07


01:05:09 --> 01:05:13

You know the story. Yeah, you toldit to us before once you told it

01:05:13 --> 01:05:13

to us.

01:05:18 --> 01:05:21

He married two sisters.

01:05:22 --> 01:05:26

And there were also two slavesthat he married from those four,

01:05:26 --> 01:05:28

he produced the 12 Sons of Israel.

01:05:31 --> 01:05:34

But sisters, they have great envyto one another,

01:05:36 --> 01:05:38

have a lot of envy towards oneanother. So when

01:05:39 --> 01:05:40


01:05:41 --> 01:05:43

the younger sister, she died.

01:05:45 --> 01:05:51

She was the mother of Josephsaying they use it. So because of

01:05:51 --> 01:05:56

that, saying they are cool, givemore love to use if and Binyamin

01:05:57 --> 01:06:01

compensating for the death ofRohit, who died giving birth to

01:06:01 --> 01:06:01


01:06:02 --> 01:06:03


01:06:04 --> 01:06:11

So as a result of that, the motherof the his older sister became

01:06:11 --> 01:06:14

jealous of that. And that jealousytransmitted eventually to the

01:06:14 --> 01:06:19

boys. So oh, he's showing morelove for your group for use of

01:06:20 --> 01:06:22

okay, we have because he lost hismother. That's why.

01:06:24 --> 01:06:29

So that even though she was themother, she was the aunt.

01:06:30 --> 01:06:35

The collar of use of and thestepmother of use of, but

01:06:35 --> 01:06:40

something inside of her had someenvy. And what's the proof that

01:06:40 --> 01:06:44

she was righteous, and she wasgood to use of, but she couldn't

01:06:44 --> 01:06:48

withstand the envy that he'sgetting more attention than her

01:06:48 --> 01:06:53

own sense is that Allah subhanawtaala describes them the parents

01:06:53 --> 01:06:57

as the sun and the moon. In thedream of use of profit use of of

01:06:57 --> 01:06:58

course has a dream

01:06:59 --> 01:07:02

of 11 stars. And the sun and themoon

01:07:03 --> 01:07:08

are 11 planets and the Sun and theMoon prostrating to me the sun and

01:07:08 --> 01:07:12

the moon are the mother and thefather. But the mother had died.

01:07:12 --> 01:07:13

So who is the mother? The stepmom?

01:07:15 --> 01:07:20

His color? It's his color Raheelsister. Okay.

01:07:21 --> 01:07:26

So after seeing that one of themercies in our Sharia is the

01:07:26 --> 01:07:27


01:07:28 --> 01:07:32

The prohibition of men marryingtwo sisters, one of the reasons

01:07:32 --> 01:07:35

behind that is that the great envythat would occur between the two

01:07:35 --> 01:07:35

of them

01:07:36 --> 01:07:40

a great envy and competitioncompetitiveness that would rise

01:07:40 --> 01:07:43

between the two of them. Andthat's why it was forbidden.

01:07:45 --> 01:07:45


01:07:50 --> 01:07:55

So there's always constant changesin laws, based on how things how

01:07:55 --> 01:07:59

human human life change, butdoesn't change is the beliefs.

01:07:59 --> 01:08:03

That's what's more important. Thenature of heaven, the nature of

01:08:03 --> 01:08:06

*, the nature of these things,that's what never changes.

01:08:11 --> 01:08:15

US man's obeyed. He said, I readand see without sure that those

01:08:15 --> 01:08:19

who seek sainthood don't achieveit. No, those who seek seek it for

01:08:19 --> 01:08:24

the wrong reasons don't achieveit. Those who seek Wilaya for the

01:08:24 --> 01:08:30

magic or seemingly, you knowmystical powers and attention

01:08:30 --> 01:08:35

you're going to get for the wrongreason. But no, we are. It is an

01:08:35 --> 01:08:39

act of worship to seek it.Otherwise, why didn't Allah tell

01:08:39 --> 01:08:41

us about it? But why did Allahtell us about as he doesn't want

01:08:41 --> 01:08:46

us to seek it? Allah gave us MCOMSN he gave us Wilaya he gave us

01:08:46 --> 01:08:50

signs of Amen. So that we couldseek those things he told us about

01:08:50 --> 01:08:54

them. So we can desire them, butfor the right reason not for the

01:08:54 --> 01:08:57

wrong reasons. So what he musthave meant and see without Sure.

01:08:58 --> 01:09:04

See without short is seeking welie up for the wrong reason. But

01:09:04 --> 01:09:08

Aloma journeyman odia you shouldjust seek to be from Lodi Allah

01:09:14 --> 01:09:17

How do you know, says Abdulhadiwhen you gain Wilaya?

01:09:19 --> 01:09:23

Well, there are some ways that theODI used to know is by dreams seen

01:09:23 --> 01:09:27

by them or by somebody else.Right? For example, there was one

01:09:27 --> 01:09:28


01:09:29 --> 01:09:33

that's that a youth came in.

01:09:34 --> 01:09:39

And he said that his wife, hisnewly married wife had a dream

01:09:39 --> 01:09:42

that she was on a mountain. Right.

01:09:43 --> 01:09:44

She was on a mountain

01:09:45 --> 01:09:50

and then he gave her tafsir lateron he told other people though,

01:09:50 --> 01:09:51

that that you

01:09:54 --> 01:09:59

that's Wilaya because the mountainis Wilaya Okay, that's what a man

01:10:00 --> 01:10:03

alternates in the dreams. Sosometimes it's seen by the

01:10:03 --> 01:10:06

President even know it. It's onlyseen by others or seeing someone

01:10:06 --> 01:10:10

wearing a white turban. There arevisions that are done that but

01:10:10 --> 01:10:13

also most importantly, that thereis being answered now. Anytime

01:10:13 --> 01:10:16

that they have a fear or concern,it's quickly allayed anytime they

01:10:16 --> 01:10:20

have a desire it's quickly attain,the DA is answered.

01:10:22 --> 01:10:25

Didn't even full doc say that? Oh,well, he can't know he's already.

01:10:25 --> 01:10:29

I think they argued about that.But it's minority opinion. That's

01:10:29 --> 01:10:31

not the right opinion. No, heconfirms that he can. No, he's

01:10:31 --> 01:10:33

only and what's the proof? TheSahaba knew they were suffering.

01:10:34 --> 01:10:36

And that's how it was a greaterrank than Willow.

01:10:38 --> 01:10:40

Plan. See, some people in Indiasay that's a lot of times aren't

01:10:40 --> 01:10:45

that set to the minute. So theyeat a few minutes after fetch? Why

01:10:45 --> 01:10:50

not stop a few minutes? Why? WhyImagine that? It's not set in the

01:10:50 --> 01:10:54

direction forward, not backwards.Yeah, so maybe the prayer calendar

01:10:54 --> 01:11:00

is wrong. backwards to right. Sostop eating earlier. That's what

01:11:00 --> 01:11:00

he's saying here.

01:11:02 --> 01:11:04

Is a justification to stop eatingearlier.

01:11:06 --> 01:11:11

Makes sense? If it's not set, ifit says on the calendar 510? Yes,

01:11:11 --> 01:11:15

we don't know who wrote thesecalendars and how they wrote them.

01:11:15 --> 01:11:19

So these calendars are not likeexplicit knowledge or something.

01:11:20 --> 01:11:20


01:11:23 --> 01:11:25

It's not certain knowledge, thesecounts by the way.

01:11:26 --> 01:11:28

You don't know who made them, orhow they made them.

01:11:29 --> 01:11:35

So therefore, you have to have asafety buffer five minutes before,

01:11:35 --> 01:11:40

fetch at least five minutes, ifnot more inset Mark, I weighed a

01:11:40 --> 01:11:43

little bit as well. Also, what iscertain knowledge is if you know

01:11:43 --> 01:11:46

the prayer times and you seeoutside the sky that Maghrib is in

01:11:47 --> 01:11:49

at that point, I don't care whatthe calendar says, if I see that

01:11:49 --> 01:11:52

Magnum is in my present, I knowhow been looking at the sky for so

01:11:52 --> 01:11:55

many years. Now, if it's not acloudy day, if it's a clear day, I

01:11:55 --> 01:11:57

know when Maghrib isn't, right.

01:11:59 --> 01:12:01

That's takes priority over acalendar.

01:12:03 --> 01:12:05

So But if all I have to go withhis calendar,

01:12:07 --> 01:12:09

then what I'll do from Alberta

01:12:10 --> 01:12:11

is wait a little bit.

01:12:13 --> 01:12:14

Three, four minutes.

01:12:17 --> 01:12:19

And I'm telling you thedifference, honestly, the

01:12:19 --> 01:12:25

difference between the army andthe Taliban is the understanding

01:12:25 --> 01:12:32

of the sources of knowledge. Andwhat the claims yields. The claims

01:12:32 --> 01:12:32

may yield

01:12:34 --> 01:12:38

speculative knowledge, certainknowledge, what is it yielding?

01:12:38 --> 01:12:42

Okay. I told him brother this. Andhe said,

01:12:44 --> 01:12:47

he's not gonna present I said, Howdo you know he's at the app?

01:12:48 --> 01:12:51

I said, okay, just wait to the appsays it's in.

01:12:53 --> 01:12:55

Which one of the app as if it'slike revealed from heaven?

01:12:57 --> 01:13:00

It shattered him. He was shatteredthe idea that the apps not

01:13:00 --> 01:13:06

reliable. Right? And the thing isthat I actually sort of

01:13:08 --> 01:13:12

envied him for the blissfulignorance that he was in. Right?

01:13:12 --> 01:13:16

That he's like a regular Muslimguy. He's not into knowledge or

01:13:16 --> 01:13:20

anything. He's pious guy, but he'snot into knowledge. And he wants

01:13:20 --> 01:13:22

to be pious. Okay, what am I goingto do? I'm going to get the app.

01:13:23 --> 01:13:26

Okay, as if like, all perfect,pious Muslims that make no

01:13:26 --> 01:13:32

mistakes have made this app.Right. And in his eyes. Everyone

01:13:32 --> 01:13:35

who is involved in Islam knowsbetter than him and is more pious

01:13:35 --> 01:13:40

than him. I actually missed that.Right? There was a time period.

01:13:40 --> 01:13:43

I'm sure everyone went through itthat if you saw somebody with a

01:13:43 --> 01:13:47

beard, that guy that was personwas here, and you're here, right?

01:13:48 --> 01:13:52

And that's how he viewed theworld. The Muslims, its Muslim

01:13:52 --> 01:13:56

Pro, they made the app, right.They made that app, right.

01:14:00 --> 01:14:04

Yeah, specifically, that app is aproblem. But he had the shock of

01:14:04 --> 01:14:08

his life that I doubted the app.And I said, Yeah, I had to teach

01:14:08 --> 01:14:11

him though, because you can'tleave people in increments, like

01:14:11 --> 01:14:14

your app is made by human beings.You don't know how they made it,

01:14:15 --> 01:14:18

they do have a percent chance thatthey can make a mistake. This is

01:14:18 --> 01:14:21

not the Catholic Church here,whatever they say is the law.

01:14:21 --> 01:14:25

Right? We don't have that here.Right. So he got the shock of his

01:14:25 --> 01:14:29

life. But that is essentially oneof the big differences between the

01:14:29 --> 01:14:31

common Muslim and

01:14:33 --> 01:14:35

the astute seeker of knowledge, aseeker of knowledge will

01:14:35 --> 01:14:40

interrogate the sources ofknowledge, and will ask now, what

01:14:40 --> 01:14:45

type what degree of certainty itwill yield. That concept threw him

01:14:45 --> 01:14:49

out for a loop suit, because oncehe got over the denial, once he

01:14:49 --> 01:14:53

got over the fact that the appsaren't do not can have mistakes in

01:14:53 --> 01:14:56

them or they don't yield certainknowledge. He brought me he

01:14:56 --> 01:14:59

brought the next question of

01:15:00 --> 01:15:04

Oh, wait a second, then all ourfasts have been wrong. The know

01:15:04 --> 01:15:09

then all of our faster invalid. SoI said no, it said, because

01:15:09 --> 01:15:16

mistakes in timing does not breakyour fast. Mistaken timing will

01:15:16 --> 01:15:21

definitely does not requireconfidence. If you know about it,

01:15:21 --> 01:15:24

for sure it's a mistake, itrequires a lot but not a fraud. So

01:15:25 --> 01:15:29

the gray area or the middle, thegradation of error was also

01:15:29 --> 01:15:31

something new to him. It was like

01:15:33 --> 01:15:36

eight I was I've been using thisforever. Does that mean my fast is

01:15:36 --> 01:15:39

invalid? Now my fast doesn't countNo, all my fast don't count. Like

01:15:39 --> 01:15:44

he jumped. He has his white orblack. That's it? No, there are

01:15:44 --> 01:15:48

there's a gradation here. Thefirst one is, you didn't even know

01:15:48 --> 01:15:51

that you made a mistake. So wecan't even say you made a mistake.

01:15:51 --> 01:15:53

Because I don't know when youbroke your fast and one bucket it

01:15:53 --> 01:15:57

was number two, if you made amistake, and then you you discover

01:15:57 --> 01:16:03

that you made a mistake, then it'sinvalid but not sinful. Okay,

01:16:03 --> 01:16:06

there's a big difference betweeninvalid and sinful, that is a

01:16:06 --> 01:16:07

whole new world for him.

01:16:08 --> 01:16:12

Okay, so that's where you startseeing the value of knowledge, but

01:16:12 --> 01:16:13

also honestly,

01:16:14 --> 01:16:17

the bliss of ignorance. But youcan't unfortunately can't keep

01:16:17 --> 01:16:19

people in ignorance if they're ifthey don't know things.

01:16:21 --> 01:16:23

A red cheeks here saying I didn'teven know the apps were

01:16:23 --> 01:16:28

unreliable. Yeah. Because why?Because we have no actual

01:16:28 --> 01:16:31

knowledge, how they process this?What's it? Why would they be

01:16:31 --> 01:16:35

reliable? Yeah. Why is thestandard that they are reliable?

01:16:36 --> 01:16:41

Yeah. And also because the claim,but but also this two red cheeks?

01:16:43 --> 01:16:46

How do you know that when theymade the app, or whenever the

01:16:46 --> 01:16:50

calculation was made, that it wasaligned to the same clock you're

01:16:50 --> 01:16:51

using? Right?

01:16:52 --> 01:16:56

Now, that might be of less of anissue, because we can get the

01:16:56 --> 01:17:01

official US time. But then again,they made you know that, you know,

01:17:01 --> 01:17:04

that times changed by a coupleseconds and a couple minutes just

01:17:04 --> 01:17:09

by driving, just by driving, justdrive up to North Jersey, right?

01:17:09 --> 01:17:13

The time changed, right? Justdrive south a little bit time

01:17:13 --> 01:17:18

changed a little bit. So when itsays that it's the app is made,

01:17:18 --> 01:17:22

right? It, it's going to need toactually know exactly where you

01:17:22 --> 01:17:25

are at your coordinates. Butanytime you use one of these apps

01:17:25 --> 01:17:29

for a major obligation, such asfasting, just give it a buffer,

01:17:29 --> 01:17:32

that you're not going to loseanything for three, four minutes,

01:17:32 --> 01:17:35

then you look outside your apps.If it's not cloudy, you become

01:17:35 --> 01:17:36

certain that it isn't.

01:17:37 --> 01:17:41

You're not losing any facet. 18hours, right? That's how it's

01:17:41 --> 01:17:42

supposed to be anyways.

01:17:43 --> 01:17:46

to procrastinate, yeah, it'ssupposed to be with your eyes.

01:17:46 --> 01:17:49

Yeah. It's meant by they'resupposed to do the HD hide

01:17:49 --> 01:17:52

yourself. Yeah. And look outsideand see what's the direction of

01:17:52 --> 01:17:55

the Qibla? What's the direction?Oh, you know, isn't it from time

01:17:56 --> 01:17:59

to time? You're supposed to dothat. Like, there's no point in

01:17:59 --> 01:18:03

going to this if you have theability to do so. Well, here's

01:18:03 --> 01:18:03

another thing.

01:18:04 --> 01:18:07

A brother here says that a certainshake went out and camped out in

01:18:07 --> 01:18:10

the deserts of California andverified that 15 degrees.

01:18:11 --> 01:18:16

is the most accurate for fetch?Well, let me tell you this. Why

01:18:16 --> 01:18:21

can't we accept this because outin England, a group of scholars

01:18:21 --> 01:18:24

not one or two, a whole group wentout. And they said we're going to

01:18:24 --> 01:18:30

spend the entire month observingfetch and documenting our

01:18:30 --> 01:18:31

findings. Okay.

01:18:33 --> 01:18:37

So they found that when they theirfirst few weeks, that they did

01:18:37 --> 01:18:42

this, their documentation of fudgeit was telling them that it's 15

01:18:42 --> 01:18:47

degrees. By the end of the secondby the second week, it was

01:18:47 --> 01:18:51

matching aligning with 16 degreesby the third week or something by

01:18:51 --> 01:18:54

the fourth week with 18 degrees.Well, guess what happened? There,

01:18:54 --> 01:18:56

I got better at seeing the light.

01:18:57 --> 01:19:01

The first time they went outthere, okay, there, I could not

01:19:01 --> 01:19:05

see the light. Well, they weren'ttrained by the end of the month,

01:19:05 --> 01:19:08

they could see the light earlierthan before. And that's why they

01:19:08 --> 01:19:12

confirmed 18 degrees for federalcoming in, which is the earlier

01:19:12 --> 01:19:15

time. Now if you're totallyconfused about what 15 and 18 is,

01:19:16 --> 01:19:21

there are two opinions on whenfedrick the first light even comes

01:19:21 --> 01:19:22

in. Okay. And

01:19:24 --> 01:19:27

you have the horizon here. And youhave your sun here. Okay, so the

01:19:27 --> 01:19:28


01:19:29 --> 01:19:36

is at 18 degrees when the firstlight comes in, and other

01:19:36 --> 01:19:39

calculators have calculated as 15degrees. So that's different.

01:19:39 --> 01:19:43

That's the point of difference.And there are there is support on

01:19:43 --> 01:19:46

both sides. I can't say thatthere's no support on either side

01:19:46 --> 01:19:48

and that your face would beinvalid. I won't say that.

01:20:01 --> 01:20:05

memoriam has a lot of questions.So let's see this. Also motorcycle

01:20:05 --> 01:20:11

is mine. What is Willa? Willa iswhat is hula? And can you America

01:20:11 --> 01:20:15

as you can get your cousin's? Yes.What is Wilaya It is the highest

01:20:15 --> 01:20:18

level of Eman that a Muslim canshoot for and it has a lot of,

01:20:18 --> 01:20:24

there's a path for it and there isa lot of reward for it. The reward

01:20:24 --> 01:20:26

of the life of the wealthy isdifferent from the life of the

01:20:26 --> 01:20:29

common believer because Allahtreats them differently. And Allah

01:20:29 --> 01:20:31

treats them differently. He treatsthe deen differently.

01:20:32 --> 01:20:34

He treats a bed differently.

01:20:36 --> 01:20:39

Alright, let's let's take amillenniums question. Asking for a

01:20:39 --> 01:20:40


01:20:42 --> 01:20:47

You know it's going to be goodnow. If husband loves his wife, I

01:20:47 --> 01:20:51

told you it's gonna be good.husband loves his wife and he

01:20:51 --> 01:20:54

cares for her. And he wants tosave the marriage. Oh, it turned

01:20:54 --> 01:20:55


01:20:56 --> 01:21:00

But the river wife feels she andher husband are have totally

01:21:00 --> 01:21:02

different outlook on lifepersonalities cultural difference,

01:21:02 --> 01:21:03


01:21:04 --> 01:21:07

And a part of her wants to leavethe marriage due to emotionally

01:21:07 --> 01:21:11

being drained. And her pastdepression is recurring by saying

01:21:11 --> 01:21:14

in this marriage, can she leavethe marriage to these grounds,

01:21:14 --> 01:21:17

they're both practicing Muslims,she can leave the

01:21:19 --> 01:21:20

she can

01:21:22 --> 01:21:26

leave the marriage if she isunable to fulfill her obligations

01:21:26 --> 01:21:29

to her husband. Because of thelack of feeling towards the

01:21:29 --> 01:21:32

husband. She recognizes thehusband loves me dearly, but I'm

01:21:32 --> 01:21:36

not happy in this marriage. Shecannot fulfill the

01:21:37 --> 01:21:39

responsibilities of the marriagebecause my heart is

01:21:41 --> 01:21:47

unable to then she can seek a hulabut she would have either he would

01:21:47 --> 01:21:52

let her go willingly. And if hedoesn't want to do that, then she

01:21:52 --> 01:21:54

gives back the dowry orsomething's to adopt or something

01:21:54 --> 01:21:57

similar to that and

01:22:00 --> 01:22:04

and then he can divorce her soit's sad situation but if she's

01:22:05 --> 01:22:07

I'm not a fan of somebody juststaying in a marriage

01:22:08 --> 01:22:12

for the sake of it now if thereare kids their mates another

01:22:12 --> 01:22:16

question. That's another issue.But if there are no kids or or you

01:22:16 --> 01:22:20

don't fear that the divorce willbe draining on them on the kids of

01:22:20 --> 01:22:22

course it always is. Then

01:22:24 --> 01:22:28

being miserable and depressed tothat degree because you realize

01:22:28 --> 01:22:31

the cultures are so different theway we live life is different. And

01:22:31 --> 01:22:33

you don't want to live with thisperson.

01:22:34 --> 01:22:36

There's a reason Allah madedivorce permitted

01:22:40 --> 01:22:44

should I make intention for Kedahif I miss Salah by one or two

01:22:44 --> 01:22:47

minutes according to the eventcalendar if you are certain that

01:22:47 --> 01:22:51

you prayed ahead of the time or itsorry, let me put it this way. If

01:22:51 --> 01:22:55

you are not certain that the timewas in you have to have certainty

01:22:55 --> 01:22:57

that the prayer time is in

01:22:58 --> 01:22:58


01:23:00 --> 01:23:06

You can't have speculation ordoubt you must be certain then you

01:23:06 --> 01:23:07

repeat that prayer

01:23:11 --> 01:23:14

what are the benefits of loweringthe gaze?

01:23:15 --> 01:23:20

Lowering the gaze It benefits thatyou will not desire what you

01:23:20 --> 01:23:26

cannot have desiring what youcannot have is torture.

01:23:27 --> 01:23:34

Also the benefit of lowering thegaze is that like the gaze that is

01:23:34 --> 01:23:37

haram it puts a the heartthe more you look the more you

01:23:37 --> 01:23:41

keep getting black dots in theheart until they become covered

01:23:41 --> 01:23:41

the whole heart

01:23:43 --> 01:23:46

and what is the punishment of Swenthe hardest covered the intellect

01:23:46 --> 01:23:47

doesn't work properly.

01:23:49 --> 01:23:52

Your intellect will not workproperly so I love Call Centers

01:23:52 --> 01:23:55

left and when the intellect doesnot work properly.

01:23:59 --> 01:24:00


01:24:06 --> 01:24:08

Sophia says I want to say withkofod I looked for videos

01:24:08 --> 01:24:13

regarding what to do when youmissed fast deliberately. And

01:24:15 --> 01:24:17

Allah Inca Farah is the questionYes.

01:24:19 --> 01:24:23

between Canada and California,Kedah means you just have to make

01:24:23 --> 01:24:26

one day Cafaro means you have tomake up one day and you have to

01:24:26 --> 01:24:30

feed 60 Different poor Muslims andyou have to make repentance three

01:24:30 --> 01:24:31

things in Cafaro

01:24:33 --> 01:24:37

okay Kafala is only do upon uswhen we

01:24:39 --> 01:24:44

brazenly disrespect the month ofRamadan by breaking the fast or

01:24:45 --> 01:24:49

even if we use an excuse that isfar fetched. Right there is a

01:24:49 --> 01:24:54

concept we do have a concept ofthe far fetched excuse. We recall

01:24:54 --> 01:24:58

two wheeled died. A far fetchedexcuse is one that

01:24:59 --> 01:24:59


01:25:00 --> 01:25:00


01:25:02 --> 01:25:07

No, no, it's sort of tied inreality. It's not tied to reality.

01:25:07 --> 01:25:09

Yeah, that's the best way to putit is not something tied to it

01:25:09 --> 01:25:15

like what is a an acceptableexcuse? Someone who, in the middle

01:25:15 --> 01:25:20

of the day starts traveling, thenbreaks their fast and says when

01:25:20 --> 01:25:25

I'm traveling, they didn't realizethat if you start the day at home,

01:25:25 --> 01:25:28

you must finish the day. Theydidn't know that. It's an

01:25:28 --> 01:25:32

acceptable excuse. far fetchedexcuse. I heard that when the then

01:25:32 --> 01:25:36

Professor goes off, we can finishwhat's in our hand, or what's in

01:25:36 --> 01:25:40

our plate. That's far fetched.Someone says I heard that we could

01:25:40 --> 01:25:43

still swallow what we have in ourmouth. That's not far fetched.

01:25:44 --> 01:25:48

That's reasonable excuse is wrong,but it's reasonable. I thought

01:25:48 --> 01:25:51

we're allowed to just because theymay interpret eating as outside

01:25:51 --> 01:25:54

the mouth to inside the mouth.Now, eating is determined by

01:25:54 --> 01:25:54


01:25:55 --> 01:25:58

not putting something in yourmouth so that so we separate

01:25:58 --> 01:26:02

between far fetchedmisunderstandings, and reasonable

01:26:02 --> 01:26:07

misunderstandings. And the farfetched misunderstanding is

01:26:07 --> 01:26:09

treated as a brazen disrespect ofthe month.

01:26:16 --> 01:26:19

Some people say a sign of Willa isthat you have to do higit up from

01:26:19 --> 01:26:23

the homelands, not not at all.Making Hijra has nothing to do

01:26:23 --> 01:26:23

with Willow.

01:26:25 --> 01:26:30

Can I use the inhaler puff whilefasting? If you use the inhaler

01:26:30 --> 01:26:34

puff? Yes, there, I'm telling youthere are fatawa for it. But I'm

01:26:34 --> 01:26:37

not I don't give those fits. Oh,you can get the Mufti to give this

01:26:37 --> 01:26:41

without but the ruling would bethat. If it's the regular inhaler

01:26:41 --> 01:26:45

puff, then no, you cannot take it.If you can't live without the

01:26:45 --> 01:26:50

regular inhaler puff, then maybeyou don't fast you're sick. Okay,

01:26:50 --> 01:26:54

if it's the emergency inhaler,puff, that you have to take again

01:26:54 --> 01:26:58

fed to a said that's permitted.That's a fatwah, but others.

01:26:59 --> 01:27:03

According to the ruling, no vaporis going into your throat. And as

01:27:03 --> 01:27:07

a result of that passed yourthroat, whichever whether it goes

01:27:07 --> 01:27:11

esophagus or goes to the breathingtube is irrelevant for the Shediac

01:27:11 --> 01:27:15

going into your throat. Thenyou're sick so you owe a day.

01:27:16 --> 01:27:19

Okay, that's got reminded kind ofvideo where the guy called in and

01:27:19 --> 01:27:23

he was like, oh, Chef accidentallyswallowed the whole gyro. Yeah.

01:27:24 --> 01:27:27

Apple is my fast. And then hesays, did a live feed me and

01:27:27 --> 01:27:28

breaking my fast

01:27:32 --> 01:27:36

Should we stop cold turkey withphones? TV entertainment? I think

01:27:36 --> 01:27:37

entertainment is not the place inRamadan.

01:27:39 --> 01:27:41

Like I don't send like even forkids. Like they don't need to

01:27:41 --> 01:27:42

watch movies or and Ramadan.

01:27:43 --> 01:27:47

It's just not the vibe. It's notthe time. This is from J. Perez.

01:27:47 --> 01:27:48

These are activities.

01:27:50 --> 01:27:54

Yeah. Yeah. And doesn't alwayshave to be fun all the time. Like

01:27:54 --> 01:27:56

life doesn't always have to befun. We're just like interesting

01:27:56 --> 01:27:59

activities. Yeah, there'sstimulation other than

01:27:59 --> 01:28:02

entertaining. The master is enoughstimulation, his look forward to

01:28:02 --> 01:28:05

just spend all night until twothree in the morning and the rest

01:28:05 --> 01:28:07

and then last 10 nights and somuch. They can't they can't get

01:28:07 --> 01:28:11

enough of it. And then they goout. They go they go eat with

01:28:11 --> 01:28:15

their friends somewhere. Right?You can't get enough of this.

01:28:17 --> 01:28:24

My mom encouraged it. To DrinkCoffee during okay. Yeah. Just was

01:28:24 --> 01:28:26

enough for us. Yeah. Yeah.

01:28:29 --> 01:28:34

Now, look, if the let's say aperson is married to a woman who,

01:28:34 --> 01:28:40

or a man who is just getting inIslam, right? And that fasting by

01:28:40 --> 01:28:44

itself is enough of a achievement,then you have to use your judgment

01:28:44 --> 01:28:47

call. If you are at a certainlevel of expectation and

01:28:47 --> 01:28:52

discipline, and devotion. You'remarried to somebody who's at a

01:28:52 --> 01:28:55

different level, you have to useyour wise judgment call. Okay? So

01:28:55 --> 01:28:58

don't take that answer from metake the answer from yourself.

01:28:58 --> 01:29:01

Right? You are the one tested withthat situation. So you're the one

01:29:01 --> 01:29:06

who makes the decision andinshallah whatever pious piety

01:29:06 --> 01:29:08

you're putting into it a lowaccept from you, but you have to

01:29:08 --> 01:29:09

make that decision.

01:29:10 --> 01:29:14

All right, eye drops, no eye dropscan break the fast because they

01:29:14 --> 01:29:18

they can't possibly it ispotentially go into the tear duct

01:29:18 --> 01:29:21

from the tear duct down down. Itis possible

01:29:23 --> 01:29:25

and brushing the teeth whilefasting is my crew. Yes, because

01:29:25 --> 01:29:29

you could swallow something andand definitely should not be

01:29:29 --> 01:29:33

brushing your tongue thatenergizes and that would notify

01:29:33 --> 01:29:37

you, but there will be nullifiedby going down into your throat.

01:29:38 --> 01:29:43

red cheeks says what about payingkofod money or some people have

01:29:43 --> 01:29:47

Fidelia they can never fast sothey have to pay 150 per day. What

01:29:47 --> 01:29:52

if I can do it to another countrywhich is more affordable? Is that

01:29:52 --> 01:29:55

permitted? The answer is yes. It'salways better to give it in your

01:29:55 --> 01:29:59

country because that's where youcommitted the infraction. But if

01:29:59 --> 01:30:00

they have exists

01:30:00 --> 01:30:03

more abundant amounts of moneydude against you because of yours

01:30:03 --> 01:30:07

without fasting, then the answeris yes, you may you are permitted

01:30:07 --> 01:30:13

to translate it to another. Let'ssay hypothetically, let's say

01:30:13 --> 01:30:18

rupees, right? You can do thatjust permitted and you could do a

01:30:18 --> 01:30:20

lot of Glyfada at one time.

01:30:24 --> 01:30:27

All right, let's see this questionhere. Sarah said, a family member

01:30:27 --> 01:30:31

sent a message to recite aspecific suitor X number of times

01:30:31 --> 01:30:32

for a benefit.

01:30:35 --> 01:30:39

There will be no harm in doing itnumber one. As for the benefit,

01:30:40 --> 01:30:43

yes, you may believe you areallowed to believe that there

01:30:43 --> 01:30:47

would be that benefit, if that issomeone's experience. For example,

01:30:47 --> 01:30:48

if a scholar said

01:30:50 --> 01:30:56

that reciting yes in three timeswill let you get X, Y and Z. And I

01:30:56 --> 01:30:59

tried it and it worked for me. Weare allowed to believe that but we

01:30:59 --> 01:31:03

don't believe that it's sunnah.That's the difference. We believe

01:31:03 --> 01:31:07

it's in the realm of nephila notsunnah of the Prophet size center

01:31:07 --> 01:31:08

so that's the difference

01:31:09 --> 01:31:12

can you use a miswak confessingyes the entire time

01:31:13 --> 01:31:16

dry miss work not the moist freshone

01:31:21 --> 01:31:22

oh yeah you can order

01:31:24 --> 01:31:27

you definitely can't get you can'tget definitely got meant meant to

01:31:27 --> 01:31:29

miss whack or anything Yeah, no no

01:31:32 --> 01:31:33

definitely can't get artificiallyflavored

01:31:42 --> 01:31:47

if I stopped eating by the end ofthe minute of the event is my fast

01:31:47 --> 01:31:48

still acceptable

01:31:53 --> 01:31:56

if you are in a masjid, you haveto go by the prayer by that you

01:31:56 --> 01:32:00

have to respect that prayer time.If he calls then you have to stop

01:32:00 --> 01:32:03

eating. If you're in a masjid andhe calls that then for Fudger you

01:32:03 --> 01:32:03

stop eating

01:32:13 --> 01:32:16

do oh yeah, get inspiration ofevents are happening in the future

01:32:16 --> 01:32:20

when they meet people? Maybe maybenot. Not necessarily.

01:32:21 --> 01:32:26

By the way, not necessarily. It'snot like a thing is dry miswak

01:32:26 --> 01:32:29

allowed what was not Franco'squestion over there on Instagram.

01:32:30 --> 01:32:33

Dry miss work allowed for brushingduring the day? Yes, you can use

01:32:33 --> 01:32:34

during this like all day

01:32:35 --> 01:32:37

here all day.

01:32:41 --> 01:32:45

But the chef is I think they haveto stop sauce. Whereas Ryan Ryan

01:32:46 --> 01:32:52

has graduated from Safina side. Hewill come back in sha Allah to

01:32:52 --> 01:32:57

help out and to teach with us andto be part of our program of Dawa

01:32:57 --> 01:32:59

later on in sha Allah after acouple of years

01:33:01 --> 01:33:05

is it permissible for Muslim whor*ceives a jury summons to serve

01:33:05 --> 01:33:08

on a jury? Try to excuse yourself?

01:33:09 --> 01:33:13

But kind of hard to excuseyourself? No, the opposite

01:33:15 --> 01:33:17

is very rare to actually getchosen as charity.

01:33:20 --> 01:33:23

They always ask you what kind ofbumper stickers you have. Yeah,

01:33:23 --> 01:33:25

because that shows your politicalleanings.

01:33:27 --> 01:33:28

Oh yeah on Zoom Yeah. And so

01:33:30 --> 01:33:31


01:33:33 --> 01:33:36

Like do homework for the wholetime. Yeah. Like you can go

01:33:37 --> 01:33:41

are extended release caffeinepills. okay to use Yes. They're

01:33:41 --> 01:33:45

amazing. Yeah. Is it food extendedrelease right. Yeah, right. Like

01:33:45 --> 01:33:48

Me is extended really my my sistershe was like telling my auntie

01:33:48 --> 01:33:51

about this. They don't know toomuch about Islam. And they were

01:33:51 --> 01:33:53

like, you know, doesn't thatdefeat the purpose of fasting?

01:33:54 --> 01:33:55

What is that?

01:33:56 --> 01:33:57


01:34:00 --> 01:34:05

Ventrilo man says I'm oh can youexpand on the concept of baraka

01:34:06 --> 01:34:08

and how it relates to theattributes of Allah and manifested

01:34:08 --> 01:34:12

in our life. Baraka meansincrease.

01:34:13 --> 01:34:20

A Baraka is an increase andincrease in everything increase in

01:34:20 --> 01:34:24

time increase in good thingsincrease in good relationships.

01:34:26 --> 01:34:31

Baraka is gained by doing goodthings to parents

01:34:32 --> 01:34:34

to the poor, to the vulnerable.

01:34:36 --> 01:34:40

And by doing a lot of a bed andthicker, it increases Baraka Okay.

01:34:41 --> 01:34:45

Calling upon Allah subhana wa Tadaincreases in Baraka. All of these

01:34:45 --> 01:34:46

things increase.

01:34:47 --> 01:34:49

So, Baraka is an increase.

01:34:50 --> 01:34:55

Maryam Jami says, When getting toknow a person for the purpose of

01:34:55 --> 01:34:58

marriage should a woman involveher what Lee from day one

01:35:00 --> 01:35:06

I would think so. And I would alsothink that if the man isn't asking

01:35:06 --> 01:35:09

for the presence of the Wali orthat the way he knows that we're

01:35:09 --> 01:35:11

meeting, then he's suspect.

01:35:12 --> 01:35:16

Am I right? Like, yes, you'regonna get to know the what he but

01:35:16 --> 01:35:20

but would demand would if he's aprized and upright Muslim man,

01:35:20 --> 01:35:24

which not everyone knows therules. Not everyone knows things

01:35:24 --> 01:35:29

so he could be a good guy. Butpeople just may not know. But it's

01:35:29 --> 01:35:32

expected, I would expect if aMuslim is going to get to know a

01:35:32 --> 01:35:36

woman who had never been marriedbefore. Right? She doesn't know.

01:35:36 --> 01:35:38

Right? You've never been marriedbefore is your first time?

01:35:40 --> 01:35:44

Wouldn't he? Also say, hey, youknow, does Can I meet your dad?

01:35:45 --> 01:35:46

You know,

01:35:47 --> 01:35:51

he should take that initiative to.If he doesn't, then you tell him

01:35:51 --> 01:35:53

Listen, do you want to talk? Doyou want to sit and get to know

01:35:53 --> 01:35:57

each other and come over to myhouse and talk? Here's my dad's

01:35:57 --> 01:36:03

phone number. I have well, like, II've seen people do this and they

01:36:03 --> 01:36:04

gain so much respect.

01:36:05 --> 01:36:09

They've done it and they get somuch respect. I've also seen some

01:36:09 --> 01:36:13

guys see the dad's phone numberand run away like they like they

01:36:13 --> 01:36:17

saw a lion why? You don't comedoing something wrong. Right? You

01:36:17 --> 01:36:18

do something? Right.

01:36:20 --> 01:36:23

I think a lot of fathers nowadaysalso like are not going about it

01:36:23 --> 01:36:27

the right way. Oh, the fathers arethey she What else? What how? I

01:36:27 --> 01:36:30

see like when the guy like askedfor the number of the Father, your

01:36:30 --> 01:36:33

father kind of sees it. And likehe doesn't look from the Islamic

01:36:33 --> 01:36:36

perspective. Rather, he kind ofsees the guy as like, Oh, why are

01:36:36 --> 01:36:38

you asking him like he sees a kindof disrespectful? I don't know if

01:36:38 --> 01:36:41

that's bizarre. I don't know ifyou agree with that. That's

01:36:41 --> 01:36:46

bizarre. And also, well, you know,what's easier is have the mom

01:36:46 --> 01:36:48

called the mom. That's anothereasier thing.

01:36:49 --> 01:36:52

And there are circ*mstances wherenone of that may work.

01:36:54 --> 01:36:58

In which case you do not want toprolong any intimate conversation,

01:36:59 --> 01:37:03

or any setting of an intimateconversation. Right? You don't

01:37:03 --> 01:37:07

want to prolong that at all. Ithink I think it seems old. Maybe

01:37:07 --> 01:37:10

that's the word. So a lot of I'veseen it happen like we're fathers

01:37:10 --> 01:37:13

like, what are you doing? Like, sookay, what's, what's the other

01:37:13 --> 01:37:19

route? What is the other route?That's bizarre. So we need to have

01:37:19 --> 01:37:23

now father in law classes. We needto teach the father laws by the

01:37:23 --> 01:37:26

way, my wife had the famous modsif Darla Sunday.

01:37:27 --> 01:37:32

Well, there was an even number ofmen and women. Okay. It was sold

01:37:32 --> 01:37:37

out. We're not It's not sold outwas registration but completely

01:37:37 --> 01:37:40

packed. I didn't go but I sawpeople there that I had never seen

01:37:40 --> 01:37:44

in the messenger before. Like Ishowed up after I showed up. What

01:37:44 --> 01:37:47

are they 830 in the masjid. Andthere was still some people there

01:37:48 --> 01:37:51

after the Iftar. Like I had neverseen them before. But they had

01:37:51 --> 01:37:54

like name badges and everything.Yeah. So I knew that there were

01:37:55 --> 01:37:58

people that people need help toget married? Yeah, can you do

01:38:00 --> 01:38:02

70 was 35 and 35.

01:38:04 --> 01:38:08

So and then you would see them intaraweeh. Wearing the name badge.

01:38:08 --> 01:38:11

You know, I would see them throwlike, well, you could have

01:38:15 --> 01:38:20

health insurance is haram, butmade halal out of a diet. Because

01:38:20 --> 01:38:25

the costs are so crazy. The costsof medical help is so insanely

01:38:26 --> 01:38:29

these days. That's the only reasonwhy health insurance is permitted.

01:38:31 --> 01:38:35

So that's the answer to my name'squestion is that I think that the

01:38:35 --> 01:38:38

guy should be asking thatquestion. And

01:38:40 --> 01:38:44

if not, if he doesn't know anybetter than Yeah, then

01:38:46 --> 01:38:50

you should get have the parent andmother will evolve in some

01:38:50 --> 01:38:50


01:38:55 --> 01:38:59

If somebody claims that you willget your answer of a DA in a

01:38:59 --> 01:39:03

certain number of days, can webelieve that? I don't think so.

01:39:04 --> 01:39:05

I don't believe that.

01:39:06 --> 01:39:10

I don't think we should take thosenumbers seriously. You can hope

01:39:10 --> 01:39:14

for it. But no guarantees. TheProphet never spoke like that.

01:39:15 --> 01:39:15


01:39:17 --> 01:39:21

You should just have to be hopefulfor each other don't say One day,

01:39:21 --> 01:39:23

two days, 21 days. That's not howit works

01:39:30 --> 01:39:32

all right, next question here.

01:39:36 --> 01:39:41

This woman convert has no kids.She can't reciprocate the same

01:39:41 --> 01:39:46

emotions. The husband's totally inlove with her. Just because

01:39:46 --> 01:39:48

someone loves you does not meanyou're gonna love them or you have

01:39:48 --> 01:39:51

to love them. This is veryimportant. Someone may love you.

01:39:51 --> 01:39:55

You do not have to love them back.You have to understand that.

01:39:57 --> 01:39:59

All right, because now you havehow much you have awkward

01:40:00 --> 01:40:07

You have force here you have okay?So don't if she has to get the

01:40:07 --> 01:40:09

divorce she has to get thedivorce. It is not her business

01:40:09 --> 01:40:12

that someone is pining over her orloving her so much and likewise it

01:40:12 --> 01:40:15

goes the other way some women theychase after men they love the man

01:40:15 --> 01:40:19

so much he doesn't love her back.That's it happens

01:40:21 --> 01:40:26

there is no responsibility or noobligation to love everyone who

01:40:26 --> 01:40:27

loves you.

01:40:28 --> 01:40:30

It's just how it is

01:40:38 --> 01:40:43

man hours his beard regimen isgetting some propositions here.

01:40:43 --> 01:40:47

When did they even see me? It'snot right. They see you tell them

01:40:47 --> 01:40:51

say stuff for lunch. Vert, yourgates. No, there's a guy who is

01:40:51 --> 01:40:54

what you thought it was a woman?No, either. It doesn't matter.

01:40:56 --> 01:40:59

been slain man. I don't even knowwho this guy. It was. Probably the

01:41:00 --> 01:41:04

little picture. You know thelittle. The little caricatures

01:41:04 --> 01:41:08

that people could put up here. Arethey gone or what? You know those

01:41:08 --> 01:41:09

caricatures that you made them

01:41:12 --> 01:41:15

those emojis click on one of thosesee that? Like it's can't really

01:41:15 --> 01:41:20

see your beard on that. Yeah. Howdoes one know they seek the Night

01:41:20 --> 01:41:23

of Power. They a little clutterhas signs. The sign of it is that

01:41:23 --> 01:41:24

the sunrise is the next day.

01:41:25 --> 01:41:29

Perfectly clear. No fuzziness

01:41:31 --> 01:41:34

as thought a sister was praisinghis beard. That's like no even the

01:41:35 --> 01:41:40

man you never know praisingyourself. Yes, Oz is a popular

01:41:40 --> 01:41:46

figure in the singles clubs. Inthe singles is an eligible

01:41:46 --> 01:41:48

bachelor. He's in medical school.Okay.

01:41:50 --> 01:41:55

So he's a very eligible bachelor.And maybe we need to start off

01:41:55 --> 01:41:58

when is when are you ready? No,no, no, no, no. Why?

01:42:02 --> 01:42:04

Let's make some money first, andwe'll figure it out. Okay, he

01:42:04 --> 01:42:06

wants to go there and make somemoney for Australia

01:42:13 --> 01:42:16

does the kuffar apply to each daywhere the fast was broken?

01:42:16 --> 01:42:20

Intentionally? Yes. Every day youbroke the fast in terms of you.

01:42:20 --> 01:42:25

Oh, if you miss the entire month,and the month is 30 days. You Oh

01:42:25 --> 01:42:29

that? Not if you're hunting. Ifyou're Hanafy doesn't fly it's

01:42:29 --> 01:42:33

only one does it so the one whobreaks one fast and 130 fast and

01:42:33 --> 01:42:38

Hanif effect doesn't accumulatewhat? So it's like if you break

01:42:38 --> 01:42:41

one, it's like you have obviouslyuntil the end of your life to make

01:42:41 --> 01:42:45

up the 60 but if you if there'smultiple it doesn't accumulate and

01:42:45 --> 01:42:50

Oh, but you can't choose betweenfasting and feeding. No, you have

01:42:50 --> 01:42:54

to I think you have to do you haveto know but you have to fast Yeah,

01:42:54 --> 01:42:58

you have to fast that's adifference. Y'all heard that mercy

01:42:58 --> 01:42:59

I don't know I have to

01:43:00 --> 01:43:05

find out until you have you haveseen Hanifa it doesn't accumulate

01:43:05 --> 01:43:09

but you have to fast in the magicyou flip it accumulates but you

01:43:09 --> 01:43:11

have the choice of feeding orfasting

01:43:13 --> 01:43:14

and they all have to do one

01:43:15 --> 01:43:15

and 16

01:43:17 --> 01:43:20

Yeah, we have to do you have tomake up the fast and you have to

01:43:20 --> 01:43:25

feed 60 Different poor Muslims foreach day. Okay, it's 60 fast and

01:43:25 --> 01:43:29

leave for for Hanafy 60 Fast Yeah,so we have the choice in America.

01:43:29 --> 01:43:32

You can choose between fasting orfeeding. And that's only if you

01:43:32 --> 01:43:36

intentionally break the fast ifdramatic easy like if you miss you

01:43:36 --> 01:43:39

said if you miss it it also is afatter right every single day.

01:43:40 --> 01:43:42

For us it's like even if you missit's not

01:43:44 --> 01:43:47

you don't have to do Kuffar evenonly if you break it intentionally

01:43:47 --> 01:43:51

or you have * withcounselors what you don't have to

01:43:51 --> 01:43:54

make it up no then then that'sgood fodder. Yeah. You

01:43:54 --> 01:43:56

intentionally when you have* intentionally like

01:43:56 --> 01:43:58

take medicine or somethingintentionally yeah then you have

01:43:58 --> 01:44:00

to do besides you don't have to

01:44:03 --> 01:44:05

if you accidentally eat do youhave to look at that and have you

01:44:06 --> 01:44:09

know it the festival is stillcan't discuss fasting

01:44:13 --> 01:44:16

as well you accidentally put inwater while you're doing well

01:44:16 --> 01:44:18

though for example, then you haveto make it eating.

01:44:21 --> 01:44:23

Alright, so you got your Hanafypro tip there.

01:44:25 --> 01:44:25

And if you

01:44:27 --> 01:44:33

if you break many, many, manyfasts for the month per month it's

01:44:33 --> 01:44:37

one Kfar up but you do not havethe choice. You must fast 60

01:44:37 --> 01:44:41

straight days. I'm not sure aboutthe video though. I'm pretty sure

01:44:41 --> 01:44:43

it's what you're saying. You haveto look into.

01:44:45 --> 01:44:46

Okay, you got that?

01:44:47 --> 01:44:50

That's the answer I have

01:44:51 --> 01:44:54

for Northeast question. Now. LilyRose says a good way to memorize

01:44:54 --> 01:44:58

is putting on the wall. That whatyou want to memorize. Oh, totally,

01:44:58 --> 01:44:59

totally. When I was young

01:45:00 --> 01:45:04

I was putting the charts forgrammar. All over the apartment

01:45:04 --> 01:45:07

wall that we lived in was allcharts.

01:45:08 --> 01:45:11

And wherever you walked, you see achart. You memorized it.

01:45:12 --> 01:45:16

Couple more questions before wego. What are some tips that work

01:45:16 --> 01:45:19

for nine to five? But they want tospend the night in worship? If you

01:45:19 --> 01:45:24

Oh, what if you work nine to five?That's rough. Take your vacation

01:45:24 --> 01:45:28

days in the last 10 Nights. If youcan take your vacation days it's

01:45:28 --> 01:45:33

worth it. Last, let's say you get10 vacations. Okay, take five of

01:45:33 --> 01:45:36

them in last 10 nights and five ofthem for another time of the year.

01:45:36 --> 01:45:37


01:45:40 --> 01:45:44

But you would probably only do alittle bit of tearaway in the

01:45:44 --> 01:45:45

masjid then go home.

01:45:46 --> 01:45:50

You have to do you do not have todo all 20 to get the reward of

01:45:50 --> 01:45:50


01:45:53 --> 01:45:56

What's the best age to get marriedliving in the West? I would say as

01:45:56 --> 01:46:00

soon as you start. If you're aman, you start working and being

01:46:00 --> 01:46:02

able to support a family. Youngguy

01:46:04 --> 01:46:09

with this, oh, this FIP is amedically fit book. That is all

01:46:09 --> 01:46:15

charts. The whole thing is charts.Matic you flick the whole thing is

01:46:15 --> 01:46:19

lists and charts. That's it wasamazing work done by many

01:46:21 --> 01:46:26

critical to have in your library.I think that people in this era

01:46:27 --> 01:46:30

learn better from a picturebecause we've gotten dumbed down I

01:46:30 --> 01:46:33

think, look at this, just thewhole thing is just charts and

01:46:33 --> 01:46:34

pictures. Right?

01:46:35 --> 01:46:40

It flows downwards. Like onereally amazing thing. Like

01:46:40 --> 01:46:44

studying was just his whole mindis a flowchart. Yeah, everything

01:46:44 --> 01:46:47

starts with there's some top levelconcepts and it just flows down

01:46:47 --> 01:46:50

and down and down. It's crazy.Also church it could be broken up

01:46:50 --> 01:46:53

into a chart Yeah. What about aminute?

01:46:54 --> 01:46:57

You have this is wow

01:46:58 --> 01:47:03

the whole thing here? Yeah,usually it's sold out on on the

01:47:04 --> 01:47:07

Arabic bookstores but who? Whoseauthor this?

01:47:09 --> 01:47:09

A bunch it's

01:47:18 --> 01:47:23

like a council collides will soon.Think of the family. How about two

01:47:23 --> 01:47:23


01:47:28 --> 01:47:33

Mama that will Genia? Yes it does.And also when Mama told Jeanette

01:47:33 --> 01:47:37

Excellent. Excellent. This is partof our library here. Right? Keep

01:47:37 --> 01:47:40

the hair. Let anyone actually keepit keep it on my desk because I

01:47:40 --> 01:47:42

want to be able to read it all thetime.

01:47:45 --> 01:47:48

I would say if you work nine tofive, you fast you break your

01:47:48 --> 01:47:54

fast. You're going to pray intotal we come for us.

01:47:55 --> 01:48:01

Right 2468 Whatever like us to behome at a reasonable time. Wake up

01:48:01 --> 01:48:03

about 40 minutes before edge

01:48:04 --> 01:48:08

to hedge it. So to hedge it. Sonow you're in a reasonable

01:48:08 --> 01:48:11

schedule. Come home take a quicknap.

01:48:12 --> 01:48:15

That's how it was I did work nineto five at some point in life.

01:48:16 --> 01:48:17

So that's what I did.

01:48:20 --> 01:48:25

You can't do four hours asleepconsistently. It's too much

01:48:28 --> 01:48:30

can you do a stream on later torecord recent trauma?

01:48:32 --> 01:48:36

Extended relief release spills weanswered that. And we said yes

01:48:36 --> 01:48:40

permitted for you. Where do youget this huge miswak This is

01:48:40 --> 01:48:40

Puerto Rican.

01:48:42 --> 01:48:44

The Puerto Rican store in NewHaven Connecticut.

01:48:46 --> 01:48:47

This I've

01:48:49 --> 01:48:56

had this some swag since22,009 2009.

01:48:58 --> 01:49:03

Jamil Sanchez got it for me. Fromthe Puerto Rican store in New

01:49:03 --> 01:49:04

Haven, Connecticut.

01:49:06 --> 01:49:09

Mr. Black is older than somepeople watching the stream that's

01:49:09 --> 01:49:10

so true.

01:49:13 --> 01:49:16

Is it Makrooh to constantly marrycousins know

01:49:22 --> 01:49:25

if you cough up phlegm. If youhave the ability to spit it out,

01:49:25 --> 01:49:26

you must spit it out.

01:49:27 --> 01:49:30

Can you brush your tongue with themiswak? Yes, as long as the miswak

01:49:30 --> 01:49:32

is a dry miswak not a moist one.

01:49:39 --> 01:49:43

If a sister enjoys drinkingrecreationally, and is pursuing a

01:49:43 --> 01:49:46

righteous man for marriage, doesthe family have to disclose her

01:49:46 --> 01:49:47

drinking to him?

01:49:51 --> 01:49:53

The family has convinced you willchange. I'm wondering if there's

01:49:53 --> 01:49:54

sinful for hiding it.

01:49:56 --> 01:49:58

What I know is what is sinful forhiding

01:50:00 --> 01:50:01

is the

01:50:04 --> 01:50:10

the sexual deficiencies such asinability to have a baby or

01:50:10 --> 01:50:14

something like that? She did thefamily does not have to disclose

01:50:14 --> 01:50:18

her bad habits. It is upon him togo and ask around about the

01:50:18 --> 01:50:19


01:50:20 --> 01:50:24

If he marries a woman, and henever asked about her, that's his

01:50:24 --> 01:50:29

problem. Nobody has to go arounddisclosing their sins. Okay,

01:50:29 --> 01:50:30

that's the truth.

01:50:31 --> 01:50:36

And the opposite is the case towhat you must disclose is anything

01:50:36 --> 01:50:40

that would hinder the purpose ofmarriage which is the intimacy

01:50:40 --> 01:50:42

element of marriage and theproduction of children element of

01:50:42 --> 01:50:43


01:50:45 --> 01:50:46


01:50:50 --> 01:50:55

chocolate Wallace's divorce impacton kids is incalculable. I tend to

01:50:55 --> 01:50:55

agree with that

01:51:00 --> 01:51:04

can't use a wet miswak whetherit's moist in itself or made wet

01:51:04 --> 01:51:06

by water no don't use that

01:51:15 --> 01:51:19

is it covered to refer to peopleby pronouns that are not true it's

01:51:19 --> 01:51:23

not contributed cover as maximumis contributed as a lie because

01:51:23 --> 01:51:25

you're just basically saying somethat's not true

01:51:30 --> 01:51:32

can a single woman perform ombre?Yes

01:51:37 --> 01:51:41

yes, they permitted that.Especially if this the way is safe

01:51:41 --> 01:51:44

and the group is safe, then yes.Hajin Amara is okay.

01:51:46 --> 01:51:49

Oh, he's talking about the Saudirules sedimented I don't know

01:51:49 --> 01:51:52

about know that study rules allowit if you're going with a group

01:51:52 --> 01:51:52


01:51:55 --> 01:51:58

What is the shortest and bestSalawat to recite Allahumma salli

01:51:58 --> 01:52:00

wa salam ala. This is shortestinvest.

01:52:03 --> 01:52:08

We do not have any updates on howmuch no updates and here we are

01:52:08 --> 01:52:12

entering into heat. We're going tobe soon finished with Ramadan with

01:52:12 --> 01:52:13

no updates.

01:52:15 --> 01:52:19

What is it better preferred doingmany short see as a vicar or less

01:52:20 --> 01:52:23

law but longer see us whatevertouches your heart

01:52:27 --> 01:52:30

is love a prerequisite for asuccessful marriage?

01:52:31 --> 01:52:36

You can't know if you love someonebefore you become you love I think

01:52:36 --> 01:52:41

it's something that develops.Right? You can have that there is

01:52:41 --> 01:52:46

a you can clearly see that there'sattraction and I liked this person

01:52:47 --> 01:52:50

and love will develop with pietyboth sides are pious to Allah and

01:52:50 --> 01:52:54

towards each other. Right Theyfear Allah with regard to one

01:52:54 --> 01:52:56

another the allow create the lovebetween them.

01:52:58 --> 01:53:01

BTW says What's your advice tryingto bring back a brother that's

01:53:01 --> 01:53:04

lost his way in being a day?

01:53:06 --> 01:53:10

Okay, so this question is about aman a brother, he is a Dahlia. And

01:53:10 --> 01:53:15

he lost his way as a dahlia thanto keep the company of scholars

01:53:15 --> 01:53:18

that he should keep the company ofstudents of knowledge and scholars

01:53:18 --> 01:53:20

knowledge, it was the pure in thatcase.

01:53:24 --> 01:53:28

When should a child start fasting,they should really start trying at

01:53:28 --> 01:53:32

678 and like a quarter of a day,half a day, then

01:53:33 --> 01:53:39

I'll toss it. Right then alsomarketed by 910. They should be

01:53:39 --> 01:53:42

physically capable to fast untilthe full day.

01:53:56 --> 01:53:57

What's going on here a

01:53:58 --> 01:54:00

lot of discussion back and forththat I have to sift through.

01:54:01 --> 01:54:03

I guess it's good that people talkto each other.

01:54:06 --> 01:54:10

She knows how to cook is welleducated, but just drinks on

01:54:10 --> 01:54:15

special occasions. Well, if I knowthat I would definitely not let my

01:54:15 --> 01:54:17

son marry such a woman. Right?

01:54:18 --> 01:54:22

And if it was if there was a guywho was a very good guy, but he

01:54:22 --> 01:54:25

smokes weed every once in a whilewhen he stressed out I would also

01:54:25 --> 01:54:26

say to my daughter

01:54:28 --> 01:54:30

I would say no find someone else.

01:54:31 --> 01:54:33

Plenty of people out there. But

01:54:37 --> 01:54:41

I tend to believe in thephilosophy the view that how you

01:54:41 --> 01:54:45

find the person is how they'regoing to be forever. Right? Of

01:54:45 --> 01:54:49

course it's not everyone changesbut when you when you come into a

01:54:49 --> 01:54:52

marriage that's what you shouldexpect anything if it changed,

01:54:52 --> 01:54:57

they become better. That's good.But no, I mean, if the way that

01:54:57 --> 01:54:59

they are now that's how you

01:55:00 --> 01:55:02

there'll be and that's what yourdaughter will be like. So

01:55:04 --> 01:55:07

the best advice is that's yourdaughter right now. In 20 years

01:55:07 --> 01:55:12

that's your daughter your daughteris she is is cooks she's educated

01:55:12 --> 01:55:15

and she drinks a little bit onspecial occasions Is that what you

01:55:15 --> 01:55:19

want your daughter to be? Thenmarry this girl right? If not then

01:55:19 --> 01:55:19


01:55:21 --> 01:55:23

How can a mom with little kids becloser

01:55:25 --> 01:55:26

that to this Ramadan

01:55:27 --> 01:55:29

let's say maybe single mother

01:55:32 --> 01:55:33

with kids

01:55:37 --> 01:55:40

then the put the kids asleepearly.

01:55:41 --> 01:55:45

But the kids asleep early. Thenyou either a bright side away by

01:55:45 --> 01:55:47

yourself or you

01:55:50 --> 01:55:51

get a babysitter,

01:55:52 --> 01:55:54

trustworthy babysitting you go tothe masjid to pray totally.

01:55:56 --> 01:56:00

If you feel like I need to go tothe masjid to because it's hard

01:56:00 --> 01:56:03

for me to pray today for myself.By the way too I can be prayed any

01:56:03 --> 01:56:06

service, any length, any number.

01:56:08 --> 01:56:12

There is no set number that youhave to that counts to make it

01:56:12 --> 01:56:16

count as Tada we maybe this theHanafi method. It's 20 or bust in

01:56:16 --> 01:56:17

the Hanafi school.

01:56:19 --> 01:56:20


01:56:21 --> 01:56:22

but not in the medical school

01:56:29 --> 01:56:32

I feel bad sometimes because Ifeel like I'm praising the Prophet

01:56:32 --> 01:56:37

and not Allah. When I'm makingSalawat This is a common mistake.

01:56:37 --> 01:56:41

How when you're saying Allah Houmaalone, you're saying Allah's Name

01:56:41 --> 01:56:46

first Allah Houma. It is a dua toAllah subhanaw taala suddenly was

01:56:46 --> 01:56:51

Soleimani number one, number two,is not Allah commanded you to do

01:56:51 --> 01:56:52

this as a son

01:56:53 --> 01:56:57

as an aphylla. So therefore youfulfilling Allah's command? is not

01:56:57 --> 01:57:01

Allah, the Prophet, the Beloved ofAllah? subhanaw taala. Okay.

01:57:04 --> 01:57:05

So therefore,

01:57:06 --> 01:57:09

you are pleasing Allah when you dothis, and did not the prophets I

01:57:09 --> 01:57:14

send them permit as a hobby, andtell him that and he will be

01:57:14 --> 01:57:18

greatly rewarded if all of hisextra liquor is Allah on the

01:57:18 --> 01:57:18


01:57:19 --> 01:57:22

So therefore, you should that'sshaped on getting in your head.

01:57:27 --> 01:57:31

Are the children obligated to fastat 10? No, they're obligated to

01:57:31 --> 01:57:35

fast on puberty upon puberty, butthey should be prepared well in

01:57:35 --> 01:57:36

advance. Before that.

01:57:38 --> 01:57:42

Sophia says we had this discussionin the WhatsApp group. They

01:57:42 --> 01:57:45

discouraged this practiceregarding the fasting of children.

01:57:46 --> 01:57:50

Why did they discourage the halfday and they discourage that how

01:57:50 --> 01:57:52

else would they go into learn?

01:57:55 --> 01:57:59

Someone asked me why I wear hijab.I have religious reasons. That's

01:57:59 --> 01:58:04

it. There's no other reason. Let'sbe honest, there is no other

01:58:04 --> 01:58:07

reason that a woman wears hijabexcept Allah commanded her to

01:58:07 --> 01:58:09

that's it for religious reasons

01:58:10 --> 01:58:11

there is no

01:58:14 --> 01:58:15

other reason for that

01:58:19 --> 01:58:23

Oh, no, no, no, he meant that theyokay sorry I don't understand

01:58:23 --> 01:58:27

Sophia saying that theydiscouraged that they not fast

01:58:27 --> 01:58:30

until blue Yeah, so it's notobligatory until blue but they

01:58:30 --> 01:58:35

should definitely be fasting wellin advance why so that their first

01:58:35 --> 01:58:40

year fasting is not their firsttheir first year obligate

01:58:40 --> 01:58:43

obligated to fast is not theirfirst attempt at fasting. So they

01:58:43 --> 01:58:46

should be fasting well in advancewith that two, three years

01:58:48 --> 01:58:48


01:59:01 --> 01:59:04

Chocolate wallow likes that pieceof advice. It's very important.

01:59:04 --> 01:59:06

You see the person that you'regoing to marry? That's your

01:59:06 --> 01:59:08

daughter and 20 years. You see theguy that you're going to marry

01:59:08 --> 01:59:10

that's your son and 20 years.

01:59:11 --> 01:59:12

That's a solution.

01:59:14 --> 01:59:17

What are they cooking down there?Fish tuna fish. They're cooking

01:59:17 --> 01:59:19

something down there?

01:59:20 --> 01:59:25

Is working at McDonald's haram.Yes. Because the the meat is not

01:59:25 --> 01:59:26

halal. It's made

01:59:28 --> 01:59:32

my kids fasted the whole fast thateight years old, not half a day.

01:59:32 --> 01:59:36

Okay, so there we go, but shouldhave begged them gives you an

01:59:36 --> 01:59:39

example. That's the thing. That'swhy we have a community because

01:59:39 --> 01:59:41

when you look around and say allthe nine year olds are fully

01:59:41 --> 01:59:47

fasting and my nine year old isstill fasting until the right half

01:59:47 --> 01:59:52

day. I know that I'm not puttingenough pedal to the metal.

01:59:53 --> 01:59:57

How many units of tearawaykinematic is any amount, but the

01:59:57 --> 01:59:59

masajid is sooner for them toestablish 20

02:00:00 --> 02:00:03

recommended only lightlyrecommended not even like

02:00:04 --> 02:00:05

supermarket or anything

02:00:06 --> 02:00:09

I can't fast do to take medicineand I need

02:00:11 --> 02:00:15

the medicine that needs to takewhat do I do if you permanently

02:00:15 --> 02:00:18

can never ever fast ever for therest of your life then you pay

02:00:18 --> 02:00:21

video if you are only

02:00:22 --> 02:00:28

can fast can't fast this year oror this week then you may call up

02:00:32 --> 02:00:35

can Medicaid gift certificates andfits in money? Yes.

02:00:36 --> 02:00:39

Or you can give it to a wiki likethe masjid and we buy honey we buy

02:00:39 --> 02:00:43

oil we buy rice it's actually oneof the nicest days of the year you

02:00:43 --> 02:00:44

should come to the US

02:00:45 --> 02:00:49

when we take this gets it fits forus in the last 10 Nights. Right

02:00:49 --> 02:00:54

honey oil, rice right sugar we

02:00:56 --> 02:01:00

like flour. What else did they getinto like all this stuff that it

02:01:00 --> 02:01:05

will never rot? And it's everyoneuses it salt everything that's the

02:01:05 --> 02:01:07

daily usages of people in there

02:01:10 --> 02:01:13

what is the best what is medicalbooks you recommend having in your

02:01:13 --> 02:01:15

home? Arabic or English? I need toknow

02:01:17 --> 02:01:22

I need to know Arabic or Englishwe're weak in English medica it's

02:01:22 --> 02:01:26

weak. Not Franco says what is therecommended route for someone who

02:01:26 --> 02:01:28

wants to be a student ofknowledge?

02:01:30 --> 02:01:34

Start by studying start bystudying after either an even

02:01:34 --> 02:01:35

after that or before that

02:01:36 --> 02:01:39

the lives of the four Imams andtheir methodologies

02:01:41 --> 02:01:45

and then pick one and then studythat phip Use your intellect to

02:01:45 --> 02:01:50

study the lives and methodologiesof the four Imams and see which is

02:01:50 --> 02:01:53

most worthy of following go

02:01:56 --> 02:01:57

and study there

02:02:10 --> 02:02:11

that guy

02:02:12 --> 02:02:17

Please let my Make dua my mom letsme come to attic F at mbyc this

02:02:17 --> 02:02:21

month all right. Anyone wants tocome and MBSE attic F last two

02:02:21 --> 02:02:21


02:02:23 --> 02:02:24

We have

02:02:26 --> 02:02:29

last night we have we have a blastalright take care of something

02:02:29 --> 02:02:32

else. It really is a blast.totally

02:02:34 --> 02:02:39

natural. Karissa had about 2030minute breather Okay, tea is being

02:02:39 --> 02:02:43

sold outside these days you noticethat? Tea and coffee stand outside

02:02:43 --> 02:02:45

homemade Yeah.

02:02:46 --> 02:02:50

You get that you get a drink. Walkaround a little bit see your

02:02:50 --> 02:02:53

friends a little bit and we do wehave a series intensive dhikr

02:02:53 --> 02:02:55

session one hour

02:02:56 --> 02:03:00

then the food comes around thesnacks come around some guys go

02:03:00 --> 02:03:01

out too quick check

02:03:02 --> 02:03:03


02:03:04 --> 02:03:05

bring some snacks out.

02:03:06 --> 02:03:07


02:03:08 --> 02:03:10

restaurant comes get some wings

02:03:11 --> 02:03:14

we eat that right in the masalatake another break after that.

02:03:15 --> 02:03:19

People can take a short sleep orpray on their own. Then there's a

02:03:19 --> 02:03:21

jamaa of

02:03:22 --> 02:03:27

pm Sajid and Gemma, then straightto Soho.

02:03:28 --> 02:03:32

And depending on who's in controlthe menu the support can be

02:03:32 --> 02:03:37

American Egyptian, Desi, right andthen

02:03:40 --> 02:03:40

the message

02:03:43 --> 02:03:44


02:03:46 --> 02:03:48

No, no, no the messageadministration will get it for

02:03:48 --> 02:03:54

you. Yeah, prepared Attica. Soevery night full, full, full. And

02:03:54 --> 02:03:57

full. If not, the more techieFinn. Get the whole thing.

02:04:00 --> 02:04:03

Yeah, they can go for food chef,he can go for the show alpha can

02:04:03 --> 02:04:07

go for food. Yep. You know that.So often go to restaurants?

02:04:08 --> 02:04:08


02:04:09 --> 02:04:12

I don't think so. If you stepoutside the boundary there.

02:04:17 --> 02:04:23

All right. So we have a great last10 Nights. How should one respond

02:04:23 --> 02:04:26

when asked where I wear hijab? I?So We answered that but then said

02:04:26 --> 02:04:29

they were curious about thereligion you say yes, our religion

02:04:29 --> 02:04:33

requires us to cover. I just notso much different from the Virgin

02:04:33 --> 02:04:35

Mary have to dress like that.

02:04:36 --> 02:04:37

women cover their hair.

02:04:38 --> 02:04:43

Men grow a beard. Everyone wearsloose clothes. We basically cover

02:04:43 --> 02:04:45

our bodies in general in ourreligion.

02:04:46 --> 02:04:48

Well, it's my personal choice.

02:04:49 --> 02:04:52

Yeah, personal if that's yourpersonal choice, you got to

02:04:52 --> 02:04:54

choose. I'm saying like peoplenowadays, like they're not

02:04:54 --> 02:04:57

accepting. No, they don't acceptthey don't accept that you have a

02:04:57 --> 02:04:59

higher authority and a gut

02:05:00 --> 02:05:03

But if you say, Oh, it's mypersonal choice is my identity.

02:05:03 --> 02:05:07

I'm like, well, you're weird, thenwhy would you do this? Right? So

02:05:07 --> 02:05:11

many things. We only do it for thesake of Allah, then Allah makes us

02:05:11 --> 02:05:14

love it afterwards, right? Truthbe told, right?

02:05:28 --> 02:05:31

By the way, you know, it really isone of the best things is a very

02:05:31 --> 02:05:32

small Iftar

02:05:34 --> 02:05:38

SmartStore right and have to be byaccident two times in a row, like

02:05:38 --> 02:05:41

just late couldn't do it, do it.Okay.

02:05:43 --> 02:05:46

And the small if thought I thoughtit'd be upset about it, but I felt

02:05:46 --> 02:05:49

like great. Then afterwards, youhave a small snack after this.

02:05:49 --> 02:05:50

After you know what the thing is.

02:05:52 --> 02:05:55

Like, you're obligated to eat alot. It's just like in your mind,

02:05:55 --> 02:05:57

it doesn't make sense that you'rementally Yeah, you're just like

02:05:57 --> 02:06:02

you haven't eaten all day. And itdoesn't feel right if you eat a

02:06:02 --> 02:06:06

little. So like you don't listento your stomach. Oftentimes, like

02:06:06 --> 02:06:08

if you eat just a little bit, thenyou go pray and then you come

02:06:08 --> 02:06:11

back. You're you're kind of likeyou eat a couple bites. And then

02:06:11 --> 02:06:14

you're like, I don't really needthat much more. But your brain is

02:06:14 --> 02:06:17

telling you no, no, I gotta eat. Igotta load. Oh, you know what else

02:06:17 --> 02:06:21

it is to is that the hostess isputting out like,

02:06:22 --> 02:06:26

a whole spread. I get hungry whenyou see it. Yeah, and also, I feel

02:06:26 --> 02:06:30

bad. It's like you rolled all thatmess up your head. I gotta eat it

02:06:30 --> 02:06:33

now, right? You cooked all thismeat? Like what's going to what's

02:06:33 --> 02:06:36

gonna happen with all this food?Then the host is going to feel

02:06:36 --> 02:06:39

like wasted their time and energyon this right? So that's one of

02:06:39 --> 02:06:39


02:06:41 --> 02:06:42

one of the

02:06:43 --> 02:06:47

things that forces a person alittle bit. You feel bad, leaving

02:06:47 --> 02:06:51

them to cooked all this food,right? Should I put my kids in a

02:06:51 --> 02:06:52

piano class?

02:06:53 --> 02:06:59

We don't play those instruments.Is the gin Bedford says Lana? No,

02:06:59 --> 02:07:02

it's not fun. As long as theclothes is loose, whether it's one

02:07:02 --> 02:07:07

piece or two pieces doesn't meanit has to be loose. Okay, what if

02:07:07 --> 02:07:10

it's like a skirt and a long show?Yeah, there's nothing wrong with

02:07:10 --> 02:07:13

that as long as the clothes isloose in Islam, that's all that is

02:07:13 --> 02:07:16

required. It doesn't have to be acertain type of clothes. Like a

02:07:16 --> 02:07:21

gym bag doesn't have to be as longas it's loose. Okay.

02:07:29 --> 02:07:33

Nori says about the med hubs. It'slike choosing a doctor. Yes, it is

02:07:33 --> 02:07:37

exactly right. With her analogythere or his analogy. It's you

02:07:37 --> 02:07:40

choose the man most worthy offollowing. And you follow

02:07:40 --> 02:07:44

likewise, you use your mind youinvestigate the institutes out

02:07:44 --> 02:07:48

there, the online Institute's outthere that are most worthy of

02:07:48 --> 02:07:50

studying from and then once youmake that decision, you stick with

02:07:50 --> 02:07:50


02:07:51 --> 02:07:55

That's the right way to do thingsin life. You use your mind to

02:07:55 --> 02:07:57

decide, okay.

02:07:59 --> 02:08:01

Use your mind to decide which

02:08:03 --> 02:08:06

teacher to take. And then you juststick with that teacher.

02:08:07 --> 02:08:12

Okay, where can you we get thisring. I looked at your store. It's

02:08:12 --> 02:08:16

iffy inside but couldn't find it.So we do have one left in the

02:08:16 --> 02:08:17

masjid store.

02:08:18 --> 02:08:22

Okay, one left, but you can lookup zikr ring. That's what it

02:08:22 --> 02:08:25

called Zik art.

02:08:26 --> 02:08:30

Yeah, I love me saying what aboutchess? A chess no problem.

02:08:34 --> 02:08:36

No problem, which is probablybetter just that teaches them

02:08:36 --> 02:08:39

subject. Because they have tothink in advance. I actually think

02:08:39 --> 02:08:40

it's probably

02:08:41 --> 02:08:47

probably maybe even better thansome subjects at school. Because

02:08:47 --> 02:08:49

it makes them think two three inadvance. It makes me be patient.

02:08:49 --> 02:08:52

All right, you got a piece here.I'm not just going to eat that

02:08:52 --> 02:08:56

piece. I'm going to wait. I'mgoing to think. And that's a thing

02:08:56 --> 02:09:00

that's lost in our day and ageslow thinking. Of course the FDA

02:09:00 --> 02:09:01

had rulings on this

02:09:05 --> 02:09:08

What do you mean studying the fourImams methodologies? They're also

02:09:10 --> 02:09:15

yes, because it also is rational.Also it is irrational subject. You

02:09:15 --> 02:09:20

can study their biographies andthe basic methods of their basic

02:09:20 --> 02:09:26

methods, right? Of how they whattheir methodology was of deriving

02:09:26 --> 02:09:29

rulings. You can study that. Yeah,you can you can learn that you can

02:09:29 --> 02:09:33

study it. It's not going to takethat long. You're not going deep

02:09:33 --> 02:09:38

and also let's just what whatdifferentiates Malik from Shafi

02:09:38 --> 02:09:42

from Abu Hanifa from achmad thatwe can all know that it's not that

02:09:42 --> 02:09:42


02:09:50 --> 02:09:53

in the medical school, do theyseparate between what comes from

02:09:53 --> 02:09:56

Ahmed and which comes from it shehad yes on your present they

02:09:56 --> 02:09:59

always separate Lana says whatabout the I in

02:10:00 --> 02:10:04

So let's talk about jilbab I'veheard that job described as one

02:10:04 --> 02:10:07

piece that is not tight orseethrough

02:10:08 --> 02:10:08


02:10:11 --> 02:10:15

no, it's not. Well yeah Brebner behumara Hinata juubi hin

02:10:18 --> 02:10:19

is that the ad that she'smentioning?

02:10:26 --> 02:10:30

Yeah, I must she must be talkingabout a different I. But no, the

02:10:30 --> 02:10:34

jilbab is not fudged. It does nothave to be one piece what is one

02:10:34 --> 02:10:34


02:10:36 --> 02:10:37


02:10:43 --> 02:10:48

what what is the obligation in theQuran is that the head cover

02:10:48 --> 02:10:49

covers the chest

02:10:53 --> 02:10:55

today there's prophetic Iftar atthe mustard by the way

02:10:57 --> 02:10:57

you know the

02:10:59 --> 02:11:03

prophetic you eat for headacheafter you go to prophetic Iftar

02:11:04 --> 02:11:05


02:11:11 --> 02:11:12


02:11:14 --> 02:11:19

pasta mac and cheese for Iftar Itis disgusting

02:11:31 --> 02:11:35

you have received the when youyoung people can eat as much pasta

02:11:35 --> 02:11:35

as you want.

02:11:36 --> 02:11:39

For us that's this game over if wedo that stuff.

02:11:40 --> 02:11:43

We're not doing that stuff. SurahTila Zab

02:11:46 --> 02:11:48

so just a little hijab and sawdust

02:11:49 --> 02:11:53

Mr. start coming to my mind tohave to look it up as officiated.

02:11:55 --> 02:11:59

I will demonstrate on the machinewhat Corona fee will you take on?

02:11:59 --> 02:12:02

Wala tuber Regina terbaru JLJHelia Talulah

02:12:05 --> 02:12:08

Welcome to salotto attinazicatela. And Hola. Hola. Sula.

02:12:09 --> 02:12:12

Oh, before that. Yeah, and he satin the Vela Stonegate doing this

02:12:12 --> 02:12:14

and it's okay to know flatrockDanville Kornfeld maladie for

02:12:14 --> 02:12:16

Korean rondo. canacona Maru for

02:12:20 --> 02:12:23

Lana, you're about to get firedfrom asking questions.

02:12:27 --> 02:12:30

Who is this man from New Jersey orno?

02:12:31 --> 02:12:33

Yeah, you're gonna be a pulley aswell as your governor to give

02:12:34 --> 02:12:37

meaning to you Danny in LA inAmendola BBN.

02:12:41 --> 02:12:44

Shekinah al bulgogi Medaka solittle

02:12:56 --> 02:12:57

What was the question?

02:12:58 --> 02:12:59

Nana's joola beam

02:13:11 --> 02:13:14

it's good to take question ormakes you think makes you study

02:13:27 --> 02:13:28

Okay, we're almost there.

02:13:30 --> 02:13:34

And we are there. All right, herewe go.

02:13:42 --> 02:13:46

exact meaning of the JELA beam inthe Quran.

02:13:48 --> 02:13:48


02:13:50 --> 02:13:55

bubbly when he says yeah, you'regonna be a place where Jamal Jamal

02:13:55 --> 02:14:01

jilbab JELA BBN Gemma algerbraWahiba al Milla allottee Testerman

02:14:01 --> 02:14:03

BL Mara to folk did our Kumar

02:14:05 --> 02:14:11

we'll call him now best or obaidulAmara Nisa, Amara Amara Anissa me

02:14:11 --> 02:14:17

Nina and yoga Tina Russa. Hoonahwhere would you he hin bilgiler be

02:14:18 --> 02:14:25

ill I in and we're hidden Leaalumina Hora Ananda Hora so it is

02:14:25 --> 02:14:28

not it is meaningly Simply sayingthe top covering head covering is

02:14:28 --> 02:14:34

not saying a full garment topcovering hair right all the way

02:14:34 --> 02:14:38

around. That's what it means. Someof the face they interpret this

02:14:38 --> 02:14:42

idea to mean that it has to be onecovering all the way down which is

02:14:42 --> 02:14:46

why you see some of the Malaysianladies they you know they were

02:14:46 --> 02:14:47

like One Piece Yeah.

02:14:50 --> 02:14:53

Write in Iran. Iran thinks so too.It's probably the same

02:14:53 --> 02:14:56

understanding. Yeah, yeah. But But

02:14:58 --> 02:14:59

notice what the is saying

02:15:01 --> 02:15:03

You Dineen Ali hindlimb Angela,baby hen.

02:15:05 --> 02:15:09

Cover yourself with these longsheets. The loose the ruling

02:15:09 --> 02:15:14

though is the loose clothes.That's the ruling. Whether it's

02:15:14 --> 02:15:18

one garment or two, two garments,there is no obligation that it has

02:15:18 --> 02:15:19

to be one garment.

02:15:20 --> 02:15:20


02:15:22 --> 02:15:23

that's the answer

02:15:25 --> 02:15:25


02:15:41 --> 02:15:44

all right, does that come Lokeren

02:15:45 --> 02:15:51

Subhanak Allahu MO The Shadow Illailla Anta stockfeed Aquila to

02:15:51 --> 02:15:55

relate with us in the in Santa Feof course il Edina mn why

02:15:57 --> 02:16:03

water was so big What's it well sothe sub was set up to LA

02:16:27 --> 02:16:27


02:16:31 --> 02:16:31

see Joe

02:16:48 --> 02:16:51

got an eBay See All

02:17:01 --> 02:17:01


Shadee Elmasry - NBF 197 Reading from Ghazalis Tafsir (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.