Limited-time deal: XBLACK Fishing Lures $5.99 at Xblack via Amazon (2025)

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3,067 Views 7 Comments

Deal is 50% of limited time. Probably good for bass, pike, musky. 3 pack

  • Limited-time deal: XBLACK Fishing Lures $5.99 at Xblack via Amazon (1)
  • Limited-time deal: XBLACK Fishing Lures $5.99 at Xblack via Amazon (2)

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Limited-time deal: XBLACK Fishing Lures $5.99 at Xblack via Amazon (10)

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Joined Sep 2010

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07-17-2024 at 10:18 AM.

07-17-2024 at 10:18 AM.

Good deal repped




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Joined Oct 2007

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07-17-2024 at 10:25 AM.

07-17-2024 at 10:25 AM.

Ordered two different ones. $6.99 each. Thanks, OP! Looks good.




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Joined Oct 2017

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07-17-2024 at 07:08 PM.

07-17-2024 at 07:08 PM.

4-6 inch+




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Joined Jul 2019

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07-17-2024 at 07:20 PM.

07-17-2024 at 07:20 PM.

You're a fool if you buy these. Don't.






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Joined Nov 2011

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07-17-2024 at 07:25 PM.

07-17-2024 at 07:25 PM.

Quote from BraveCabbage4346 :

You're a fool if you buy these. Don't.

All these fishing deals just catch your money that's all





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Joined Aug 2016

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07-17-2024 at 08:56 PM.

07-17-2024 at 08:56 PM.

Quote from BraveCabbage4346 :

You're a fool if you buy these. Don't.

I've bought and used lures like this before and caught fish with them.

As someone who is a sucker for any fishing deal, you're a fool to think you can only catch fish on $10 rapala's or $30 Huddlestons.

These will likely do just as good, but of course not every lure works for every environment/application/fish.

These at about $2 each are worth a shot.




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Joined Aug 2018

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07-17-2024 at 09:59 PM.

07-17-2024 at 09:59 PM.

Quote from MX400ex72 :

I've bought and used lures like this before and caught fish with them.

As someone who is a sucker for any fishing deal, you're a fool to think you can only catch fish on $10 rapala's or $30 Huddlestons.

These will likely do just as good, but of course not every lure works for every environment/application/fish.

These at about $2 each are worth a shot.

I like good lure deals but the action on these (exact item can be bought for less on Ali). Is not great with variance as there are marked quality control issues. Some Ali Lures are spectacular for price but these aint it




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\n You're a fool if you buy these. Don't.\n

\n \n \n\n
\nAll these fishing deals just catch your money that's all","hideTimestamp":false,"timestampFormatted":"07-17-2024 at 07:25 PM.","isoDatetime":"2024-07-17T19:25:33-07:00","permalink":"/f/17635065-limited-time-deal-xblack-fishing-lures-5-99-at-xblack-via-amazon?p=171940032#post171940032","postId":171940032},"commentSectionCommentFooter":[],"commentIsHelpful":null,"commentGiveRepPopover":{"username":"wonkie","userAvatar":"/images/avatar-150.png","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"wonkie posted this comment. Say thanks"},"threadedReply":true},{"commentAuthor":{"avatarUrl":"/images/avatar/sd/redesign/Comment-Box.png","username":"MX400ex72","title":"L7: Teacher","joinDate":"Joined Aug 2016","postCount":2389,"profileUrl":"/member.php?userid=8377959","reputationPoints":391,"dropdown":{"giveRepLabel":"Give Rep","alreadyFollowed":false,"followUrl":"/forums/register.php?action_source=Follow+User","profileUrl":"/forums/member.php?u=8377959","sendMessageUrl":"/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=8377959"},"badges":[],"slickdealsVerified":false,"giveRepPopover":{"username":"MX400ex72","userAvatar":"/images/avatar/sd/redesign/Comment-Box.png","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"MX400ex72 posted this comment. Say thanks"}},"commentActions":{"postId":171941595,"replyUrl":"/forums/newreply.php?s=c1ebff3f33170694f32bddd76201e18e&do=newreply&p=171941595","canReport":false,"commentReactions":{"reaction":{"like":{"id":25,"label":"Like","count":0},"funny":{"id":47,"label":"Funny","count":0},"helpful":{"id":50,"label":"Helpful","count":0},"notHelpful":{"id":26,"label":"Not helpful","count":0}},"form":{"endpoint":"/forums/sdpostrate_ajax.php","method":"POST","inputs":{"ajax":1,"do":"sdpostratevote","postid":171941595,"vote":0,"commentReactionId":47,"controltype":"modern","securitytoken":"","action_source":"Comment Reactions"}}},"isOldPost":false,"directReply":true,"isMod":false,"replyCount":1},"commentContent":{"htmlContent":"

\n \n \n \n


\n Quote\n from BraveCabbage4346\n \n \n \n \n :\n

\n You're a fool if you buy these. Don't.\n


\nI've bought and used lures like this before and caught fish with them.
\nAs someone who is a sucker for any fishing deal, you're a fool to think you can only catch fish on $10 rapala's or $30 Huddlestons.
\nThese will likely do just as good, but of course not every lure works for every environment/application/fish.
\nThese at about $2 each are worth a shot.","hideTimestamp":false,"timestampFormatted":"07-17-2024 at 08:56 PM.","isoDatetime":"2024-07-17T20:56:35-07:00","permalink":"/f/17635065-limited-time-deal-xblack-fishing-lures-5-99-at-xblack-via-amazon?p=171941595#post171941595","postId":171941595},"commentSectionCommentFooter":[],"commentIsHelpful":null,"commentGiveRepPopover":{"username":"MX400ex72","userAvatar":"/images/avatar/sd/redesign/Comment-Box.png","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"MX400ex72 posted this comment. Say thanks"},"threadedReply":true},{"commentAuthor":{"avatarUrl":"/images/avatar-150.png","username":"RH7260","title":"L5: Journeyman","joinDate":"Joined Aug 2018","postCount":575,"profileUrl":"/member.php?userid=17077619","reputationPoints":108,"dropdown":{"giveRepLabel":"Give Rep","alreadyFollowed":false,"followUrl":"/forums/register.php?action_source=Follow+User","profileUrl":"/forums/member.php?u=17077619","sendMessageUrl":"/forums/private.php?do=newpm&u=17077619"},"badges":{"1":{"type":"pro","label":"Pro"}},"slickdealsVerified":false,"giveRepPopover":{"username":"RH7260","userAvatar":"/images/avatar-150.png","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"RH7260 posted this comment. Say thanks"}},"commentActions":{"postId":171942489,"replyUrl":"/forums/newreply.php?s=c1ebff3f33170694f32bddd76201e18e&do=newreply&p=171942489","canReport":false,"commentReactions":{"reaction":{"like":{"id":25,"label":"Like","count":0},"funny":{"id":47,"label":"Funny","count":0},"helpful":{"id":50,"label":"Helpful","count":0},"notHelpful":{"id":26,"label":"Not helpful","count":0}},"form":{"endpoint":"/forums/sdpostrate_ajax.php","method":"POST","inputs":{"ajax":1,"do":"sdpostratevote","postid":171942489,"vote":0,"commentReactionId":47,"controltype":"modern","securitytoken":"","action_source":"Comment Reactions"}}},"isOldPost":false,"directReply":true,"isMod":false},"commentContent":{"htmlContent":"

\n \n \n \n


\n Quote\n from MX400ex72\n \n \n \n \n :\n

\n I've bought and used lures like this before and caught fish with them.
\nAs someone who is a sucker for any fishing deal, you're a fool to think you can only catch fish on $10 rapala's or $30 Huddlestons.
\nThese will likely do just as good, but of course not every lure works for every environment/application/fish.
\nThese at about $2 each are worth a shot.\n


\nI like good lure deals but the action on these (exact item can be bought for less on Ali). Is not great with variance as there are marked quality control issues. Some Ali Lures are spectacular for price but these aint it","hideTimestamp":false,"timestampFormatted":"07-17-2024 at 09:59 PM.","isoDatetime":"2024-07-17T21:59:53-07:00","permalink":"/f/17635065-limited-time-deal-xblack-fishing-lures-5-99-at-xblack-via-amazon?p=171942489#post171942489","postId":171942489},"commentSectionCommentFooter":[],"commentIsHelpful":null,"commentGiveRepPopover":{"username":"RH7260","userAvatar":"/images/avatar-150.png","headline":"Say Thanks & Give Rep!","subtext":"","authorText":"RH7260 posted this comment. Say thanks"},"threadedReply":true}],"hasMoreReplies":false,"lastReplyId":171942489},"leaveAComment":{"avatarUrl":"/images/avatar-150.png","hiddenFormInputs":{"fromquickreply":true,"s":"c1ebff3f33170694f32bddd76201e18e","securitytoken":"guest","do":"postreply","t":17635065,"parseurl":true,"loggedinuser":false,"modern":true,"action_source":"Redesign Comment Inline-Reply","csrfToken":"7c6b3f81152cf200f88d672e241bf.PMUyga2DHzr6xjcfC4UgOK19oBmVCLYXOY_YLYt_3gQ.ev1LudzhcGyDoAV3c_cRS_wJ8CrZYsN6DeuoGsw5pGdbjkf0wsJQD5yHfg"}},"commentSectionFooter":{"hasComments":false,"showThreadClosed":false,"newCommentUrl":"/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&t=17635065","pagination":{"first":[],"previous":[],"next":[],"last":[],"numbers":[{"label":"1"}],"currentPage":1},"currentPage":1,"totalPages":1},"guestUser":true,"threadedComments":true,"threadId":17635065,"commentSort":"oldest","commentSearch":{"threadId":17635065}}); const hostElement = document.getElementById('63c1fe105047677ccea59108d129d0e9'); app.mount(hostElement); const scriptElm = document.querySelector("[data-vue-client='63c1fe105047677ccea59108d129d0e9']"); if (scriptElm) { scriptElm.remove(); } }; if (document.readyState === "loading") { document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", hydrate63c1fe105047677ccea59108d129d0e9); } else { hydrate63c1fe105047677ccea59108d129d0e9(); }

Limited-time deal: XBLACK Fishing Lures $5.99 at Xblack via Amazon (2025)


What is the best fishing lure for this time of year? ›

Temperature Based Bass Lure Selector Chart
Spring60-65Jig, plastics, spinnerbait, buzzbait
65-70Plastics, buzzbaits, frogs, spinnerbaits
Summer70-80+Big plastics, jigs, big spinnerbaits, deep diving crankbaits
75-70Punching baits, jigs, spinnerbaits, frogs, buzzbaits, swim jig
8 more rows
Feb 13, 2023

Are old fishing lures worth a lot of money? ›

There are a host of smaller companies that made lures as well, and even homemade folk art lures. There is a demand for all these types, but some are more valuable than others. The most valuable lures are usually made of wood and have glass eyes. Some very rare examples can be worth more than $20,000.

What fishing lure has caught the most fish? ›

What lures catch the most record fish?
Lure type# record fish
Plastic worm / grub195
6 more rows
Mar 26, 2022

What is the world's most expensive lure? ›

Giant Copper Haskell Minnow:

It's been a few years now but this one sold for over $100,000 at auction. It's the most expensive fishing lure in the world to ever be sold. Reportedly there is only one of these known to exist in this size. Haskell minnows in general are extremely rare and historic.

What is the best all round fishing lure? ›

Skirted jigs are the undisputed champ of the “year-round bait” category. They catch bass in 40 degree water and 90 degree water, in grass, rocks, wood, and open water. You can fish them in 2 feet deep or drag the bottom in 40. In the winter, hop a brown jig/craw combo along steep rocky banks.

What is the #1 best bait for bass? ›

For this reason, baitfish and crawfish are usually the most consistent types of live bait for catching bass because these are what bass usually eat in many different places. Other popular baits are frogs and worms.

What size lure is best? ›

When it comes to choosing what size lure to use, the best strategy is to match the hatch. Typically in the winter and spring, baitfish are smallest, so we use 3-4″ lures. In late summer and fall, the baitfish are at their biggest, so we normally bump it up to a 4-5″ lure.

What is the rarest fish to catch while fishing? ›

Of all the curiously uncommon gems Nevada has to offer, the Devils Hole pupfish is the rarest. In fact, it's the rarest fish in the entire world—and it can only be found here in the Silver State. Although there are many different kinds of pupfish, Cyprinodon diabolis has dwindled to between 100-200 specimens.

What is the most wanted fish to catch? ›

That said, check out this list of the world's top game fish before you cast your lines.
  1. Bluefin Tuna. For a good reason, bluefin tunas are a favorite catch among anglers on the east coast of the United States. ...
  2. Bass. ...
  3. White Sturgeon. ...
  4. Blue Marlin. ...
  5. Catfish. ...
  6. Trout. ...
  7. Crappie. ...
  8. Salmon.
Mar 2, 2023

Are old fishing lures worth any money? ›

They are expensive, especially the original box. Lures over 100 years old can demand a lot of money. Fly fishing lures can demand even more. From over $100 to over $1000 depending what type and if it is in an original box in very good condition.

What is the most used lure? ›

Jigs: Jigs are a type of lure with a weighted head on one end and a hook on the other. These are among the most common types of lures and are great for targeting bottom-dwelling fish species. They usually have a feather skirt or are shaped like a plastic grub.

What is the oldest fishing lure company? ›

In the late 1890s James Heddon launched a hand-made lure into a Dowagiac, Mich., pond and the ripples are still expanding. It marked the beginning of a new era – the artificial-lure fishing era – for all anglers. Established in 1898, Heddon Lures is the oldest lure company still producing quality fishing products.

What color lure should I use today? ›

The general rule for lure color is “bright day, light colors; dark day, dark colours.” On bright, sunny days and in clear water conditions, choose lures that are light in colouur and mimic natural patterns.

What is the best lure for fast current? ›

Shrimp Lure

A 1/16 ounce weighted hook or a smaller jighead is a great pairing for this lure. You should use a lighter jighead or weighted hook for this shrimp lure in high current because you are trying to mimic the behavior of a small shrimp getting washed away in the current.

What is the most successful lure? ›

Most of the best fishing lures are spoons, crankbaits, jigs, spinnerbaits, soft plastic lures, or flies. Simple, time-tested options of any of these types of lures will improve your angling experience and allow you to figure out what types of lures work best for the conditions you often fish in.

What color lures are fish most attracted to? ›

If you want to stand out, go for lures in bright greens and yellows, which will really stand out. Red Water. In red water, red, orange and yellow lures might actually get brighter or lighter in shade while blues and greens turn dark. So to catch a fish's attention, opt for red, orange, or yellow.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.